9 Tasting Notes


I am a huge fan of Mighty Leaf because they are the brand that got me back into drinking good tea, so I may be a little biased as to the teas I discovered first again. I really like green tea tropical. You can taste the distinctive qualities of the green tea, which I love, but it also has a sweet perfume and taste of tropical fruits and flowers. I think it’s delicious. And the flavor comes out even more, I think, when it’s cold.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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drank Throat Comfort by Yogi Tea
9 tasting notes

This is one of my favorite herbal blends, ever. I have noticed that a lot of people who’ve reviewed it don’t like it, and I definitely can understand that. It has the taste of fennel (licorice) and licorice in it… and I freakin’ hate licorice, BUT the slippery elm bark and other spices really calm it down and turn it into something that’s so balmy and delicious I can’t even begin to describe it. I’m just guessing that this is a tea that a lot of people don’t care for because of the licorice. But I like it, and it’s perfect for sore throats, singers, and anything to make your throat feel better. A little sugar, and it’s ambrosia. I love it. I brew this tea for 10 minutes, with boiling water. Sometimes with two teabags, if it’s a big cup :)

Boiling 7 min, 45 sec

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This is one of my very favorite teas :) My maternal grandmother, whom I was very close to until she passed, was extremely fond of earl grey, and always made it for me (at night, which incidentally did not make me jittery and hyper, but calmer and more sleepy) when I was younger. Now as an adult I am actually very sensitive to caffeine, but I still love the earl grey, so I tend to look for decaf versions, and this is the best one. Truest to the real thing, in my opinion. And, since I like to drink it at night, it’s just better to have decaf. It is very bergamot-y, but I’ve always added sugar and milk to my earl grey, so I find that tames it quite a bit. I can still very much taste the black tea in the drink, but it does have a strong bergamot taste and aroma. Excellent tea.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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GenMaiCha is my favorite green besides jasmine (and they are so different, so don’t think they’re similar and that’s why I like them both lol!) GenMaiCha is green tea with toasted brown rice! This one is so delicious, it has the aroma and taste of popcorn, is nutty and warm, and is just excellent paired with breakfast or a snack. I do like to call this tea popcorn tea :) I think this is one of those tastes where you love it or hate it, and I also think it’s not as appreciated a flavor in the States as it is elsewhere. But I love it.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
9 tasting notes

This is my favorite black tea that I’ve tried. I love the delicate aroma of caramel and vanilla, and the taste, with some sugar and milk, is just like a dessert. Shoot, I don’t even eat “dessert” anymore, I just drink teas like this! It’s amazing and has just the right amount of caffeine… (Am I the only person who sometimes gets put to sleep with delicious black teas? Earl Grey being number one on that list) It comes in a beautiful tin, is highly affordable, and is something I recommend everyone try (at least once!)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Man, this tea… this tea is fabulous. The tea is beautifully rolled into big beads of delicious silver leaves with a heady jasmine aroma! Watching the agony of the leaves with this cup is so awesome. It tastes like ambrosia from heaven, too. Literally, this tea is like eating a pound of jasmine flowers, only it probably tastes a whole lot better. It is so smooth and the mouthfeel and soft and light. I usually drink it by itself (so good alone) but sometimes for dessert I like a little sugar in there. Please give this one a go, it’s delicious.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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I just re-discovered tea about 6 months ago, and I’ve been learning and drinking, drinking and learning, about it ever since! I think I have about 6 cups of tea a day, and my favorite teas are green. Jasmine green is my absolute fave, but I really love ’em all! So glad I found this website :)


Fort Collins, CO

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