White Licorice

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Herbal White Blend
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185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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42 Tasting Notes View all

  • “HAD to drink another cup to RELAX!!!!! A friend of mine texted me that they are in the middle of earthquakes and aftershocks in AZ. 5.9 followed by a 4.9 so far! Ek!” Read full tasting note
  • “Whoo! The goal is to finish off some teaness, and I figured I’d start with tea that I wasn’t too hot on, but was still nice and somewhat non-caffeinated for bedtime. And also, to finish off bits of...” Read full tasting note
  • “I don’t like licorice. At all. It’s evil. Oddly enough, I don’t anticipate liking this tea. But I’m a glutton for punishment so we’ll give it a quick go. The dry leaves smell horrid – exactly...” Read full tasting note
  • “Golden Moon sample No. 4 of 31, randomly selected. Patience isn’t my strong suit and every drop I have of it goes to my small kids, so it shouldn’t be surprising that I do things like pick the...” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

First in the world to find flavored white tea, Golden Moon Tea presents to you a White Licorice tea that is a rare white loose leaf tea leaves perfumed with deep, Far-Eastern essence of licorice.

The beautiful, large leaves are intimately mingled with star anise to produce an intriguing, sweet bouquet in this white licorice tea.

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body,Read more

42 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

HAD to drink another cup to RELAX!!!!! A friend of mine texted me that they are in the middle of earthquakes and aftershocks in AZ. 5.9 followed by a 4.9 so far! Ek!

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TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Actually the earthquake was in Mexico…but they felt it in YUMA, AZ

Angrboda 15 years ago

EEP!!! I hope they didn’t get hurt

DaveTea 15 years ago

I am in Huntington Beach CA and I could feel the initial quake…decent roll considering how far away we are. They have a pretty good swarm going down there: http://www.data.scec.org/req2/req2.html

Angrboda 15 years ago

That many??? O.o OMG! Is that normal?

DaveTea 15 years ago

Not normal, but not super unusual.

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Yes…she said at least 6 aftershocks so far

Angrboda 15 years ago

O.o Suddenly I’m feeling extremely extra fond of Little Ol’ Denmark. I’ve never experienced an earthquake, although we do have the rare vague one. There was one in south Sweden a couple of years ago, but you couldn’t feel it where I live. The ones we hear about here are the really really big bad ones that kill people, so I’m probably conditioned to be more afraid of it than people who live in the area. Just the thought of it makes me want to hide under the bed.

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187 tasting notes

Whoo! The goal is to finish off some teaness, and I figured I’d start with tea that I wasn’t too hot on, but was still nice and somewhat non-caffeinated for bedtime. And also, to finish off bits of samples that I have lying around, when I have more tea coming in. The vicious cycle continues…

Anyway, this one today was a lot lighter than I remember it. Maybe it’s because I had not enough leaf this time around? In any case, the licorice is really soft and gasp inviting, even though I don’t particularly care for its brand of flavor. The white tea here adds a nice sweetness and backdrop to the entire thing. It’s almost sort of like a caffeinated lullaby.

I can’t see myself ordering this one again, just because I’m not the biggest fan of licorice. But people who love fennel/anise/licorice root would definitely be able to get on board with this Golden Moon offering. It’s refreshingly sweet and flavorful, while having a very authentic star anise flavor.

Pretty cool indeed.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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sophistre 15 years ago

So strange. I find myself thinking about this tea sometimes. Not enough to buy it, especially with cupboard space at a premium, but because it was memorable and different and unusual.

teaplz 15 years ago

Yeah, I think I’ll feel the same way now that it’s out of my life. It’s a good unusual, which is hard to find.

Ricky 15 years ago

Well that’s what the one dollar samplers are for =]

Angela 15 years ago

<3 anise.

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911 tasting notes

I don’t like licorice. At all. It’s evil. Oddly enough, I don’t anticipate liking this tea. But I’m a glutton for punishment so we’ll give it a quick go.

The dry leaves smell horrid – exactly like licorice. The juice smells like someone dropped a licorice candy in my tea to dissolve. Those bastards. It’s not as strong as the dry leaf but still smells like licorice so it’s icky.

But oh my gosh. The taste is… good! What the what what? There’s a faint sweetness and a little hint of licorice but not actually licorice. Not icky licorice. A sweetness that lightly melds with the (silver needle-tasting?) white tea giving it an almost dark nectar-y, somewhat floral taste.

I’m really really shocked at how delicious this is. I don’t know if this needs to go on the ‘to buy’ list but it has potential. Sadly, I only had enough leaf for one cup but I’ll see how the resteep goes. Because this was really quite yummy!

ETA: The second steep was more licorice tasting but not in a bad way. It was more identifiable but without the cloying… stickiness that I associate with licorice. Really surprising how good this one was.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

I can’t stand licorice either- you give me hope for this one:)

Ricky 15 years ago

Must try and torment myself with this tea tomorrow :D

Bethany 15 years ago

I LOVE licorice, so once again I find another reason to order the GM sampler..

Cofftea 15 years ago

@Bethany, yep- there are 31 of them!:)

takgoti 15 years ago

This review may give me the nerve to try this once I order my sampler. It’s the only tea that really scares me.

teaplz 15 years ago

I was really terrified of this one too. I loathe licorice! I think the trick here is that it’s not really licorice in the tea, but anise, which has a slightly different flavor. And somehow, it WORKS. And tastes really good. It’s bizarre on many levels!

Erynn 15 years ago

I can’t stand licorice, and it’s in so many tea blends out there! Anise is more tolerable by a smidge. Star anise is very nice, though, so I really think it’s a matter of proportion and sweetness. I find licorice utterly cloying and will avoid teas containing it like the plague.

teaplz 15 years ago

Looking at it, I think star anise is what’s actually in this tea. Delicious!

Auggy 15 years ago

Anything even remotely licorice is evil in my book… except this tea. This was good. I don’t think I’ll be getting a full tin of it, but I am wondering what size their sampler is… I’m guessing it’s larger than the one or two cup envelopes in the 31 tea sampler set but not 100% sure. Does anyone know? Because I’d like to have like… 5 cups of this on hand.

Ricky 15 years ago

My guess is that the samplers are these little packets.

Auggy 15 years ago

Boo. I need a few more cups to figure out if I think this is good because it is licorice and not evil or if it really is super-good. Or both. (At the moment, I’m leaning towards both, but I need confirmation!)

Angrboda 15 years ago

That sounds like something I would love to pieces!

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2037 tasting notes

Golden Moon sample No. 4 of 31, randomly selected. Patience isn’t my strong suit and every drop I have of it goes to my small kids, so it shouldn’t be surprising that I do things like pick the next random sample even if I may not drink it right away, just so I know what it’s going to be. I was lucky tonight, I picked back to back whites — so I can get away with trying another one before I go to bed. (I hope.)

I’m guessing the same white tea is the base for this as was for the Persian Melon. Looks the same in any case — I won’t repeat the visual description here. These do have that anise/fennel smell of licorice, but it is far more mellow and earthy than I’d thought it would be. I’m finding that in flavored teas, the smell of the dry mixture is often much more intense and concentrated than the smell of the steeped tea, which I suppose makes total sense. I am visualizing a textbook style diagram showing little bubbles of aroma-containing particles wafting upward as the tea evaporates and having more and more space coming between them the farther away from the liquid they go. Here, I’m wondering how much flavor there will be in the steeped tea since the licorice fragrance in the dry leaves doesn’t seem strong enough to sustain infusion, but then, licorice is a pretty strong flavor and I should give GM the benefit of the doubt for knowing what they’re doing.

Color-wise, the liquor is very similar to the Persian Melon as well, pale golden yellow. The licorice component of the steeped tea’s aroma is mild and mellow.

Taste-wise, it is as well. It’s definitely licorice, but soft, smooth, gentle. Which is great, because if it were stronger it could get scary and become Tazo Cinnamon Spice minus the cinnamon. Where in the Persion Melon the white tea seemed to add a fermented note, here it lends more of a earthy note. Together with the anise, the earthy note brings to mind tarragon. And now all of a sudden I’m thinking of Samuel Beckett. I wish that hadn’t happened right before bed. I enjoy thinking about Samuel Beckett, so now I’ll probably want to stay up and read.

But back to this tea. As a licorice tea, this is v. nice, but do I want/need licorice tea? It’s not my favorite flavor, I never crave it. I enjoy it if I’m in the mood and it’s presented to me but I wouldn’t ordinarily seek it out. I think that sums up how I feel about this tea. Unlikely to crave it, unlikely to seek it out, but if it was presented to me most likely I’d drink it and enjoy it.

Unfortunately there isn’t tea-on-demand capability, where you can open your magic beam me up Scotty fax machine and pull out just the right amount of leaves so that you don’t have to order a #*^!load of something you’ll want only once in a while. If I had one of those, I could see requesting small samples of this from time to time.

So who is going to invent that, please?

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Rabs 15 years ago

LOVE the visualized diagram-o-smell! I really dislike licorice – so it’s good to know that I shouldn’t be going “patooie” when this sample comes up for me. And I’m thinking that Ewa might be able to salvage the time machine and focus on your brilliant idea instead ;)

Ewa 15 years ago

Because all the chronal resonance frequency of all the time machine parts has to be tweaked in order to ensure that a cascading oscillation failure doesn’t tear a hole in space-time, they really become kind of useless for any other purpose. If only I had called a halt to construction before we’d gotten to that step…but alas!

On another topic, I’ve been kind of dreading both this tea and coconut pouchong, since I haven’t been a huge fan of either flavor, historically. So, I too, am somewhat relieved :D

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176 tasting notes

From the looks of it, I’m one of the few people here who actually like licorice. The dry leaf smelled quite delicious. The tea smells more herb-y (as in parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, not the horrible Lindsay Lohan movie with the talking car) than licorice-y.

This is very pleasant! The licorice doesn’t smack you in the face, so there is no need to fear this tea. Up front there is just a taste of general herb. The licorice is only a very quick note on the tail end. It leaves your tongue feeling heavy and tingly (and in my case, happy).

I could certainly see myself buying this again. It’s light enough to enjoy as a hot summer tea, but the mouth feel is curious and heavy enough to enjoy this in the winter, too.

3 min, 0 sec
LiberTEAS 15 years ago

This is my favorite Golden Moon tea. I LOVE licorice!

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158 tasting notes

I’m not sure how I feel about this one, which is in all probability unsurprising as I have a long, long history of disliking licorice. I suspect that this probably deserves a much better rating than I’m giving it, in fact, but I’m having trouble hopping over the mental hurdle of ‘oh no, licorice’.

I was more worried before I opened the packet than I was afterward, actually. The smell wasn’t so strong that it punched me in the face, but it was still strong enough to leave me wondering why I was going to pour hot water on top of it at all. I sort of dumped the entire packet into my glass infuser cup, and watching it brew I realized that there are a ton of twigs in this blend. It’s not a very pretty blend at all, and there are more than a few fannings drifting around the bottom of my cup right now. Assuming that’s the non-tea stuff, though.

I was pretty gratified to find that the tea, once brewed, stayed soft and unassuming on the licorice front. The taste of the white tea — which brews to a pretty silvery-gold — reminds me of the silver needle I have from Adagio. Every sip has a little bit of licorice, but it’s…very mellow, and reminds me more of the background note of licorice you can sometimes get from bagged ‘medicinal’ teas, like the Yogi teas, for instance…it’s drinkable even for someone who viscerally rejects the strong scent of licorice. It does create a sort of weird feeling on my tongue and soft palate, though; not numbness, per se, and not a coolness like mint, but something that makes me think of both of those things on a much smaller scale.

I confess that I’m sort of baffled as to where to rate this. The rating should probably be considered very soft.

Sadly, there’s not any better place for this, so I’m just going to write about it here.
This cup is so win: http://www.teavana.com/Tea-Products/Tea-Cups-Mugs/Glass-Tea-Cups/Yves-Glass-Tea-Infuser-Mug.axd
There are only two points of potential annoyance: the first is that stuff sometimes gets stuck in the little glass vents. I find that a toothbrush and about a second-and-a-half of effort are enough to take care of that…I never spend any time standing around struggling to get them cleared out. The second is that occasionally you have to pause your pour to allow the water to vent through when the tea is small enough to clump against said vents, but again…10 extra seconds doesn’t really bother me. Your mileage may vary. I use this thing constantly. I definitely use it more often than my iron teapot; almost every cup of tea I make is a new flavor, so I feel like there’s less fussing, and it means I get to see the tea brew…and they get nearly the whole cup to unfurl in. The lid that comes with it flips over to make a pretty good infuser-saucer between steeps. Plus, it’s all glass, so it doesn’t retain any smells or flavors and I don’t have to worry about chemicals leeching out of plastic bits into my hot water. Not a bad deal for 15 bucks. I like it so much that I ordered two more.

True, it ain’t no sorapot (where the heck is my sorapot, btw? It still hasn’t come in!), but for 16 oz. of tea brewed for a steep-voyeurist and a minimum of effort it’s a good choice.

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec
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fcmonroe 15 years ago

I have a couple of glass mugs similar to the one you spoke of. The toothbrush is a great tip for getting stuff out of the glass slits of the infuser! I’ll have to give that a try.

Ricky 15 years ago

I’ve been using my infusing basket instead of my ingenuiTea. It’s less work and I don’t have to worry about the stupid filter flipping over. Now when the sorapot comes are you going to use it to brew a daily batch or tea or just when friends / family come over?

sophistre 15 years ago

I suppose it depends on how functional it is. I’m a big believer in using beautiful things on a daily basis and not just saving them…it’s the little things in life that are often the most celebratory. ;) That said, if it’s a pain in the neck to clean or makes brewing tea more of a production than it needs to be, then I suppose I’ll stick to my little infuser cups until I’m feeling fancy. ^^

teaplz 15 years ago

I had SUCH a similar experience with this one! Since I really dislike licorice, it was kind of hard to rate, but I bet that someone who loves it would absolutely adore this tea. But I agree that the licorice here is soft enough even for people who hate it!

Also, LOVE the mug! So cute. I’m thinking of getting one of this Finum baskets myself for infusing, since they look pretty sturdy.

sophistre 15 years ago

Finum stuff is pretty good. The gold mesh is great. The only thing I don’t dig about it is the plastic, with all of this muttering about hot water leeching BPA out of plastics and into the liquids (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080130092108.htm). This is one of those issues that’s pretty inconclusive overall, but nevertheless I’ve gotten to where I’m trying to get around heating plastic near my consumables (no more microwaving tupperware for sure!).

Ricky 15 years ago

The finum is exactly what I have and it works really well. I mean I’m using the ingenuiTea pot so that’s honestly no better. I’m tempted to get a Sorapot, but then I was thinking… how often will I really use it? I mean it’s more of a hassle compared to my finum and my ingenuiTea.

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50 tasting notes

(Read: my life is finally basically under control. Ish.)

Full disclosure: I abhor licorice. When I opened the tin sampler, and smelt (through my already-unable-to-smell sick nose) a punch of herbs and licorice, I felt a little nauseous and considered opening another pack. But to my pleasant surprise, this tea is delightful — almost flower nectar sweet, and very light! The coloring is very pale, and the tea is soothingly smooth, like butter. Definitely more grassy than I anticipated, but I’m thankful the licorice taste isn’t overpowering, for one.

If this is the worst tea Golden Moon has in its sampler, I’m in for a treat! Definitely could see ordering this again for myself or for my mum, who loves peppermint tea. To be honest, I’d rather just hold it in my mouth than swallow it. This leaves my mouth a little dry, but there’s no bitterness. (Now now, no dirty jokes, kids.)

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

Holy crap. Given your abhorance I can’t believe you tried this! Or gave it a 75… welcome back!

tease 15 years ago

Oh gosh, yup. It’s actually pretty damn good. To be fair, I had my one-cup’s-worth in a huge mug, which I will share with you all. (And thank you! <3)

Jason 15 years ago

Welcome back!

Lori 15 years ago

LOL you are brave- to try a licorice tea when you don’t like licorice!!

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111 tasting notes

At my age one should not stay up all night. Yep my pulling all nighter days are long over on Wednesday night (technically Thursday morning) I woke up to the saddest dog crying ever and I had to sit up with him all night or he would start up crying again. So imagine this its about 3:00 am and me and my neapolitan mastiff (about 200lb) dog are sitting on my bedroom floor (well he was laying) with his head in my lap and he is in a weird miserable position I’ve never seen him in sorta tangled looking. He’s crying and I’m crying I mean he is my BEST FRIEND EVER and I can’t stand to see him in misery. I sit there and comfort him thinking about when the vet my open and if he will make it until then and lo and behold he is pulling through (Thank you God).

Anyway on to the tasting note I just had to let you all know where I’ve been the past couple days and what I’ve been going through if you’ve ever loved an animal you completely understand I’m sure. On to this tasting note I needed something soft and comforting and I thought why not go with this white licorice so here we sit me and the white licorice tea and all I can smell in the dry leaf is star anise which doesn’t remind me of licorice but pizza yes I said pizza when I was in H.S. I would rush home from school to eat and most times the easiest thing would be to throw a totino’s party pizza in the oven and wait well the sausage pizza had star anise so I’m thinking that’s why I think of pizza.

While I’m not tasting much of the white tea I do somehow know it’s there but mostly I’m getting the pizza star anise flavor and I don’t know that I like that in my tea. No I do know I DO NOT like that pizza spice in my tea. If you like star anise you probably would enjoy this tea unfortunately I do not.

P.S. Thank you to all of you who have been sending me your heartfelt wishes for Massimo I appreciate you all.

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__Morgana__ 15 years ago

Get well soon, Massimo!

Dan 15 years ago

Please convey mine and Kleo’s (my lab) best get well and stay well wishes to Massimo.

SoccerMom 15 years ago

Thank you Morgana and Dan! I have attached a link to a picture of him before he got sick. http://www.flickr.com/photos/48612840@N07/4543541267/

__Morgana__ 15 years ago

Awww, what a sweetie. That face!

Lori 15 years ago

I hope he is doing OK. He looks like a sweet big ol’ baby….I have 2 mini poodles and understand how dogs are soo precious to us…

SoccerMom 15 years ago

Lori, I am happy to report that Massimo seems to be back to normal today well he is still a little weak but he is back to following me around the house and he even barked at the mailman today Yay! Oh and he is my big baby :)

Lori 15 years ago

LOL! glad to know!!

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15 tasting notes

I can’t quite place the taste in this that isn’t licorice….It totally reminds me of something…hay? It’s not bad but I won’t be sad that I can’t make more. I gave my daughter a taste and her words were “mmmm hot water”. I measured not quite 2 teaspoons and used the whole thing with 6 oz. water. By the way, although I don’t necessarily love licorice. the black jelly bellies are my favorite so I thought I’d like this more than I do.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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259 tasting notes

Golden Moon Sampler Tea #6, selected at random

I was glad that I picked this out rather early in the evening. I would have tossed back a very robust tea into the “ocean” of the basket.

I don’t hate licorice, but I’m not a huge fan. I found this tea more pleasant than anticipated, but I don’t think I would feel a need to keep it in stock. If I knew a big licorice lover, it might make a superb gift.

Pleasant and light, the anise flavour shone through but was not overwhelming. It was a great one-note white tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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