Blackberry Mojito

Tea type
Fruit Green Blend
Not available
Berry, Blackberry, Fruity, Green, Sour, Spearmint, Citrus, Mint, Apple, Hibiscus, Sweet, Tart, Lime, Sugar, Berries, Fruit Tree Flowers
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Edit tea info Last updated by Rebs
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 14 oz / 426 ml

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84 Tasting Notes View all

  • “A 1 min first infusion kept the hibiscus to a minimum, but in spite of being called “mojito”, which I would assume implies the presence of mint, I didn’t taste anything minty. Just a vaguely...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is another tea from Teavana that I tweak. I love the base of tart (but not bitter) blackberry and the subtle taste of lime and mint. But I go one step further and add more spearmint. It’s a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Weird that I have a tasting note from 9 months ago but it says last logged almost a year ago…I was like I know I took time off from this tea because I don’t really like it hot. I have a pitcher of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog 4/10 Alright well, this one isn’t TECHNICALLY a backlog because I cold steeped a huuuuge gallon pitcher and I still have a little left, but I made it a few days ago so that’s why I’m...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

Sweet mint uplifts succulent blackberries in this delicious flavored green tea. Refreshing spearmint and a medley of blackberries, raspberries, plum and apples combine perfectly with green tea for a delicious hot or iced brew.

A delicious source of antioxidants & contains EGCG complex
May help support the immune system
Use as part of a healthy diet to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels
Superfruit enhanced with blackberries & raspberries
Spearmint may help relieve occasional heartburn
Contains 5-10% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee

Use 1 teaspoon of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to 175 degrees (79 degrees Celsius) and steep for 2 minutes. For stronger flavor, use more tea leaves. 2oz of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons.

Ingredients:Apple pieces, green tea, hibiscus flowers, rosehip peels, blackberries, blackberry flavoring, raspberries, plum pieces (plum, rice flour), cactus blossoms, spearmint

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84 Tasting Notes

150 tasting notes

This tea is delicious iced! The berry flavor isn’t quite as strong as I’d like, but that may change after the tea has had a chance to steep overnight. I love the refreshing green tea and bright minty finish. I may need to take Meghann M’s suggestion and try it with a spot of rum :) Very tasty indeed.

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1406 tasting notes

This tea is actually quite delicious, however I can’t truly taste the tea in it. It’s reminding me a lot of Adagio’s Raspberry Patch in that it seems like a lovely hot fruit juice – minus the tartness of the raspberry in Raspberry Patch. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy that, but the tea flavour seems to be lost. I’m getting the blackberry flavour and I’m guessing some apple, which tones down the raspberry. I’m not really tasting any spearmint.

The second steep is slightly more toned down than the first, and I prefer it that way.

Thanks jessiwrites :)

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173 tasting notes

I had a girls night tonight (yay!) We had pizza for dinner, and chocolate fondue for dessert, all while watching Disney movies. So classy and romantic, I know ;p
I had made two different teas to serve cold, this and the sakura allure. I’m loving the mint in this, which I felt was missing the first time I had it. However the berry flavor was more muted. After a few sips I added some simple syrup to try and coax out some of that berry but no luck. The second steep had a more balanced flavor between the mint and the blackberry.

I am in love with the idea of this tea. Berry and mint? YUM! So if anyone has suggestions, feel free….

Flavors: Berries

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Classy, absolutely. Tazo, my black cat, and I watched The Aristocats yesterday. The meowing and barking held his attention!


Aww, we love that movie!!! We ended up watching Tangled, and The Lion King :)

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362 tasting notes

Thanks to the HoppiTea Swap, I am trying american teas. Apart from celestial seasonings, I had never had any american blends, or even found them for sale. So pretty happy to get a chance to try it. But is it just me observing this trend, or are american tea blenders obsessed with hibiscus?!?

KTT kindly picked a wide range of teas, which are not nominally hibiscus teas, but of the ones I have already tried it´s like almost all have hibiscus hidden there in some form! Even this which is green tea. I could not believe it when I brew it, hibiscus in green tea, but checking online, blender admits it. Hibiscus with green tea, is just not going to be my cup of tea, unfortunately.

I am biased about the hibiscus, I admit sometimes they can be used nicely, just feeling grumpy about it being a “surprise” ingredient in so many unexpected teas. This is a nice green tea, with the tang of the hibiscus mixing with the green tea. Reminded me a bit of Twinings´Green Tea with Cranberry ( though that one has no hibiscus, so less tart). I am very glad to have had a chance to try it, thank you very much Carolynne.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Glad you’re enjoying the selection – hibiscus or not! I too am not a fan of hibiscus (which = heartburn for me most times). I didn’t realize I’d sent you so much w/hibiscus! To make up for my faux pas, if you see any others in my cupboard you like, I’ll send them your way. (I’m a pro at international shipping now!)


aw come on, you could not have known! who would expect them to put hibiscus on green tea or white tea?

And admittedly it´s on pretty low dosages most of the times,I do not actually hate it, just getting a bit surprised at how often they use it. And yeah I am just extra paranoid about it – for me even when it is a little bit it seems to overpower the rest, but it can not work like that for everybody. About it being so prevalent in US teas, it makes me wonder, it might be an expectation from the market. Maybe it is related to the US being a market which probably makes a LOT of iced tea (an habit I am doing my best to pick!), and hibiscus might help give more body to iced tea.

And thank you very much for your very kind offer, but seriously, I still got lots of your teas to try or to try again, and I really must bring my tea stock under control.


Well the offer always stands… :)


Thank you yet again! Just wish me good international shipping karma – the hoppitea swap I sent has not arrived YET. My swappee says she is not worried, but I am very much!

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694 tasting notes

Every since drinking a cup of Blue Blanc, I have been craving a blueberry tea. This one has been hiding in my cupboard waiting for warmer days to have ice tea. I pulled it out and drank it hot tonight. I have always enjoyed this tea, but never understood how it got named “mojito”. No matter how I drink this, hot or cold, I do not get any hint of mint. I also am unable to pick out the green tea base, but this seems to be standard in Teavana teas for me.

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226 tasting notes

Went shopping today at Teavana! There were alot of teas that I’ve been wanting to try for a long while and since who knows when I’ll be able to tea shop next, I mind as well go now! I picked this because the concept of Mojito flavored tea intrigues me, and I wanted a green tea to drink tonight.

Well, I can’t say that I am impressed with this tea. Truthfully I am rather dissapointed. It doesn’t taste horrible, it tastes nice, but the flavor reminds me alot of Teavana’s other fruity teas. (Such as Peach berry Jasmine Sutra) I can’t help but think that with a longer steep that the flavor would come out a bit more, yet it says on the directions to only steep for a minute. Granted, even with that minute when I picked up the lid, the color was already a deep purplish red that looked lovely. While I have the feeling this would taste better iced, I will probably not buy this again.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec

yep, sooooo much better iced

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7 tasting notes

Steeped for 2 minutes at 175F, as per tin!

Inspection prior to steeping doesn’t seem to show a lot of green tea leaves, but a lot of dried fruit, which makes me wonder about the actual classification of this as a green tea blend.

That said, it tasted very nice, with a pleasant blackberry aroma. initially it tasted tart on the tounge but then the blackberry and apple came through, with a pleasant fresh aftertaste. I assume this was the mint catching me on the rebound, because I didn’t smell or taste it before or during imbibing.

The second steeping was a LOT weaker than the first run. The colour was also a lot paler, so I am guessing this is a one and done infusion, either that or I need to double the steeping time. The initial brew was a healthy purple and almost glowed in the sunlight.

That said, it made for a very pleasant drink, my main gripe would be I am slightly concerned about how much green tea I actually drank – which was the whole point of the exercise!


Hi there new person. This is one of the only Teavana tea’s I like. I tastes like real Blackberries to me if you steep it a long time. I used to pick berries with my kids in the Coast Mountains close to Santa Cruz California and both my daughter and I like this tea for those memories.


I can’t spell either. Er…I is it…oh well…welcome to Steepster!


Hello not-so-new person. I have just tried this cold-brewed for 24 hours in the fridge in a mason jar – a lot less cough droppy, a lot more subtle. Of course it helped that it was hot outside and my a/c was broken in my car.

Thanks for the hello!

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193 tasting notes

Spent a great afternoon shopping which included a visit to Teavana to pick up some new teas…. This is the first one I tried, it is a delicious light green tea. Blackberry is great with a touch of mint. The mint is not very strong. Very nicely done!

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24 tasting notes

What a lovely refreshing tea! i could drink this most any time. It is a soft and clean taste with a definite berry note. Other than having a very fresh taste, I don’t notice the mint or the apple. It could be served hot or cold.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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230 tasting notes

I drank the last of my stash of this tea today. Iced this was GREAT!

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