
Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Cookie, Rich, Almond, Butter, Cream, Sweet, Astringent, Creamy, Vanilla, Nutty, Caramel, Malt, Brown Sugar, Cheesecake, Toffee, Artificial, Hazelnut, Bitter, Cake, Coffee, Molasses, Thick, Burnt Sugar, Chestnut, Nuts, Spices, Cinnamon
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 4 g 15 oz / 454 ml

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198 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Stuff has a tendency to add up and I don’t want to stand here in a few months with the realization I would need 8 full boxes to escape with even half my stuff. So I’m doing the responsible thing...” Read full tasting note
  • “Lupicia is convinced, convinced that I want a lot of individual sachets of Cookie sent directly to me, whenever convienant. Well, they are not far wrong. Its a really nice blend, a buttery little...” Read full tasting note
  • “Good day Steepster… I had kind of a rough morning, I was over at my boyfriend’s house in Berkeley and woke up with itchy hives again. Decided to go home and take some Benadryl and that seems to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks Azzrian for a sample of this one, which I have apparently yet to try! The dry leaf smells quite interesting – very rich, malty and sweet. It looked to me like this could be a CTC tea/blend,...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

COOKIE is a sweet-scented black tea inspired by caramel cookies hot out of the oven. Finely-chopped almonds are blended to add extra flavor. It may sound sweet, but the flavor is delightfully light. Its natural sweetness becomes more prominent with added milk.

How to brew this tea
One 150ml (5.0 fl oz) cup
Infusion: 1-2 cups

Amount of tea leaves: 2.5 – 3g (0.10oz)
Water temperature: Boiling water
Brewing time: 2 – 2.5 minutes

About Lupicia View company

Company description not available.

198 Tasting Notes

16967 tasting notes

Sipdown (190/194)!

Catching up on Big Brother: I need to watch last night’s episode and tonight’s. I can’t believe my beloved reality favourite will be coming to a close in just one week! Ahhh!

But what goes best with reality TV? Well, a hot cuppa tea of course! This was an easy sipdown so I took it: I was hoping for a black blend to change around the negative streak of black teas I’ve had today – and this one just smells so damn good. It’s just like a batch of cookies straight out of the oven filling up your kitchen or, in this case, my living room/bedroom.

Buuutttttt… that’s sadly where the yummy ends. This tastes really harsh and bitter and has lost all the yum, despite still smelling really good! Basically, it’s like those delicious hot, fresh cookies turned out the be burnt! Eww – bitterness. I’m crying foul! And, I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority too: this one is pretty much a beloved Steepster favourite.

Oh well: I am glad I tried it so thank you VariaTEA for the sample! Now I know it’s not for me and that saves me some time, effort, and potentially money trying to get ahold of it. For now I think I’ll cradle the last bit in my arms and feel the warmth and smell the delicious…

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

oh no. that’s so sad :(


I am sorry you didn’t like this. So many people have been kind enough to share it with me that I thought I would send you some to try given how much most people, including myself, enjoy it. Oh well, you can’t like them all (well you could but your wallet would be quite sad :P).




I have a post on this in the queue. Not posted yet. But I definitely had the same burnt experience of it that you did. And it’s not a temperature thing when brewing because I never use boiling water on a flavoured tea. It just is that way. The base is far too roasty in my opinion.

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95 tasting notes

A little disappointed with this one. It smells amazing, in fact, like a cookie, but because it smells so good the taste was a bit of a let down. It’s not that it tastes bad, it just doesn’t compare to the scent. More or less just a black tea-y tasting tea to me with a bit of cream added. Sometimes I add a few crystals of rock sugar. I actually get more of a caramel taste as the cup cools, but I don’t like lukewarm black tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I have some of this on the way, I was a little skeptical about it but curiosity got the best of me!
I know what you mean about the let down part, to me, that’s what happens most of the time with flavoured tea. Just drank their Melon Oolong though, that one is spot on!


Yea, I got hooked in by the reviews for it so I gave it a try. Flavored teas generally work for me, but the hunt for a chocolate tea to replace David’s Teas Chocolate Cake has been a failure. Maybe I have too high of standards.

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814 tasting notes

YESTERDAY WAS MY 2 year Steepsterversary!

i chose this tea because, cookies!

it’s a really interesting flavor, actually not what i expected. but yum. and i will maybe buy some. but even if i don’t get this tea, i will definitely be placing a Lupicia order soon. the infinitely kind and generous jump62359 sent me some MORE Lupicia and Davids samples last week. and then we proceeded to have a heres-a-pic-of-my-swap-samples-stash competition via text. and this is a competition that we both win!

i am still Avengers obsessed. The Cap2 movie killed me. and with my new short haircut i can easily cosplay a drag-Hawkguy or Maria Hill for a future con.
i have resorted to buying trade comics on a regular basis for the first time in my life (Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Secret Avengers) and i love them so much. i take pics of panels with my phone and text them to friends who are forgiving and humor me out of love. and yes the theme song for The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes pops in my head everyday and i hate-sing it as i annoy myself. :)
i have started compiling a list of the Avengers story lines i’d like to read, but if by some strange chance any of you have read some and have a recommendation please share!


Comics and tea! W00t!


Happy Steepsterversary! :)


Hmmm, in what way was this tea not what you expected? and, happy steepsterversary!


Dude. I totally organized my tea on my shelf but then… I drank a whole bunch and now it’s just a freakin pile that looks terrible haha.
But I’m quite honoured that you decided to celebrate with my tea <33


Happy steepsterversary! And many more!


hey keychange! i guess cuz the description doesn’t really say anything about it, i just assumed it would taste a bit more bready and i wasn’t expecting it to taste kinda toasty the way it did to me. that said, the toasted notes actually make it stand out as unique among the large selection of dessert themed teas that are out there. so that’s a nice twist :)

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155 tasting notes

I got this as a sample with my Lupicia order so I thought why not? Why not is because OMG this is just NOT for me :(


What didn’t you like about it? I have had my eye on that one since I have seen so many good reviews.


OH you should never ever judge a flavored tea by a review from me. I’m not a flavored tea person. Flavored tea people LOVE this tea and if you are one it will probably make you very very happy.


i’m in between with this one. the widespread love for it i don’t really get at all—i don’t think it’s a bad flavored tea, but it’s just kind of meh. it’s funny how much tastes can vary.


See for me, I had this tea yesterday and LOVED it.
It tasted a bit like burnt caramel cookies, without the bitterness. Whenever I make cookies, I always leave them in the oven for a little while longer so I think that’s why I really like this tea!


oooh, I definitely like it :)


i can kind of see that now that you mention it jump62359, the burnt caramel cookie thing! i hadn’t thought of that. huh…

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726 tasting notes

Think freshly baked caramel cookies. Now take those cookies and leave them in the oven for just a little while longer. Not burnt, but it has that bite of flavour. And not like just regular cookies with a glop of caramel on top, but like the type of cookie that has caramel oozing in the middle. This tea is so freakin good and I need to keep it in my cupboard for forever

Okay let me tell you a thing.
This tea.
When I left for college (nearly 3 years ago), my mom put together a cute little care package for me and it had a wee sachet of this tea. Three years before, I had chocolate tea from Trader Joe’s and IT WAS PRETTY FREAKIN NASTY so I just stuck to various green teas. I did not touch that sachet of Cookie because I was afraid that it was going to be as gross as that other chocolate tea. And this is why it took me freakin forever to try flavoured teas. Like seriously. For nearly 10 years of my life, all I drank was jasmine tea, and the occasional genmaicha when I ate out at japanese restaurants.
I completely regret my previous thoughts about flavoured teas, especially this one because apparently if you’re going to get tea from Lupicia, it’s going to be this one (from what I’ve heard). This was the first tea that was in the monthly newsletter when my mom first signed up all those years ago, and this was the tea that I took with me to college. Did I try it? Nope because I was a pansycake.

WITH THAT BEING SAID. IT IS TIME. I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR SO LONG??? Everyone says it’s good and I’ve finally let it cool down enough so it wouldn’t burn my mouth.
Dude. It legit tastes like caramel cookies okay. This tea is so freakin good, and I added milk with it which made it soooooo much better.

((rearranged this tasting not to have the actual tasting note bit at the top because of the pull quotes and whatnot. I saw a thread on this a while back and figured I’ll have to put the review at the top, then the backstory stuck at the bottom.))

Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Molasses

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec 3 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

YAY!! I am glad you tried this one again and liked it. I knew you would :)


Dude. I’ve gone through so many tea sprees in the past week and I’m expecting swaps to arrive soon and I’m just trying to catch up to everything.
So many WONDERFUL teas, so little time!


That is a great story. I give it an A+.

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13 tasting notes

This is a fun tea. My daily beverage is usually the weakest earl grey with, if anything, honey, but this warmly flavoured black is clearly to be drunk with milk and sugar. Why not.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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1598 tasting notes

And that did NOT last long. (221)
To be fair, I only had two bags, but I am SO GRATEFUL that Sil was generous enough to share, and that someone gave them to her in the first place. <3

I swear I can smell oreo cookie/cream while I drink this, which is crazy because this tea is not oreo chocolate at all, but caramel and sweetness. I could probably drink multiple cups of this.

So, new rule: I’m not placing a Lupicia order UNLESS I can get some Cookie. /puts foot down/ :D


Isn’t it though? So tasty


I have some of this loose leaf and Sil was also kind enough to send me a teabag. I wonder how the two compare…


I’m going to pull a Sil, screw it, and just go to Hawaii once I graduate haha.


Lol why Hawaii?


Well, a) I haven’t been there before and I’ve been planning to go there anyway, and b) Lupicia! Checking it out in person would be cool.


lupicia is in san fran too… but if you’re going to hawaii…you just let me know…though on trip related notes… disney is doing northern europe next year (denmark, iceland, russia etc…) and i WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!! poop.


Oh yeah, I was tempted with San Francisco too! I recently learned that Victoria really closely resembled San Fran in the 1800s so it would be cool to compare them now.

And you did NOT have to tell me that. I’ve never been interested in Disneyland before, but hello? Scandinavia? Damn you, Disney.


Disney cruises are my favourite. Esp as an adult with no kids who loves kids. can you say adult only areas that aren’t jam packed? heyyya!

also… we did pixar disney cruise that included san fran a couple year back.. BEST.TIME.EVER. san francisco! pixar! WOOOOT!


Ah, cruises! I thought you meant that Disneyland/world was going to feature some random Northern Europe theme. I totally forgot they had a cruise line. I’ve never actually been on a cruise before. My mom and I were considering Viking River cruises. Because Vikings. ;)


i’ve been on SEVEN disney cruises. I pretty much was like wtf, who would do that…that sounds stupid. and then my friends made me go on one.


Sil, if you do go and find you wind up in Denmark, do let me know your whereabouts. If it’s near where I live, perhaps we could meet up. (If you want to)


Angrboda! Of course I want to! Oh that would be awesome :) I’ll keep you posted heh

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6444 tasting notes

I handed in a final assignment that I have been working on all day, and as a result, I decided to have a celebratory cookie. Definitely a good plan. It is buttery and crisp and has just the right amount of caramel. Plus, the base gives it a little bit of a well done quality that really makes everything reminiscent of a perfectly baked cookie with a slightly crunchy edge and a soft, chewy middle. Yum!! Thank you to both Kat_Maria and Dustin for supplying me with this tea!! You guys are both awesome :)

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15588 tasting notes

farewell cookie! you were wonderful while you lasted! I will meet you again :) Today i’m getting a deliciously burnt sugar sort of tasty cookie cup in this mug. Looking forward to the day that i can finally get some of this in loose leaf form :)

Final Count: 139 (now a whooolllleeee month to get to 125/120) woohoo!


Mmm, burnt sugar! :)


OMG. Coongrats on 139!

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70 tasting notes

Heeeey, this is kinda tasty. The smell of the dry leaf was so strong I worried about whether it’d taste like a melted Yankee Candle, but it mellowed out and was quite pleasant with cream and sugar. Yes cookie, yes tea. Wouldn’t drink it plain, but it’s a nice dessert.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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