Yellow and Blue

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Chamomile, Cornflower Petals, Lavender
Floral, Lavender, Flowers, Sour, Corn Husk
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 1 g 10 oz / 283 ml

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From Harney & Sons

Caffeine Free Chamomile and Lavender Yellow & Blue is an artful blend of chamomile, lavender, and cornflowers. Every breath is fragrant and fresh. The lavender infusion lends a floral, slightly sweet, and elegant aroma at once soothing and pairs beautifully with calming chamomile and sweet, spicy cornflowers. The yellow, lavender, and blue petals are indisputably colorful. The tea sings of spring with scent and taste like freshly pickedRead more

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Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

47 Tasting Notes

2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 79 of the year 2014 and my 700th tasting note! Well, that was poor planning. I should have arranged it so that I had the 80th sipdown on the 700th note. ;-)

I remember this being one of the better camomile blends I’ve had. I only had enough left in the sample packet to make about half a cup, but it does remain one of the better camomiles in my book.

For me, pretty much any blend with camomile in it, if the camomile can be tasted, succeeds or fails on the taste of the camomile. In my previous note I mentioned how some camomiles taste to me the way I’d imaging a mouth full of dried flowers would taste. The ones that succeed don’t have that quality.

This blend’s camomile has a freshness to the taste that persists despite the age of this sample. I’m not sure whether it’s the quality of the camomile or the influence of the lavender or some of both, but there’s some sweetness as well that makes this a very pleasant tisane.

Having had some not so great camomile in the past couple of months, I’m boosting the rating a tad and putting this on the wish list, even though it’s still a question mark to me whether I’ll ultimately order it. I do think that even if one isn’t a camomile lover, it makes sense to have a really good camomile in one’s collection for those rare times when it seems like nothing else will do.

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Kirkoneill1988 11 years ago

unfortunately i don’t like camomile

Jennkay 11 years ago

Wow, I’m amazed at both your # of sipdowns in less than two months, and your 700! Congrats :)

__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Thanks Jennkay!

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902 tasting notes

Chamomile and lavender.

And that’s about all I can say about it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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Meghann M 14 years ago

I can’t imagine how those would taste together…lavender is so soapy and floral in one way and the chamomile is so sweet and floral in a completely different way. Does either overpower the tea?

Cofftea 14 years ago

Meghann M, if you think that’s strange my local shop is sampling a new blend tomorrow- lavender and caramel.

LiberTEAS 14 years ago

Meghann: I can’t speak for this particular blend, because I’ve not tried it, but, I can say that I LOVE the combination of lavender and chamomile. I feel that each brings out the best flavor in both.

Jaime 14 years ago

Meghann, it’s not bad. Just not something I’d swoon over. I’ll throw a few bags in when I mail your package (hopefully the sampler will be ready tomorrow).

Cofftea, I have serious envy right now. Lavender and caramel? Please tell me you’ll post about it!

Cofftea 14 years ago

lol sorry Jaime, can’t get there tomorrow.

Jaime 14 years ago

Sadness!! I hope you get to try it. Sounds delicious!

Meghann M 14 years ago

Jaime, sounds interesting, I’d love to try a bag or two. I just can’t imagine the taste…I’ve never thought of them together.

Liberteas-glad to hear the combination works. I just can’t wrap my head around the tastes combined. I’ll have to try it.

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3522 tasting notes

This was a sipdown, and not one that I feel I need to replace. I think my tastes have turned elsewhere for night time teas, like nice flavored honeybush, chamomile blends with a little more going on, or even plain mint.

Speaking of tastes going elsewhere…as of this morning I seem to have lost my sense of taste and smell almost completely. I thought my Earl Grey at breakfast was unthinkabky light. Then the Christmas Green I made Ashman was little more than hot water. I made a matcha latte with my cheapest matcha and could taste the sugar but that was it. Hopefully, these services will be restored shortly. Thanks, Covid.

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Nattie 2 years ago

Oh no! I lost my senses of smell and taste when I had Covid, it was awful. Hopefully yours return in double-quick time!

ashmanra 2 years ago

Nattie – how long did it take?

Nattie 2 years ago

About two weeks for me. I heard that smelling certain strong scents brings it back quicker, so I huffed coffee, mint, orange etc. every day and I genuinely think it might have helped. My parents both lost theirs with Covid and it took them a lot longer to get it back.

ashmanra 2 years ago

Good to know. Once I realized that my sense of taste and of smell seemed to be affected, I started sniffing bottles of essential oils that I have on hand. I will continue to try to get my senses back on track.

Nattie 2 years ago

You’re probably already well on your way to getting it back! Fingers crossed.

derk 2 years ago

Oh no, ashmanra! It’ll come back, though. Mine comes and goes. Luckily nothing I can taste or smell is off except for that whiff of my BO today, haha. I was relieved and horrified at the same time :P

ashmanra 2 years ago

derk: That is hilarious! I just huffed the blackcurrant tea to see what I should make for breakfast. I will not be making blackcurrant tea.

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2970 tasting notes

A pot of this as my last tea before I tuck off into bed.
I like this, but it hardly knocks my socks anywhere. It does what it says it will, be a relaxing tea, with an added hint of lavender.
I’ve got a bit of this left, for a few more nights with Yellow and Blue, but I dont think I’ll get it again, though I would certainly not reject a cup ever.

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726 tasting notes

Sipdown (112)
(knocking down a whole lot of sipdowns wow this is great)

So I really wanted to drink tea tonight but none of the teas that I had really seemed good right now? My roommate came home from work and brought home cookies and I had milk instead. She was actually really surprised that I wasn’t drinking tea! But I was all… tea sounds GREAT but I own no teas that satisfy my craving.

So here I am. Drinking some Yellow & Blue because out of the teas that I have, this was the one that sounded the best. I’ve been avoiding this sipdown because there’s just SO much chamomile left in this tea, and I’m not exactly the biggest fan of chamomile. Like it’s nice, but this just had SO much in the blend!
And chamomile is probably the ugliest tea when it comes to sipdowns. Like you rarely get the flowers, you just get the weirdo little pellet things that comes out I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT’S CALLED IGNORE ME IT’S MIDNIGHT.


Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML
__Morgana__ 11 years ago

The things that look like seeds are lavender :-). To me, they take the edge off the chamomile which is why I like this one.

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66 tasting notes

I had a really lovely Chamomile & Lavender blend the other day, however it’s been discontinued so was hoping this would be similar ..

Unfortunately the Chamomile was so dominant that I wouldn’t have known anything else was in there had I not seen what was in the bag prior :(

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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69 tasting notes

A dynamic duo! This is quickly becoming my go-to for relaxing before bedtime. Colorful, alluring perfume with significant flavor (definitely more than I expected from the very light color). One of my floral-y favorites.

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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2611 tasting notes

I love chamomile and lavender, so this was an obvious purchase for me. Drinking it with almond milk gives this some extra body, which I felt was lacking when I had it with skim. The chamomile is nice, though the lavender could be stronger for my tastes. I became bored with this one after a few cups, so I’ve started giving it my usual chamomile treatment, which means adding flavoring syrup and (soy) milk. I’m enjoying it again, but I think I prefer bagged grocery store chamomile.

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48 tasting notes

I bought this because I like the plain chamomile and I like the plain lavender so I thought 2 teas, one tea box, more space in the cabinet. Unfortunately, I can’t really taste the lavender. And, I do prefer the strong lavender taste… and find it very relaxing. The tea sachet does look very pretty though. And, it taste nice as a chamomile tea. Just not really lavender-ey enough.

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28 tasting notes

This is a decent blend. It does not taste very much like lavender, mostly like chamomile. It is a little sweeter than some straight chamomiles that I have had. I like to drink this in sachets, because I can easily grab it out of the cupboard and prepare it without even turning on the lights late at night.

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