Caramel Apple

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
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Caramel, Red Apple, Apple, Smooth, Sweet, Tart
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Edit tea info Last updated by EveInOrbit
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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11 Tasting Notes View all

From Market Spice

“It tastes and smells just like a traditional caramel apple.”

Ingredients: Hunan Black Tea, Lemon Peel, Caramel and Apple Flavoring.

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11 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

It seems like I am the first to leave a tasting note. This is so much pressure but here goes nothing…

When I experience teas from a new company, I am always a bit hesitant that I won’t like it. That doesn’t stop me from trying because you never know unless you try. I think if I expect the worst, than I am always pleasantly surprised (and very occasionally not-so-pleasantly justified). This is definitely a pleasant surprise that I got to try courtesy of Eva.

The black base is smooth and muted, leaving room for the caramel apple to shine. Honestly, this is like a slightly less sweet version of the tasty caramel apple chips by Seneca (the company, not the college: However, whereas with the chip it is clear you are having caramel and you are having apple, in this cup, the two flavors blend together for a sweet and yet fresh tasting cup. Thank you for sharing Eva! I was definitely pleased with this tea :)

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

It’s one of their “better” ones. The next time I make a drive into Seattle, I’ll pick up some that you haven’t tried and send a little surprise pack (the surprise part being the timelines).


-forgot to add that I’m glad you like it!


Haha. That is so sweet. Honestly I was nervous but really happy with it. I made it at the same time I made a Butiki tea and this was the preferred of the two. I am really glad I have another cup worth. Thanks again :). Hopefully you are happy with your teas as well.


Mmmmm…this sounds delicious.


VariaTea YES, I love them! I’ve yet to try the caramel but the Forever Nuts is so good that I shouldn’t trust myself to drink and drive with it. ;) Thank you!


Haha. Yay! I am glad you like it. I really liked it at first and then it was like a switch flipped and I couldn’t even smell it anymore. I am happy it was sent somewhere where it is being appreciated.


interesting tea. Looks like they have an online presence as well…another company to bookmark heh


I had a bunch of samples brought over from a friend, and overall I wasn’t that impressed by the company…

This one does sound pretty good though!

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12 tasting notes

From the description on the site: “A cup of this tea will take you back to the amusement park! It tastes and smells just like a traditional caramel apple.”

I just- don’t get that? Maybe because I was expecting this tea to be sweeter, but I don’t feel any nostalgia or feel like this is reminiscent of a caramel apple.
This tea is not for me.

Ingredients: Hunan Black Tea, Lemon Peel, Caramel and Apple Flavoring.

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493 tasting notes

The tea box is here! So many teas to choose from I don’t know where to start. I initially brewed this for 3 minutes and didn’t like the result, so put the leaf back in my cup for another few minutes. It helped a lot, and now as it has cooled the caramel flavor is coming out. Not a whole lot of apple here, maybe as an aftertaste? I’m not sure how to rate this tea, as a flavored tea I’m sure it would be nice with some sugar or honey, but I rarely put in sweetener so maybe this one’s not for me.

Flavors: Caramel

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1968 tasting notes

Advent day 6! A very nice, strong caramel aroma coming through the bag. The caramel is the dominant flavor, but the candy-like apple is definitely present in the aftertaste.

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15620 tasting notes

HGTTB caramel? Yes. Apple? not really. I did brew this at the lower temp suggested on the bag and i’m glad I did as i’m fearful that at boiling this would be overly bitter and undrinkable. At 180 it’s pleasant enough but just not really very caramelly or appley. It’s a decent cup though and as always i love trying new teas :)

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199 tasting notes

Cooking TTB #17

I’ve tried a few caramel apple teas this fall and haven’t been impressed with any of them until now. This actually left me feeling pretty satisfied! The sweetness was finally identifiable as caramel instead of just sweet apple and the apple wasn’t the tart green type I’ve found in others. It tasted like gala apple slices dipped in caramel sauce, while all the others have tasted much more like those fluorescently green lollipops you get around Halloween.

Flavors: Caramel, Red Apple

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1013 tasting notes

Cooking TTB #3

This is exactly what the name promises…a cupful sweet, fruity, caramel goodness! The base is nice and smooth and doesn’t compete with the other flavors. I’m going to be keeping this one!

Flavors: Apple, Caramel, Smooth

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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894 tasting notes

From the Cooking TTB.

Hmm, not bad. The dry leaf smells like caramel apple, and the flavour reflects these notes as well. I wanted this a little sweeter than it was naturally, so I added half a teaspoon of sugar and it became quite sweet.

This tea delivers on what it promises but I’m not wowed.

Flavors: Apple, Caramel, Sweet, Tart

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1331 tasting notes

It’s good but not great. Not the best caramel flavor, I think. Much better cold. I’ll have to drink this one a few more times to be sure.

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345 tasting notes

Thanks Eva! I never would have thought to try this because the few apple teas I have tried did not smell or taste that great (bag tea). The dry leave smells like fresh sweet apples and it taste like a tangy apple dipped in a little caramel and still smells wonderful, I keep sticking my nose in the cup because I can’t believe how good this smells compared to the other teas I have tried and I bet this taste even better with a tiny bit of sugar.

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