Full-Steam Black Tea [renamed 100 Year]

Tea type
Black Tea
Organic Black Tea
Cocoa, Fennel Seed, Honey, Malt, Rye, Caramel, Chocolate
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by HUGO TEA COMPANY
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 g 10 oz / 295 ml

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36 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The lovely Nicole sent this to me and I figured having both Hugo blacks in the house was a good excuse for a sipdown and a comparison :) I prefer this version to the mornings journey, if only...” Read full tasting note
  • “Man, this is some good tea. The blend on this is just fantastic. And with the addition of some cream – madly good. This is a dangerous sipdown. I have sworn off buying any more for a loooong time –...” Read full tasting note
  • “And a sipdown! This is nice. A tea with a nice body and flavor. Not a forever favorite, but one that I would certainly have again, if the occasion arrived. But for today, a sipdown.” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks for this one a whiillle back, TeaTiff! I’ve sipped it before but it is a tough one for me to figure out, so I haven’t written a note for it. The leaves are gigantic, black and dusty. They...” Read full tasting note

From Hugo Tea Company

[This tea was renamed “100 Year Black Tea”]

Behold friends! This is the organic black tea blend you’ve been seeking. Full-Steam™ Black Tea is unequivocally smooth and balanced—with flavors of warm honey and malt. Robust and never bitter, Full-Steam is prepared to get things done. Everyday. So brew a cup and get on with it.

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36 Tasting Notes

15575 tasting notes

The lovely Nicole sent this to me and I figured having both Hugo blacks in the house was a good excuse for a sipdown and a comparison :)

I prefer this version to the mornings journey, if only because this has more oomph. I only steeped it for 3 mins because I didn’t bother to look anything up. Haha. This is malty and robust…it’s not bitter, it’s not astringent. There’s a flavour hidden in the brew that makes it different from your average every day malty cup. It’s somewhere between sweet and sour and makes my mouth tingle haha. Thanks so much for sharing Nicole!

Edit: 144


Woot! Glad they got there and you enjoyed this one. :)

Terri HarpLady

I need to get some of this to sample, especially while I still have a little of the Organic Morning’s Journey to compare it to, just for fun.


Terri – they’re both delicious in my opinion…i like this one a little more, but if they were both around still, there would be room for both in my cupboard because they’re different

Terri HarpLady

That’s good enought for me!


Good to hear you like it. I’ve had my eye on it since Hugo told me that this one was a good replacement for Morning Journey.

Terri HarpLady

Group Hugo order?


Cavo – they are two different beasts…


Or you can have me pick them up for you gals at the store. Don’t know how much Hugo charges from their site but shipping is probably about $8 US for me to send them (and I’ll send them in exchange for swaps…) :P


Er.. I can pick up Full Steam since Morning’s Journey is discontinued. And any others you want to try. :)


haha ok i’ll keep that in mind nicole :)

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790 tasting notes

Man, this is some good tea. The blend on this is just fantastic. And with the addition of some cream – madly good.

This is a dangerous sipdown. I have sworn off buying any more for a loooong time – I don’t have a problem with having a large stash of tea, but I don’t need to spend any more money on tea. This one will make it hard to stick to that vow since I can just pick up a tin locally. Such a problem to have. :)

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec 4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML
carol who

I think that we all have that problem. Just a little more tea, just a little more tea, repeat ad infinitum. Should we adopt the old anti-drug slogan “Just Say NO” Yeah, right :)


Yeah, I have made it a week without buying tea. I consider that a victory since I have made out 3 online orders in that time and not followed through with them. :)

Terri HarpLady

Good girl! You have much more restraint than I do. I received a couple of nice payments on paypal last night, & the next thing you know I’m perusing yixing pots, tea, etc… I haven’t spent anything…yet…I might allow myself a small present…or not!

This is how you end up with 400+ teas in your collection, BTW, although due to good behavior I’m somewhere below 350 right now, I think.
I did place a Verdant order a few days ago, because I had tea cash to spend by the 28th, haha


LOL… I always feel better when I hear about some of the stashes others on Steepster have. I haven’t counted but most of what I have is in my cupboard here and I’m not even at 100. I just feel excessive since they are almost exclusively blacks… My last order was a must place though so it doesn’t count – I had to pick up Golden Fleece while it was still in stock. So my most recent order was with Verdant as well. :)

Terri HarpLady

My stash is very Black Tea heavy as well.
Now I’m sitting on Camellea Sinensis’ website…lol


“I just feel excessive since they are almost exclusively blacks…”
“My stash is very Black Tea heavy as well.”
Is there a problem with that? :-)

Terri HarpLady

Nicole, I didn’t realize you were in KC!! We’re neighbors!


I know! And some time I’ll make it over your way. Coworker is having a wedding reception over your way in April I think… not sure when exactly though. I can bring a tin of FS for you when I come. :)

Terri HarpLady

That would be awesome!
Tony comes to KC for a few days each month. He keeps inviting me to come with him, so one of these weeks I’ll have to come & meet you & TeaTiff!


That would be schweet! :)


A tea party :)


You read my mind!! I have been contemplating having a tea party and inviting all the KC Steepster peeps. I see no reason why the St. Louis ones can’t be included. :) We’ll have to think on timing… :)

Terri HarpLady

Who else is in KC?
As far as I know I’m the only Steepsterite in St. Louis, although I brag about steepster to my friends all the time, LOL.


Me, TeaTiff, Amanda Wilson, JustJames & used to be wombatgirl but she hasn’t been online in ages. Not sure if there is anyone else.


Gah, make that JustJohn. :)


Oh, and Azzrian is within driving distance but also hasn’t been online in ages.

Terri HarpLady

Cool! When I decide to come over there with Tony, I’ll let you guys know. He usually drives there on a monday, meets with clients tues & weds, & then comes home on a thurs. The hardest part for me will be scheduling make up lessons for all of my student, but it would be nice to get away for a few days.

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2970 tasting notes

And a sipdown!
This is nice. A tea with a nice body and flavor.
Not a forever favorite, but one that I would certainly have again, if the occasion arrived. But for today, a sipdown.

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4337 tasting notes

Thanks for this one a whiillle back, TeaTiff! I’ve sipped it before but it is a tough one for me to figure out, so I haven’t written a note for it. The leaves are gigantic, black and dusty. They look like an ancient, wild leaf tea leaf. The flavor is mid-level strength, a light amber cup. Somehow I’m just getting hints of tomato and cherry and not really anything else. A weird combo but they seem to come and go at different times, so it isn’t too odd. I wish I had more to say about this one, but it doesn’t seem to be a good fit for my tastebuds.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoon // 5 minutes after boiling // 2 1/2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3 min

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1113 tasting notes

This was one pleasant surprise!
I drank some of this before breakfast and then throughout the day since I brewed a large pot of it. The taste is smooth and not unsettling. Nice strong smell as well.

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184 tasting notes
Regarding “winter”, we have had the most pathetic attempt at a winter that mother nature has ever given us. Today it rains, so I rejoice by putting something proclaimed as “hearty” in my cup…and it was a good choice.

Hugo’s Full Steam leaves are dark chocolate brown, large and twisty….when steeped at 3 minutes 30 seconds, they release a deep lacquered fragrance of cannabis/rye (I mix those 2 notes up sometimes) and cocoa maltiness. The cup delivers the same. It is a stout Yunnan… almost Fujian in flavor profile, but because there is also a touch of molasses and toasted oat, it reminds me of Guinness in how it feels it can fill and warm my belly….something the people of Kansas City probably appreciate during their luxuriously long winter.

So here I celebrating my 3 day winter (I wish I was joking) by sitting in front of an open window with tea, book, blanket and whichever cat decides I look comfortable enough to join. I wait all year for these days….. and thanks to Teatiff I have a well-suited cup of tea to accompany me. Cheers!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Maddy Barone

Here in North Dakota we’ve had a VERY mild winter. Our first real snowfall didn’t come until Mid February!(probably the winter gods sent all the snow to the East Coast) and I don’t think we got below zero at all in January. I personally love winter, so I was disappointed. But now that it’s March I want spring, and we’re getting winter. Sigh.


….the weather is sooooo weird these days…..

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1118 tasting notes

From the Round 3 Here’s Hoping TTB

Wow… I like. This is bready and malty with a good bit of heft. This is definitely a tea to get you up and moving in the morning. Lots of strength with no bitterness or astringency. It could easily handle milk and sugar, but I drank my cup plain and found it really enjoyable. This one could easily find its way into my cupboard at a future date.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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127 tasting notes

HHTTB Round 3

This one has a lovely bready, malty quality to it. I also get a bit of chocolate, though only a hint. I bet if I were to take the many suggestions here to steep it at 3 minutes I would get more chocolate flavor, but I’ll refrain since then there wouldn’t be any left for the next person. Definitely glad I got to try this one though.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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4330 tasting notes

TeaTiff was nice enough to send me a generous sample of this tea. It says on their website that this tea is from Yunnan, but the leaves look Taiwanese to me. They have that long, twisty, spindly look and they’re quite dark. Smells strongly of dry, unsweetened cocoa and honey with some maltiness.

Initially, I followed the directions on Hugo Tea’s website and steeped for 4 minutes. The aroma was malty with honey, but there was also a kind of peppery, herbaceous quality that reminded me of fennel seed. And it turns out, that’s exactly what it tastes like too! Very similar to pumpernickel or rye bread with a strong fennel seed taste, along with some malt and an aftertaste of dry cocoa. Wow, this tea is so unique-tasting! I kept taking sips just to experience the fennel phenomenon again!

After reading some of the notes on here, I decided to also try a 3 minute steep since a lot of people did that and mentioned more chocolate and caramel notes. Aroma was more cocoa and honey and less fennel this time. It definitely tasted less fennel-y, but I didn’t really find a lot more cocoa or honey in there. So I definitely prefer the 4 minute steep! And it’s much more honeyed with just a small amount of sugar. Pumpernickel bread with honey smeared over the top, mmmm!

Flavors: Cocoa, Fennel Seed, Honey, Malt, Rye

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I should try it at 4 min. Sadly it’s at home:(

Cameron B.

Well, definitely try it if you don’t hate fennel seeds. :P It’s quite unique.


I got no fennel at all! Strange how some flavors are common across notes and some are not. :) Last time Hugo Tea responded to one of my reviews they said it was a blend of Yunnans so maybe some of them look like Taiwanese leaves! :)

Cameron B.

It’s probably just a variety of Yunnan that I’ve never seen. All of the other ones I’ve had have been somewhat thin, curly leaves. :P

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652 tasting notes

T&C TTB Tea # 9 – Backlog May 24

I had been interested in trying this one based on everyone else’s reviews. My first attempt was a failure because I brought it to the movies in my stainless steel travel mug….stainless my ass. Those things soak up the taste of whatever you put in them, so now mine is basically a mishmash of all the flavoured teas it has previously contained. I will clearly have to get one for black teas.

I tried to get something out of it but with no luck, the mug just ruined it. I couldn’t even tell what colour it was, it was basically a decent, nondescript black tea. And that was me, nondescribing it.

I did try again with the rest of the leaf, it brewed up a dark liquor, malty with very noticable toasty and roasty notes. Slightly fruity.

I drank it after drinking a fruit smoothie so I’m not sure if that affected anything.

(overleafed a bit, 3 min @ 96 degrees)

I would like to try again sometime! Though I can’t recall if this company has reasonable shipping costs to Canada or not.


I like that. Nondescribing a nondescript tea. :D


That’s a shame. And it’s why I avoid stainless for tea. I LOVE this tea, one of my favorites.


Oh man, I love this one too. I do find that I can’t drink it if I am expecting a punch in the face kinda tea. For me it is definitely lighter than I expect.


I love it. Give it another try.


I definitely will if I ever bump into it again!


@whatshesaid. This makes me so sad!

Try brewing the tea with less leaf but for a longer period of time. 96 C should be a good temperature.

Full-Steam is smoother than most breakfast-style black teas. And I’ve definitely met folks who think the smoothness makes the tea bland overall. To each their own! I’m just happy that you gave it a try.

We do ship to Canada. Just send a message through our site if you’re ever interested.

Thanks a bunch for the support.


Hugo Tea Company

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