
Tea type
Black Tea
Kenyan Black Leaves, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan), Organic Orange Peel
Citrus, Orange, Bergamot, Citrus Zest, Grapefruit, Orange Zest
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by adagio breeze
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 394 ml

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18 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is good. A lot less bitter than I was expecting. My favourite part is the citrus which is decidedly orange. I really love how the orange elevates the tea and really brightens it up. I quite...” Read full tasting note
  • “This note is really just for personal use – I guess sealing this in a ziploc bag in the freezer after Butiki’s demise didn’t help the flavor any. There’s absolutely no citrus flavor or aroma left,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got this more for the name than anything else, as I have quite a few citrus teas kicking around in my cupboard in various incarnations. Army of Darkness was a classic movie from my childhood so...” Read full tasting note
  • “Boom Baby! Wowza. It’s been a hot minute since I have last logged a tea! Too much has happened any life got in the way. Long story short, I dragged myself out of a bout of depression and just...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Boomstick combines tangerine, grapefruit, and bergamot flavors with our Kenyan Obsidian tea and orange peel pieces for a citrus lovers dream. Each citrus flavor can be detected on its own but is also cohesive. This tea is a bit of an adventure as each sip has a different dominant flavor. The citrus flavor is not overly aggressive, with just a mild tartness. We highly recommend Boomstick as a breakfast tea.

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18 Tasting Notes

1190 tasting notes

This is good. A lot less bitter than I was expecting. My favourite part is the citrus which is decidedly orange. I really love how the orange elevates the tea and really brightens it up. I quite enjoy sipping this in the morning before I head to work. A solid offering from the now defunct Butiki Teas.

Flavors: Citrus, Orange

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249 tasting notes

This note is really just for personal use – I guess sealing this in a ziploc bag in the freezer after Butiki’s demise didn’t help the flavor any. There’s absolutely no citrus flavor or aroma left, just bitter black tea. That’s not their fault, and I won’t numerically rate this as it wouldn’t be fair.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec 3 tsp 14 OZ / 414 ML

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1908 tasting notes

I got this more for the name than anything else, as I have quite a few citrus teas kicking around in my cupboard in various incarnations. Army of Darkness was a classic movie from my childhood so there might be a teensy bit of nostalgia involved. ;)

The combination of citrus flavours is interesting and they mix quite well with the robust, slightly cocoa-y flavoured black tea base. The interesting part is that it’s not just an amorphous citrus flavour, I can distinctly taste orange, grapefruit, mandarin, etc. in each sip. Still it seems to me that something called "Boomstick’ should have a bit more fire to it.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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296 tasting notes

Boom Baby!

Wowza. It’s been a hot minute since I have last logged a tea! Too much has happened any life got in the way. Long story short, I dragged myself out of a bout of depression and just feeling so ‘stuck in the mud’ with my old managing job at a shitty breakfast joint to chase tea! Well, I suppose the tea chased me. I discovered over Instagram that Tealet was looking for a tea-savvy person, I applied (thinking it was in vain) got a Skype interview, got the job, and flew out to Vegas to learn how to sling tea, all within the course of two weeks. Toss a trip to Lake Tahoe, tea festivals, tea business meetings, and my Brother’s wedding to the mix and things got a little out of hand. I may still be unsure of where I will be from week to week, but it has been the weirdest, coolest, eye-opening experience of my short life.

Sorry for the rambles! /endrant. On to the tea! I am trying to sip down all my Butiki and test out new teas for the website. My tastebuds (and bladder, for that matter) are just going, ‘who do you think you are?’

This is much stronger on the grapefruit-y citrus than I had expected. It’s very zingy, I may have to cold-brew this to see how the tanginess applies to the tea when it is iced. Not very bergamotty (which is a word I just made up, okay?) but now that I think of it, was it supposed to be?

Bummed that I waited too long to try this. Although, the robust black tea is holding up just fine. I still have about 10g left. Better drink up!

Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus, Citrus Zest, Grapefruit, Orange, Orange Zest

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Sounds exciting! :)

carol who

Wonderful! Good luck!

Butiki Teas

Congrats! Sounds amazing!

Nope, wasn’t supposed to be too bergamotty. I only added that to round it out but I did notice a lot of reviews as if it was an earl grey. I went very heavy on the tangerine.


I think whenever someone sees bergamot, they think it will be the strongest flavor profile. I definitely thought this!

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333 tasting notes

This tea was pleasant, though all I got from, citrus-wise, was orange—it bore little resemblance to Earl Grey, as far as I could tell. Still, it was sweet and zesty, on a nice base—a good tea for first thing in the morning.

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1113 tasting notes

This does not taste good to me…
I’m not a fan of Kenyan tea or Assam tea so maybe that is it or it’s the astringent notes that rubs up and down the inside of my cheeks as I try to get them out of my mouth.



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424 tasting notes

That was a good one!


RIP citrusy boomstick

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553 tasting notes

I can’t tell you all how much I love the name of this tea. I have been in love with the Evil Dead Series and Ash (& Bruce Campbell) for years. I really liked this tea. This is one tasty Earl Grey. Not my favorite Earl Grey but up there on the list.

But lets be honest here. . .I would have bought this tea on the name alone.

Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus


I’d buy for the name too xD


Gotta love Ash!! :)


Hail to the King!

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16975 tasting notes

This is a queued tasting note.

Thank you VariaTEA for getting this one to me, and Kittenna for splitting it with me! It smelled so good dry, and I ended up making it yesterday morning for my breakfast tea on my day off. Mmmm! I’m pretty sure it’s Bear With Me who’s obsessed with Grapefruit EG so I’m happy to finally be getting the chance to taste an EG with grapefruit in it (you’ve gotten me super excited!), even if there are other additions too.

I actually find I’m tasting the tangerine more than anything else; it tastes exactly like the tangerine in Butiki’s Tangerine Creamsicle guayusa blend except while I really disliked the flavour in that blend I think it works perfectly here. It ties in better with the base tea, and has a lovely, mellow sweetness to it and just a touch of citrus pucker. The grapefruit notes are more in the body of the sip, and ave the faintest bit of bitterness but in a way that’s pleasant and natural for grapefruit.

The EG itself wasn’t as strong as expected and I found myself craving a little bit more from the tea. It mostly was apparent running alongside the grapefruit notes and in the aftertaste. It paired phenomenally with the grapefruit by the way; I can see why that pairing seems to be a successful one.

The base was nice but didn’t impart a whole lot of flavour; not that I necisarrily wanted it to dramatically affect the taste of the tea but it would’ve been nice if it had not have been as mild and I could have pinpointed some distinct note from it. This is a really nice breakfast tea though; I will absolutely enjoy finishing off my little bag of it!

Today’s word of the day is/was: defunct, which means “having finished the course of life or existence : dead, extinct”. How dreary…


One day I’ll get to Toronto and retrieve my teas… and pay VariaTEA… And send you yours… (ok, that last one is going to be sooner rather than later).

Roswell Strange

Pretty sure I owe you and VariaTEA money too :P But I’m not so concerned about the last of my Butiki teas making it to me; they get here when they get here :P


They will eventually. I should be working less as of May 1. I should actually have a couple evenings a week to enjoy my life/get things done :)


Haha I totally forgot that I never told you guys how much Butiki cost. I will soon though I’m really not too worried about you guys paying me back.


And Kittenna, I feel like I should just mail out boxes to you and indigobloom


I have it on my “owing people/people owing” list, but without an amount. It will all get sorted out, I’m sure. Would like to do a Toronto meetup soon, and then things for Roswell can be compiled (if people other than me have stuff to pass along).


VariaTEA – I am not that desperate for it, haha. Not with shipping prices the way they are, and how busy I’ve been. :D

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761 tasting notes

This is a nice earl grey, with a little extra citrus kick from the tangerine and grapefruit. It went well with milk too. I didn’t find the bergamot too strong, so that was nice. I enjoyed this. I’m debating how I want to use the rest of my sample from my friend. Hot again? Cold steep? I’m leaning to cold steep, but I have said that a lot lately, and somehow feel like I often say that, but then wind up with it hot again.

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