Dragon Lychee Pearls

Tea type
Black Tea
Chinese Black Tea, Lychee
Fruity, Lychee, Malt, Sweet, Floral, Honey, Pear, Rose, Flowers, Cocoa, Tea, Caramel, Smooth, Wood
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 5 g 10 oz / 301 ml

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33 Tasting Notes View all

  • “ Samurai TTB #13 Wow, these pearls are HUGE! The bag said to use “1 tsp”, which wasn’t really helpful, so I ended up using two pearls which nearly filled my infuser as they expanded. The resulting...” Read full tasting note
  • “The tea box is here and I randomly grabbed a tea to try. The pearls are pretty big, and I do like a strong morning cup, so I put three in and tried a quick 3 minute brew. This first steep smelled...” Read full tasting note
  • “I received this from Ost’s cupboard sale in summer 2018. I had about enough for a single cup so I brewed that up this morning. The tea is a lovely brown color and does have a nice fruity aroma. The...” Read full tasting note
  • “sample from evol ving ness this one was a resounding NOPE for me…i dunno what it was about the tea but between the aroma and the taste, i could drink it… oh well, can’t win ‘em all and i’ll...” Read full tasting note

From Tealyra

Lychee is an exotic tropical fruit that is incredibly popular in Asia! In ancient China, the lychee was a symbol for love, beauty, well-being, and sensuality! Lychee fruit is native to Southern China’s provinces of both Guangdong and Fujian. Since these are also famous tea growing regions, the combination of the two is only natural! Lychee fruit has a distinct floral aroma and a fragrant sweet taste; its perfume-like notes complement the black tea’s own floral flavor wonderfully. When steeped, our Dragon Lychee Pearls slowly unfurl in your cup, and produce light golden colored liquor that is absolutely irresistible! Studies have shown that black tea can help prevent cancer- it contains anti-cancer properties polyphenols. It kills off cancer causing cells while leaving healthy cells unaffected. It also slows down the growth of cancer cells. Enjoy Black Lychee straight, or iced for a refreshing fragrant treat!

Ingredients: Chinese Black Tea, Lychee Essence

Origin: China

Preparation: Use 1 tsp of tea per 8oz/200ml of water. Heat water to 205F/95C and steep for 3-4 minutes.

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33 Tasting Notes

50 tasting notes

I’m not really a fan of this one. It smells great, but the taste is nothing like lychee and it just makes for a confused tongue. The base is black tea and I think I’m more partial to greens and oolongs.

Flavors: Caramel, Honey, Lychee

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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894 tasting notes

Thanks to Lindsay for this sample.

These beautiful little pearls are uniformly rolled balls of black tea, and quite possibly the best smelling lychee tea I’ve ever encountered. Both dry and steeped, they smell intensely sweet and juicy. The lychee fragrance is very authentic, bit I’m reminded more of those lychee canned juices, or lychee bubble tea, than of just the fresh fruit.

I steeped 8 pearls in 8oz of 93C water. I think for about three minutes, but I had a timer failure, so I’m not sure.

This is delicious. The lychee flavour isn’t quite as in your face as the scent, but I really like it. It’s sweet and juicy and has that whole mouth flavour that lychees have and that I often find missing in lychee flavoured teas. The black base is apparent, with hints of malt and cocoa, and quite well balanced with the lychee.

Definitely a winner among lychee flavoured teas, and one that I can see buying.

Flavors: Cocoa, Lychee, Malt, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Ooo, they’re back in stock too! Except that I’m not buying more tea. No more. I still have some of this one left. lol.


Nice, I ought to pick these up when I eventually order for them.


These pearls are fantastic! Chocolate covered lychees!!


I’m so tempted :’)

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350 tasting notes

Oh man, now I wish I counted how many pearls I used for my cup! All I remember is measuring out a teaspoon, then adding one pearl, then removing a little one, to make 2.5g. It’s always fun to watch pearl teas unfurl as they steep, and this one expands into what seems like quite a lot of leaf! It has an amazing lychee smell as it steeps. The lychee flavour is quite strong – sweet and juicy and no weird artificial taste. I love lychees (though it has been years since I had a fresh one, boo) so perhaps it’s predictable that I would love this tea. The base tea is malty with a bit of cocoa. Very nice.

Flavors: Lychee

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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307 tasting notes

I’m not sure what it is about lychee flavoring on teas, but often it makes it smells…. cold? It’s certainly an odd property of the scent, and one that is much better diluted out over several infusions or in a pot rather than in a mug. Today I did two pearls in 16oz, and I did two infusions into a liter thermos. This helped diffuse the flavoring so you’re not overwhelmed with the lychee and can appreciate the black tea base more. I like it hot, but I kept leaving my desk and it was mostly cold when I managed to get back. I suppose the ‘coldness’ of the lychee flavoring also lends itself well to iced tea. It is the season, although my mom was telling me that it was miserly and raining all day in San Francisco, while at my work it was 77 while I was driving home and I told her I was melting.

I feel like next time I’m in the market I need to pick up some canned lychee. It’s been too long since I’ve had the fruit, and maybe I can put one or a few into a cup with this too.

Edit: it seems odd but I think since others have reviewed this tea, the form factor may have changed, because the pearls are maybe around a centimeter in diameter. I could be completely delusional to say that two pearls is equivalent to 1.5tsp/8oz, but it was quite enough tea to water in my opinion. The leaf certainly bloomed enough to make it look like a good 3-4 tsp in my infuser

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193 tasting notes

I don’t know why I continue to buy flavored blacks. They always sound so good on the website, so I buy them and then they get here and sit around until I force myself to drink them. You’d think I would eventually learn…

Anyway, Cameron just reviewed this one so it inspired me to take out my bag and try to get rid of some more of it. Now, I’ve never actually had a lychee before, so my only knowledge of the fruit comes from tea. I find it a bit floral, quite sweet and juicy. Almost grape like, but not quite. Honestly, I feel it would be more at home with a green tea, but it’s nice here too. It’s a very refreshing flavor that reminds me of summer. In this tea the flavoring overpowers the base a bit, but it still manages to be quite lovely. I probably won’t rebuy, but I greatly enjoy it whenever I make myself brew some.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Cameron B.

I still like Lychee Barley from Lupicia better! :D


lychee oolong from Butiki was fantastic…le sigh


I bet barley goes well with lychee. I’ll have to stick that one on my to-buy list

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4124 tasting notes

Another one from cookies! I’m excited to try this one, as I’ve heard good things about it from a few different people. I don’t have a ton of experience with lychee, but I really liked the Lychee Barley from Lupicia so I’m intent on trying more lychee-flavored teas! These pearls are about a centimeter in diameter, and they’re more loosely rolled than other pearls I’ve seen. Dry scent is strong, sweet lychee! I used eight pearls for my 8 ounces of water.

The steeped tea also smells strongly of lychee, but it’s not overwhelming. I can smell some cocoa notes as well. Wow, there is a lot of lychee going on here, and it’s very tasty. I would describe lychee as being sweet, juicy, floral, and slightly musky. The base tea has nice cocoa and malt flavors, and a touch of wood. Tasty!

Flavors: Cocoa, Floral, Lychee, Malt, Sweet, Wood

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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437 tasting notes

This tea is lovely with good fruity lychee notes that persist through many steepings over cocoa, butter, honey and malt. It has immediately gone on my wish list!

The pearls are about the size of a medium large natural pearl on a pearl necklace. The dark leaves are fairly tightly wound and are very fragrant. I used 7 of them in 150 ml of boiling water.

Once brewed the lychee is strong in scent, very fruity, slightly raisiny and a bit perfumy. The tea underneath smells of cocoa and a bready malt note and butter.

1.2 min: The flavour is soft and creamy, the lychee is very fruity with a hint of dried raisiny fruit among the lychee, there is a good note of honey, and cocoa and butter in the base. The flavours blend well together. The colour is ranging towards oak.

2 min. The tea has a more balanced blend between the fruit and base tea scents. The cocoa is stronger and the lychee smells rich and voluptuous.
The balance is well met between the originally listed flavours as well, with the lychee remaining strong, the honey intensifying and the cocoa and butter notes remaining uunderneath, but are strengthened. A grainy malt note is also becoming apparent.

3 min honey, lychee, cocoa, malt, butter
Lychee is slightly perfumy, cocoa,butter, mmalt, mineral note , opens up to lychee honey and cocoa.

5 min: lychee and honey dominate scent. The base has thinned out and the flavour is of lychee, honey, cream and malt. This steep is a little more tart than the others.

If you enjoy lychee this tea is well worth trying. Thanks JustJames for the sample!


I really like this one.


Sounds tasty.


It really is and the Lychee really lasts throughout the steeping.

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284 tasting notes

I must have forgotten to write about this in past tastings even though I just finished a bag. And not a sample bag either! I love these and I will miss them. I haven’t had a lot of lychee teas but this is a great one. With or without sugar, although I prefer with. I don’t like that I’m running out of a lot of favourites all at the same time because it means I must place a lot of different orders. Hard to do when one tries to adhere to a budget or allow only one order per month. Ha! How’s that for discipline?!?

These pearls are so good though. Great flavour, good base. A tea that makes you think about it even when you’re not with it. The pearls are also very cute to look at. Tiny, black aromatic marbles, not too small either. Perfect size! I don’t like stuff that looks like mouse droppings :)


LOL, having seen far too many mouse droppings in my day, I can’t say I’ve seen tea that reminds me of them. I can’t decide if that’s good or bad!


Big mouse? :) I know, really,I haven’t either. But some pearls are really small. Not these!


I think pearl teas are cute too :)

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390 tasting notes

grabbed this with the father’s day discount….. soooooooooo worth it! proper review will have to come later…. essay calling!!!! (48 hours from now i’m free for 5!) that didn’t used to be a big number….. somehow that changed?


Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

I’m glad someone else finally tasted this tea, it is sooooo gooood!


i loved it! so awesome!!!!! teafairy? you’re magic…… can’t you do something abut my essay? (=0) puh-leez?


Haha! Well unfortunately, my powers don’t reach to BC yet, I would have to be a much wiser and older fairy for that… But I can wish you good Fairy luck, it has been know to work…sometimes ;-)


you are a very kind fairy…. i’m tired. i don’t feel like writing 1200 words of sociology. i don’t wanna. i could be persuaded to write about tea…. =0) maybe. in exchange for a lovely cup. lol


But you must :-O
Oh, I’m sure you’d wish you had more than 1200 words if you’d be writing about tea!! I know I could write countless words about it :-)


gender, race, sexuality, inequality, parity, inequity and sexual identity. oof. no original thinking. all regurgitation from the text. i just don’t want to. i’m tired, lol. and obviously- i’m whining!


Me think you need to regurgitate some tea instead of existential words, just stop and have a nice cup :-) :-) :-)


Sounds good!

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359 tasting notes

Good morning Steepster!

When I woke up earlier, I had a lychee craving. I happen to have some in the fridge. And I happen to have these delicious lychee pearls, so why not create a lychee feast?

This tea is very unusual. I personally don’t know any other lychee Dragon Pearls.

They are big and fragrant, but not soapy. The taste is so juicy, just like plump lychee. I get this lovely chocolaty smooth and malty Yunnan taste which makes this lychee tea so different than all others out there. I get none of that heavy perfumed lychee after taste you get in most black lychee flavoured teas.

It’s like drinking chocolate lychees. Not that I ever had any, but I’m sure there must exist some chocolate lychees somewhere. After having this tea, I can totally see their sweet floral taste work perfectly well with dark slightly bitter chocolate.

(And I just realized I wrote the word lychee way to many times in this review)

I other news, today I’m seasoning another one of my Yixing clay pots. Fun times!


I LOVE lychees. I wish I had some in my fridge right now. I haven’t had any lychee tea yet, but I did recently acquire some Lychee Oolong from Butiki I need to try. I’m going to season a Special Dark pot and I think maybe do my other pot for shous that are not SD today and when my purple pot comes, have it for my straight blacks. The SD pot will be that new Mandala one with the bamboo design.


Chocolate lychee sounds really good!


MzPriss, Butuki is my favourite lychee tea ever! That oolong she’s using is spectacular on its own…and yay! You seem to have a good plan fir your pots :-)

Ck, I guess having this tea is the closest I can get to chocolate lychees for now!


I don’t think you wrote “lychee” too much – it’s a word I love to SAY leeeeeecheeee


Lol, it’s one of those words that will have me make funny noises too ;-)


Lycheeeeeeeeeeeee! Yum!

Which pot are you seasoning, TTF?

Also, good morning, my lovelies!!!!! I am making Alia for breakfast in my new black tea pot wheeeeeeee!!!!


I just finished some Snaily. I think I’m going to give the Dragon Balls another chance and try them the Stephanie way to see if I like them better


Mmmmm, will most certainly catch a cup of Aila soon as well! Let me how it turns out in your newly seasoned pot!!

I will season my green oolong pot. It’s much larger than my other pots, that’s why I chose it for oolongs.


Which ones MzPriss?


The Teavivre ones


We call those dragon poop.


It’s deeeeeeelish in the new pot, but was there a doubt that Alia would be good? :p


I’m trying to learn to love this dragon poop – but I’m not there yet. And of course there was no doubt the Alia would be good :D


OK the dragon poop is tasting a little fruity to me at the moment – I’m getting zero chocolate and zero malt. Maybe zero chocolate because I’m eating toast with chocolate almond butter?


Sars – does it taste different to you in the pot? And if so, how?


Well HoneyBelle, I’m not sure. I got enough for two cups from Cam, and I tried the first round in the new pot, yesterday. I liked them! I am really starting to think that there’s something to this whole thing about the clay influence. It was very smooth. I definitely found malt and cocoa.

Mmmmmmmmm choco almond butter!


The choco almond butter is new obsession. I was in my little hippie co-op grocery and you know those machines they have that are full of peanuts or almonds and you grind your own nut butter? They had one with chunks of roasted almonds and dark chocolate chunks. OMG – blissful. I’m having it on my Canadian Squirrely Bread – it’s full of nuts and seeds and is so good toasted. It’s in the frozen section at the co-op.


Squirrelly bread??? OMG. I want a hippie co-op.

Speaking of squirrels and Canada… Have you ever been and seen those huge black squirrels they have? The first time I was there, I saw one near the water out if the corner of my eye and couldn’t tell if it was a squirrel or a beaver. So I decided it must be a hybrid: The elusive Canadian Squeaver.

TTF: do they have these in your area?


I have never been to Canada. Yet.


Well when you go… Beware the Squeaver!!!!!


LOL I will be on the lookout


Haha! Sorry I was off the computer for a bit…dragon poop. And Squeavers!!!

Lol, yes, we have huge squirrels! And I have a thing for them. I even name them. This is the most special one. Mr. White. Very rare. Been around for the last four years.




this is especially awesome, Foxy, b/c the unofficial mascot of my mom’s town (Palmyra, PA) is an albino squirrel. They call him whitey and it’s quite the honor to see him frolicking in your yard. I see you’ve met his cousin. :p


Haha! So awesome :-)

hippiechick 42

What does lychee taste like?


Very hard to describe hippiechick. It’s very sweet and juicy, a bit like grapes can be, but a lot more perfumed.

Terri HarpLady

Dragon Lychee Pearls…this sounds amazing!
I have to agree, Butiki’s lychee oolong is the best lychee tea I’ve had so far.




It makes me think of the Anthony Bourdain episode in the bayou where they ate “sqweazel”.


(just for the record – considering some of you think I eat eat weird – or least unheard of things – squeever and sqweazel are not on the menu in my house)

hippiechick 42

Thanks teafairy, for the description. :)


Dex you can cover anything in yumyum sauce and make it good. :)


Squeavers are no laughing matter! They’re bloodthirsty beasts! They’ll bite your ankles off!!!! :p

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