It’s been a bummer of a day. I just haven’t felt up to doing much aside from resting due to pain and insomnia. I woke up from a nap though, which was really nice. I don’t think I need any more caffeine for the rest of the day, so I thought I’d check out this tea I got last week.
In the tin, this has a very intense fruit aroma of strawberry, peach and lychee. I decided to steep this for 3 minutes according to package directions. The flavor of the tea is definitely a lot more delicate than the aroma of it. Thankfully this doesn’t have the bitterness of some decaf teas I’ve tried, but I was hoping for a little more of a flavor punch. I’m getting a bit of strawberry and peach but the lychee is difficult to find and something is a tad astringent about the whole deal. A pinch of sugar was helpful. Still, I have pretty low expectations when it comes to decaf black teas and overall I think this is o.k.
I decided to stick some in the fridge and cold brew it overnight in the Lupicia handy cooler. Maybe that will help bring out some of the flavor a bit more?
I just picked this one up for myself yesterday. I really wish they made a non-decaf version. I’d like to know how the cold brew turns out!
I’ll post another note about the cold brew tomorrow :)