Té de Frutas

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Floral, Fruity, Lychee, Malt, Rose, Smooth, Stonefruit, Tannin, Peach, Strawberry, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by __Morgana__
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 30 sec 15 oz / 442 ml

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35 Tasting Notes View all

  • “SIPDOWN! So i won’t make it to 205 but at least i can get under 210 this weekend. Not that it will mean much because there is tea on the way! hahaha. This is one of my older teas, so i’m glad to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown #7, ending the day at 311 teas, I think. They may not be entirely accurate, actually, because there were a few teas I restocked from Butiki, but I’ll settle out the numbers at the end of...” Read full tasting note
  • “I can’t honestly say that I recall the last time I had a decaffeinated tea, and I generally don’t bother, but when Sil opened up the bag of this for me to sniff, the amazingly delicious smell of...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea packs a wallop when you open the package….your nose will be very happy and hopeful. There is lychee in this tea as well as other fruity notes. But alas, when you step this, you’ll wish...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

Decaffeinated black tea flavored with strawberries, peaches and lychees.

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35 Tasting Notes

83 tasting notes

This tea smells like fresh peach with a hint of rose. It smells more like real peach than other teas. Unsweetened, it’s mild with a hint of peach at the end, with floral notes. Sweetened, the peach and rose flavors are not that strong, but they are recognizable. It has a similar taste to the Napa Blanc with its balance of fruits and florals, though I find that I prefer the latter. It’s a fairly good rose tea, but now that I’ve consumed several rose teas, I think I might not enjoy them as much as I thought I would. If the flavor was closer to the smell, I think I would enjoy it more.

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4248 tasting notes

Thank you Maria for the sale a while back! I love the tiny little flowers in the blend. This certainly doesn’t taste like decaf, just a lighter black tea. But that works for the lovely flavors. The scent of the dry leaves is identical to the flavor: mostly lychee and sweet strawberry. Not really peach to me. Very tasty, crisp and refreshing. Not a boring decaf at all! I should have more to say about this one with so many elements to it…
Steep #1 // just boiled // 3 min


this is really good for a decaf…

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687 tasting notes

I was able to visit a store again! :) The clerk was very nice. She made me a sample of this tea. This is French for ‘Fruit Tea’, which is a really good name. This is certainly a fruity too. Scent- I get mostly lychee, and some strawberry. Flavour- It is sweet, with strong notes of lychee, the strawberry and peach flavours are more subtle.

Flavors: Fruity, Lychee, Peach, Strawberry, Sweet

Cameron B.

Definitely not French. I looked it up, turns out it’s Spanish.

Lariel of Lórien

It looks so French though.

Cameron B.

French would be “Thé aux Fruits” or “Thé de Fruits” or something similar. I’m not fluent. :P

Lariel of Lórien

Ah.Knowing bits of both languages can be confusing sometimes.


The staff at Lupicia is usually friendly and not at all obnoxious!

Lariel of Lórien

I prefer the SF store, since it’s a little bigger.

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987 tasting notes


Man, the past few days have been really really encouraging, freelance-wise. First there was the unexpected rush editing job I did yesterday that I think turned out well.

Then, I managed to nab a completely new freelance writing client this afternoon! When I responded to the client’s call for writers to write profiles about independent businesses in Toronto, they initially turned me down saying that they had enough writers show interest, but also saying they might want to get back in touch with me in a few weeks.

In response, I said that I’d love to hear from them again, and that when they do contact me, I’d be willing to write stories about the suburb that I live in, Scarborough, which doesn’t get much love in the press.

The client’s response? Something along the lines of “Well, if you WANT to write about SCARBOROUGH instead of downtown, then we’ll hire you ASAP.”

So, yeah. That happened.

After that, I completely reorganized the bookshelves in my office to make my main reference materials (style guides, dictionaries, grammar textbooks) easier to reach, and also to clear away clutter.

Now I’m suffused with the satisfied glow of a hard day’s work.

Um, yeah, the tea. Hmm..

This is nice and fruity/floral, but I have to admit that it doesn’t taste as sweet as it smells. It’s nicel, but mostly I’m going for it because it’s decaf and because it’s an easy sipdown.

So, um, yeah. That was my day today.

Thanks very much to Sil for sending me a sample of this.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Amazing day! Congrats!


Nice, I’m glad your having a nice run of projects and new clients!


Fellow freelancer here: Writers who find that narrow itch that no other writer wants to scratch often find a steady supply of assignments! Kudos on keeping grammar textbooks nearby. I refer to a children’s grade-level thesaurus, but if I have a grammatical traffic jam, I just veer around the block :)


So glad you’re having lots of projects come your way!

Christina / BooksandTea

Thanks, guys! I’m glad that things have been going well lately (though of course, that comes with the idea that for every rise, there is a fall; hopefully the fall won’t be too hard).

@gmathis: I rely too much on MS word’s thesaurus or thesaurus.com. I really should find a paper version. Which one do you use, or recommend?


I have some specialized ones I have worn out:
Children’s Writer’s Word Book (can’t find the older edition I use on Amazon)
Descriptionary by Marc McCutcheon
Writers’ Digest Flip Dictionary by Barbara Ann Kipfer
The Synonym Finder by J.I. Rodale, which I was given in the third grade by my grandma and I would read like a novel.

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1714 tasting notes

Technical difficulties with this tea. I put it into my David’s “Favorite Tumbler” and I think the metal must have expanded with the heat because I can’t get the plastic lid back off to let the tea cool faster. It’s an issue that has been happening often with this tumbler. The only other cup I have in my room to pour the tea into is a glow in the dark silicone cup and I can’t tell if it’s effecting the taste of my tea. The flavors are falling flat. I can get a little lychee, but it’s pretty flavorless aside from that. :/ I give up.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1598 tasting notes

Thank you Kat Maria! I cold-brewed this overnight and am enjoying it right now. I just took a bit as the rest will go to TK. (yay! decaf!) It’s really good. Naturally sweet without being crazy about it, and I can taste the fruit. I don’t know why I didn’t expect this to taste as good as it does, but I’m very pleasantly surprised.


This one is pretty tasty for a lychee tea….and I always forget it’s decaf lol

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (175)

This cup has much more lychee flavor than the last. If I didn’t know any better, I would assume I was drinking a straight lychee tea with no other flavors. It is a great tasting tea, I just wished it delivered on what it promised. Nonetheless, I am happy to have tried it and may even restock when I get my cupboard under control (though I believe that means I have to go to San Francisco). Thank you for sharing, Kat_Maria!!

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2816 tasting notes

It’s been a bummer of a day. I just haven’t felt up to doing much aside from resting due to pain and insomnia. I woke up from a nap though, which was really nice. I don’t think I need any more caffeine for the rest of the day, so I thought I’d check out this tea I got last week.

In the tin, this has a very intense fruit aroma of strawberry, peach and lychee. I decided to steep this for 3 minutes according to package directions. The flavor of the tea is definitely a lot more delicate than the aroma of it. Thankfully this doesn’t have the bitterness of some decaf teas I’ve tried, but I was hoping for a little more of a flavor punch. I’m getting a bit of strawberry and peach but the lychee is difficult to find and something is a tad astringent about the whole deal. A pinch of sugar was helpful. Still, I have pretty low expectations when it comes to decaf black teas and overall I think this is o.k.

I decided to stick some in the fridge and cold brew it overnight in the Lupicia handy cooler. Maybe that will help bring out some of the flavor a bit more?

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I just picked this one up for myself yesterday. I really wish they made a non-decaf version. I’d like to know how the cold brew turns out!


I’ll post another note about the cold brew tomorrow :)

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218 tasting notes

While I like this tea a little bit more than Lupicia’s Lychee, it is not anything particularly striking my fancy. It has all these nice fruit in there but somehow it is kind of… boring. Like an aunt’s birthday party kind of boring. You know, there’s all these good homemade pastries and cakes but then… damn, does it drag and the clock must have frozen!

Mabe it’s because its decaf? It’s good to have a decaf tea that pretends to be a black blend though, once in a while every tea drinker needs something like that.

I think I’ll move on to some oolongs soon today. It’s time!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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