Nahorhabi Full-Leaf Assam

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Bread, Honey, Raisins, Sweet, Astringent, Fruity, Cherry, Cranberry, Malt, Muscatel, Nutty, Smooth
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Edit tea info Last updated by Nicole
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 10 oz / 285 ml

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From Harney & Sons

A great tippy Assam from the Jayshree group. The full leaf version is lighter in the cup and sweeter .

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Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

21 Tasting Notes

652 tasting notes

T&C TTB Tea # 11 – Backlog May 25

Brewed this up for breakfast, added milk. It stood up nicely!

Very dark and bold, which I love. Somewhat malty. Slightly astringent but I may have oversteeped because I didn’t think to check the steeping recommendations ahead of time.

It was a good ‘first thing in the morning’ tea.
I didn’t really get any specific flavours out of it, I guess a straight black tea really has to slap me in the face with taste if you want me to notice anything spectacular.

I did enjoy my cup. It’s probably what I’d expect an Assam to be and I’d like to try some more from Harney at some point! I’m realizing their straight teas are pretty darn good.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

3 min top for me. It’s my favorite. I recently tried Viennese EG ( I don’t know if you like EG) and Eight at fort. Those two I’m going to get 2oz each. Very smooth and rich, not astringent.

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15588 tasting notes

boychik sent this one my way and i’m not yet sure how i feel about it. I think this is on the upside of tasty, though there’s a note there that i don’t like as much. i, sadly had this really early this morning and don’t recall much beyond that :) appreicate the share though boychik as it’s given me more to think about in terms of H&S blacks.

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694 tasting notes

I received a sample of this from Nicole this weekend and this tea barely survived long enough for me to write about it. I was asking her about her favorite Assam’s and she mentioned this tea.

This is malty sweet deliciousness in a cup. There is a nice fruity finish to this one. I have been really enjoying this one at work. It is also one I was able to resteep quite a bit. The website says there are only 12 tins left and I am now holding quite a long list of Harney teas I would like to purchase. Maybe maybe I can justify it now? Thank you for sharing this one with me Nicole.

3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

This one is my favorite Assam. In fact I’m sipping it right now. I got 2 tins. I share it win everybody.

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184 tasting notes

I finished off my sample of this tea today and it tasted so good that I thought I’d order more….AND THERE AIN’T NO MORE!! And it was SO good that I drank it super fast and didn’t savor the flavor and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!

(i think this is my best review ever. What a whiner i am.)

Flavors: Malt, Nutty, Smooth

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Last time I got paranoid so I got 3 tins. If you want I can sell you one.


Really? It’s the full leaf? Was it pricey? You know, I really shouldn’t be rewarded for whining online…… :)


Nahorhabi Assam Full Leaf – loose 3 oz tin $11/tin.


I’m in! PM me. your foresight is to be admired. :)


I bought one of the last tins. The folks at the shop said they switched to a different assam this season. They didn’t know when they would get this back. I am glad boychik was able to rescue you donkeytiara. It sure is a good one!


Oh, no. Something else I will feel the need to hoard and never drink so as not to run out. :)


Nicole, I need to share with donkeytiara. Not that many ppl like Nahorhabi. You, me, TeaTiff and ifjuly. I still have 1 1/5 tin left;)


I still have about 2/3 of a tin so I’m not in any danger. :) Just something I need to keep in mind and not waste!


Nicole, I agree! it’s such a fine line to decide to enjoy or to horde! :) Since my unexpected hospital stay I have a tendency to want to enjoy….but then I panic and go back to my old ways of “rainy day” :) Maybe I’ll strive for “Mindfully Enjoying” with this tin!

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612 tasting notes

Breakfast tea of the day, courtesy boychik! Touched because apparently it may not get restocked at all this year, but she still sent me some anyway (she even weighed the bag for me!). People are wonderful.

This is rather unlike any other Assam I’ve had. The steeping aroma smells like rum or perhaps brandy to me, or like hot raisins that have been plumped with said spirits and burst with steam and sticky sugar-liquor. There is the deep, earthy, rasping wood that borders on too bitter that I associate with Indian teas (others describe it as that “powdery” mouth-drying astringency) and love (that kind of bitterness I enjoy!). It kind of evokes bittersweet chocolate. I can see how this would be a champ at taking milk and/or sugar, but I’m loving it plain right now. I like how deep and complex and serious it is. I’m tempted to say it’s one of my favorite Assams now…it has the murky depth I love in my favorite Capital Tea Ltd. Assams, less sweetness (which to me is not a bad thing, especially in the morning). I like it more than many of the Steepster faves I tried throughout last year like Tiger Assam and SST 49. The flavors are so deep but it manages to stay drinkable (for me, I couldn’t detect/appreciate the ones in Tiger Assam, too faint and smoothed out to me, and SST 49 doesn’t achieve enough complexity before it edges into undrinkably strong and unpleasant territory). And Nicole’s right; this is one of the few teas I’ve had where the aspect of bitter tang from ferment-y fizzy liquor is so strong I feel vaguely like I’m drinking beer for breakfast. Might sound gross or off-putting to some but I find it delicious.

Now I am pining for more much like boychik. This is going on my “stock this if you ever get a chance” list. I wouldn’t recommend it to someone who prefers the relative softness and sweetness of Chinese black teas over the briskness and woody astringency of Indian or Ceylon legacy teas, but if you like the latter but find many lack complexity or feel a little wan, disappointingly thin, this is one to try!


I’m so happy you like it. At some point I was thinking maybe its my crazy taste buds dont appreciate SST49 or Tiger Assam enough. I’m glad we are on the same page. with Assam I need it to be strong, complex, not flat and ability to drink it without milk or sugar. This one is magic with milk and sugar too. if they ever restock…I made another call. the lady said they may get it close to June, but it will be another crop. who knows if it will be same good.


yeah, i smiled when i realized i felt exactly how you do about the assams in general drinking this! i know what you mean. i chalk it up for me to drinking them when i was a lot younger, just ho-hum supermarket brands, and that meaning i didn’t go into it wanting the usual smoothness/flatness and sweetness; for that tea type i want something that evokes nostalgia but is also a step up in complexity. and this definitely delivers! thanks so much for sharing it with me. going to cross my fingers they make it available somehow…


i’ll have to keep my eye out for this one


i’m not sure you’d like it, Sil…i could be remembering wrong but you don’t care much for darjeeling, right? and it’s because of the woody astringency? if so, this might be risky for you—it’s definitely got that woody astringency as a very upfront component. just a heads up.


its baaaaccckkkk!!!!!!


i’m drinking some as we speak! delicious. can’t thank you enough for tipping me off to it; it’s become a morning staple. :D


i just ordered a couple tins:)


ifjuly… but i like trying teas…and that makes my happy. :)


(appreciate the heads up though…)


Sil, do you want a sample of it?


is it bad that right now i’m going YES! no! YES! NO! yes NO! lol my poor cupboard. lol I really do appreciate the offer but i am so crazy insanely busy lately i wouldn’t be able to return the favour in any sort of speed. Thanks a ton though for the offer!

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