296 Tasting Notes
This was a tea I was sad to see go. I’ve been drinking this all week. I was able to get a good few gongfu steeps into my mug for this. I totally over-leafed on the very last of it, and the leftover pumpkin flakes were all over the place. The flavors were not as subdued as I thought they were going to be. The cider flavor was nice, if not a little faint, and reminded me of classic Christmas wassail. the pumpkin flakes were great, they still lent a nutty earthy pumpkin flavor that I love. This tea definitely made me wish it was fall already. It’s my favorite season of the year, and although it’s still like 108 degrees in Vegas, I can crank up the AC, put on a sweater, and a mug of this tea.
Flavors: Apple, Bread, Pumpkin
Boom Baby!
Wowza. It’s been a hot minute since I have last logged a tea! Too much has happened any life got in the way. Long story short, I dragged myself out of a bout of depression and just feeling so ‘stuck in the mud’ with my old managing job at a shitty breakfast joint to chase tea! Well, I suppose the tea chased me. I discovered over Instagram that Tealet was looking for a tea-savvy person, I applied (thinking it was in vain) got a Skype interview, got the job, and flew out to Vegas to learn how to sling tea, all within the course of two weeks. Toss a trip to Lake Tahoe, tea festivals, tea business meetings, and my Brother’s wedding to the mix and things got a little out of hand. I may still be unsure of where I will be from week to week, but it has been the weirdest, coolest, eye-opening experience of my short life.
Sorry for the rambles! /endrant. On to the tea! I am trying to sip down all my Butiki and test out new teas for the website. My tastebuds (and bladder, for that matter) are just going, ‘who do you think you are?’
This is much stronger on the grapefruit-y citrus than I had expected. It’s very zingy, I may have to cold-brew this to see how the tanginess applies to the tea when it is iced. Not very bergamotty (which is a word I just made up, okay?) but now that I think of it, was it supposed to be?
Bummed that I waited too long to try this. Although, the robust black tea is holding up just fine. I still have about 10g left. Better drink up!
Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus, Citrus Zest, Grapefruit, Orange, Orange Zest
Congrats! Sounds amazing!
Nope, wasn’t supposed to be too bergamotty. I only added that to round it out but I did notice a lot of reviews as if it was an earl grey. I went very heavy on the tangerine.
This was a sample from my last David’s Tea order. I was surprised at how peachy the dry leaf smelled! I was not expecting the large blossoms in this tea either. A nice touch.
Upon brewing this tea I got a lovely bouquet in addition to the peach and pear notes. I didn’t think I would like the jasmine in this, but I stand corrected! I wonder if this would be just as good iced?
Flavors: Floral, Jasmine, Peach, Pear, Vegetal
Made some iced tea out of a sample i received a whiiile back. It’s got some good points, the raspberry is bright and juicy without being tart and astringent, and the green tea is an excellent bed of vegetal fun. A decent iced tea, but I can’t see myself needed or wanting it ever again.
From the Matcha/Green TTB!
I kind of went by the packaging instructions, only I went for a cold version, rather than nuking the mix in some milk. This already has sugar in it, which happens to be the fist ingriedient. I like to mess around with the amount of sweetness in my own lattés, so I just shrugged that one off. There is also milk in this as well, which is off-putting, but I think it works. As if the carton of milk wasn’t milky enough? The strawberry is quite subdued. Like non-existent subdued. I think I smelled it before I took a sip? It wasn’t there in the ‘brew.’
Bummer. This could have been so much better.
Not so much instant matcha as it is sweet orange flavored green stuff. I liked it, but it was a kool-aid nostalgia thing for me. It was waaaay sweet and light on the matcha. Cool packaging though!
Phew. Sorry, but this tea is great, for realz.
I thought this was a darker oolong looking at the leaves, but this is a jade green beauty. So gud. So caramel. Yes.
This is a most excellent matcha and the most unique flavor profile I have ever come across. I would not hesitate to repurchase when I run out. craftsmanship at it’s finest.
Flavors: Bok Choy, Roasted, Seaweed, Smooth, Sweet, Umami, Vegetal