Sampler Sunday! It’s my birthday and I bought myself a small carrot cake, because why not? I thought a simple black tea would go well to accompany the sweet, so I went through my black tea blends and of the three I had stashed, I asked Todd which one I should go with and he “liked the sound” of this one. It was a freebie sampler I got from the Lupicia San Jose store when I visited on my trip last November… to think that storefront would be closed a few months later!
Since there is Darjeeling in this blend, I decided to drop the temperature a bit from what I usually brew my blacks at (205F) to 190F. I kept the steep length the same (3 min) since it looked like mostly whole leaf in my sachet. The brewed tea was a lovely brown shade with a touch of coppery hue and smelled very malty, with some notes of baked cinnamon bread, and a slight floral undertone. Thankfully this cup did not turn out too strong, and perhaps it could’ve turned out that way had I used warmer water or steeped it longer, but this pretty much hit my perfect zone for a black tea, which was a smooth medium bodied brew that can be taken nicely plain. The flavor was a nice malty flavor with a natural sweetness to it, reminding me of baked bread with a touch of honey, and there was a slight cinnamon spice and subtle citrus note toward the end of the sip. There was also a very subtle floral sweetness lingering in the background, which was quite nice as well.
Brewed at these parameters, this was a lovely cup, and went nicely with my indulgently sweet carrot cake!
Flavors: Bread, Cinnamon, Citrus, Floral, Honey, Malt, Smooth