Dragon Lychee Pearls

Tea type
Black Tea
Chinese Black Tea, Lychee
Fruity, Lychee, Malt, Sweet, Floral, Honey, Pear, Rose, Flowers, Cocoa, Tea, Caramel, Smooth, Wood
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 5 g 10 oz / 301 ml

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33 Tasting Notes View all

  • “ Samurai TTB #13 Wow, these pearls are HUGE! The bag said to use “1 tsp”, which wasn’t really helpful, so I ended up using two pearls which nearly filled my infuser as they expanded. The resulting...” Read full tasting note
  • “The tea box is here and I randomly grabbed a tea to try. The pearls are pretty big, and I do like a strong morning cup, so I put three in and tried a quick 3 minute brew. This first steep smelled...” Read full tasting note
  • “I received this from Ost’s cupboard sale in summer 2018. I had about enough for a single cup so I brewed that up this morning. The tea is a lovely brown color and does have a nice fruity aroma. The...” Read full tasting note
  • “sample from evol ving ness this one was a resounding NOPE for me…i dunno what it was about the tea but between the aroma and the taste, i could drink it… oh well, can’t win ‘em all and i’ll...” Read full tasting note

From Tealyra

Lychee is an exotic tropical fruit that is incredibly popular in Asia! In ancient China, the lychee was a symbol for love, beauty, well-being, and sensuality! Lychee fruit is native to Southern China’s provinces of both Guangdong and Fujian. Since these are also famous tea growing regions, the combination of the two is only natural! Lychee fruit has a distinct floral aroma and a fragrant sweet taste; its perfume-like notes complement the black tea’s own floral flavor wonderfully. When steeped, our Dragon Lychee Pearls slowly unfurl in your cup, and produce light golden colored liquor that is absolutely irresistible! Studies have shown that black tea can help prevent cancer- it contains anti-cancer properties polyphenols. It kills off cancer causing cells while leaving healthy cells unaffected. It also slows down the growth of cancer cells. Enjoy Black Lychee straight, or iced for a refreshing fragrant treat!

Ingredients: Chinese Black Tea, Lychee Essence

Origin: China

Preparation: Use 1 tsp of tea per 8oz/200ml of water. Heat water to 205F/95C and steep for 3-4 minutes.

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33 Tasting Notes

961 tasting notes

Samurai TTB #13

Wow, these pearls are HUGE! The bag said to use “1 tsp”, which wasn’t really helpful, so I ended up using two pearls which nearly filled my infuser as they expanded. The resulting brew was a lovely balance of sweet fruitiness from the lychee and rich maltiness from the base tea. A re-steep was lighter on the fruit flavor but still malty and delicious. I think I’ll be hanging on to this one!

Flavors: Fruity, Lychee, Malt, Sweet

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Mastress Alita

Those things are delicious.

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457 tasting notes

The tea box is here and I randomly grabbed a tea to try. The pearls are pretty big, and I do like a strong morning cup, so I put three in and tried a quick 3 minute brew. This first steep smelled like soap to me, something about the flowery component just didn’t seem that appetizing. The tea actually tasted better than it smelled, the soapy, flowery note was up front, but a cocoa note lingered as an aftertaste. The second steep for 5 minutes it still soapy, and some of the cocoa notes have faded.
Glad I got to try, but this one’s not for me.

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1241 tasting notes

I received this from Ost’s cupboard sale in summer 2018. I had about enough for a single cup so I brewed that up this morning. The tea is a lovely brown color and does have a nice fruity aroma.

The taste of the tea is slightly malty with some honeyed notes, but the lychee flavor fills out strongly in the brew. I really love the taste of lychee, I get strong notes of pear and rose. The fruitiness and florality leave a lot of sweetness in the brew and the tea is very smooth. I think I enjoy Art of Tea’s Lychee Peach a bit more, but the age of this sample might have something to do with that; fresh, it could easily be on par with that one for me. Even aged, it is still a very enjoyable cuppa.

Thanks for the sample!

Flavors: Floral, Fruity, Honey, Lychee, Malt, Pear, Rose

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

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15267 tasting notes

sample from evol ving ness this one was a resounding NOPE for me…i dunno what it was about the tea but between the aroma and the taste, i could drink it… oh well, can’t win ‘em all and i’ll happily shre what i have left with folks since lots of others seem to have enjoyed them!

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2238 tasting notes

Finally getting around to trying this one. It’s been in my cupboard long enough, that’s for sure. I followed the recommended parameters, and used 1.5 tsp of pearls (which amounted to 12, some smaller than others). I gave them 3.5 minutes in boiling water, no additions.

I’d heard a lot of good things about this one, and fortunately it’s as delicious as I hoped. It has a strong, fruity, juicy lychee flavour right up front, followed by the smooth, malty chocolatey flavour of the black tea base. It’s an amazing combination! Although the lychee is strong, it’s not overpowering or cloying, which is always a bonus when it comes to flavoured teas. I wish more things were lychee flavoured, actually. I think it could only improve my life, in all honesty.

I have some of Tealux’s unflavoured Black Dragon Pearls to try next, and it’ll be interesting to see how they compare with both this blend and with the Teavivre pearls I tried a while back. I love that there are still new tea discoveries to be made, even though I’ve rated 900-odd individual teas in my two years on here. Hooray for new tea adventures (and more lychee!)

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp

This sounds fantastic, and you’ve just reminded me that I already have this on my wish list haha.

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19 tasting notes

Pure fragrant lychee with its distinctive floral sweetness together with pure black tea. This is delicious!

Flavors: Flowers, Lychee

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16384 tasting notes

This is a queued tasting note.

This tea comes from Liquid Proust’s stash sale! A while back we were talking lychee teas and he highly recommended this one to me, so when I saw he was selling it I had to jump on the chance to try it!

I made this in a teacup, using five of the tiny little pearls, and resteeped it twice after the initial infusion. The first was very smooth with an incredibly light, bright and juicy lychee/floral top not practically bouncing off notes of malt, cocoa, and honey from the base tea that composed the body of the sip. It was absolutely delicious, and the juxtaposition of flavour was quite lovely and intense. Subsequent infusions were much the same, though we the lychee flavour fading fairly substantially throughout infusions. The more it faded, however, the more I noticed the floral and honey notes.

Truly, this was a wonderful tea though. Quite worthy of LP’s praise, for sure. I particularly loved the intensity of the lychee flavour that definitely stayed true to the flavour of actual lychee fruit. Mmm!


Wow, didn’t know lychee tea existed! I love the taste of lychee as well, might have to look into this.


also if you get good ‘mi lan’ dan cong oolong (my fave is jingteashop but other vendors will have good ones), or ‘golden lily’ oolong from whispering pines both have lychee flavour. Delicious stuff. The golden lily is 100% guaranteed lychee fruity tropical flavours


Im amazed that its just tea sometimes

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1113 tasting notes

My best friend came over last night and we picked out five pretty high end teas to drink with this included. We only ended up drinking three because we resteeped this tea four different times. This is one sneaky tea,who would of known it was a black tea by tasting it?
Water at 205f poured right over these guys. The lychee is strong and last throughout the steeps.
Now I want to know where I can find me some black pearls without jasmine in them so I can start to play with them.



Liquid Proust

Have you seen these? They are very different and I have yet to see a tea like it. There is no gold strands in them, pure dark and very smooth with no cocoa or brisk flavor.


Nope. I only have Teavivre. But they are flavor free if you want to experiment

Liquid Proust

Which ones…? Price is important too because everything I buy for my company is 1kg which is why I buy direct now. All my findings have been the golden/black pearls that have cocoa notes to them which wouldn’t work for a sweeter/fruitier


I love this one! Especially how it just keep going and going…

Zen Teas have a black phoenix pearl that isn’t scented, but that one is kind of cocoa-y.

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296 tasting notes

Nice, easy and yummy! This is a simple flavored tea, and I like how easy it is to brew! I usually use like 6-ish pearls tossed in a pint glass at work. Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but daymn it is good! The lychee note is spot on, not artificial to me at all. The black tea takes a back seat, but it does compliment the lychee really well. Like chocolate covered lychees, yasss!

Full review here:

Flavors: Cocoa, Lychee, Malt

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1 tasting notes

I wanted to try these after having the Black Dragon Pearls from Teavana. I got them in my first Tealux order and I like them; the lychee isn’t overly prominent but it’s there and the base tea is good. What I’m wondering though is what people’s experiences have been with resteeping this tea. I usually steep the other Black Dragon Pearls three times but I’m not sure yet how these will hold up. I’m on my second steep right now, so we’ll see I guess! But I’d love to hear others’ experience with resteeping this one.

Edit: Second and third steeps were good!

Flavors: Cocoa, Lychee, Tea

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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