I had a panic moment at first when I poured in the water. “Shoot!”, I thought, “I forgot this has oolong in it too,” because I’d just poured 200 degree water over the leaves. I only have this as a sample size, and I’m making a big enough cup that I just dumped the lot into my infuser.
Worried I’d just scalded half the leaves in my cup, I looked up other tasting notes and was relieved to see that everyone else seems to have done either 200 degree or boiling water too. Phew.
The liquor is very pale. Taking a sip now, all I taste is … oolong. lol. No laoshan black, no chocolate, no toasted rice, just oolong. Which isn’t bad, I like oolong. The oolong used in this blend is one I’ve been wanting to try. But I kinda hoped to taste the aforementioned too. I’m wondering if maybe my sample wasn’t balanced enough with the other ingredients? None of the wet leaves look like Laoshan Black leaves really, and after drinking 8oz of that in a month and a half, I definitely know what they look like! xD
So erm, yeah. Enjoying the cup, even though it’s totally not what I was anticipating. (Again, I like oolong) I’m thinking I might grab a pouch of this on my next Verdant order to be safe though. I really think my sample might not have been balanced. The oolong is much gentler than a cup of Laoshan Black, so I’d imagine it’d overpower the oolong if anything, but I don’t taste it at all. Withholding rating until I’ve tried this another time.
(at least it’s not peppery ;) )