Got this in a puerh starter-package from LP quite a while ago. Used the whole 4.5g in a 100mL gaiwan. Aroma was kind of bitter vegetal with a hint of smoke – not enough to worry me or anything though.
First steep I got some vegetal bitterness and spiciness with apricot and slight wisp of smoke in the aftertaste. Next steep, the vegetal flavor reminded me more specifically of asparagus and the apricot afteraste got a little sweeter – same otherwise. Over the next couple steeps, the bitterness mostly left, and the fruitiness came to the fore with a light smoky aftertaste. The next 5 steeps or so were pretty consistent, with a distinct peach flavor followed by the same smoky aftertaste. The tea had pretty decent body to it. For these steeps it seriously tasted almost exactly like that Arizona Peach tea you can get in a can, but without the crazy sugar levels.
I got about a dozen good steeps off of this tea, and I did go decently light on the leaf. Not sure if it’s the same as the Wild Monk cakes currently available on Mandala’s site, but when I finally get around to making an order with them, I’ll be sure to at least get some more to try. This was pretty good.
I didn’t get much body feeling from this tea. The early steeps gave a slight buzzing feeling on the tongue, but other than that, no noticeable qi or anything for me. Possibly due to lighter leaf, but this one might just not possess those qualities.
Flavors: Fruity, Peach, Smoke, Spices, Vegetal
Hi Doug! Thanks for writing up your thoughts on this tea! This particular mao cha is the autumn 2013 picked. Great stuff now, better in 1 year. I just had 500 cakes of this same mao cha pressed into pu’er in China. If you haven’t tried the Wild Monk cake from spring 2012, I recommend it. Our customers are flying through it here, but we still have 200 or so cakes left. Definitely worth the try. You will see differences and similarities between it and what you are sipping right now.
It’s what I drank before and after my 6 mile cold and snowy run this morning. It kept me feeling light and strong!
Hi Garret, I do have the small cake, but I wanted to try it again before writing a review. Maybe this evening after I make my way home in yet another snowstorm.