White Persian Melon

Tea type
Fruit White Blend
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185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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74 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’d been dying to try some additional (other than Coconut Pouchong) Golden Moon teas for a while, and was super excited when Alphakitty not only had them in her cupboard, but was willing to pass...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was visiting my mom today, which meant coffee, coffee, coffee!! Now that I’m home, I wanted to relax with a cup of tea, but I’m already climbing-up-the-walls-caffeinated. I thought this sweet and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Full Review tomorrow on http://sororiteasisters.com/ but here are the snippits and a special thank you to Alpahkitty for this sample! White Persian Melon from Golden Moon Tea is one of my top five...” Read full tasting note
  • “Golden Moon Tea Sampler #11, selected at random I do like melon and was looking forward to this tea very much. It is not disappointing. I brewed only about 3.5 ounces of water because I didn’t...” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

First in the world to find flavored white tea, Golden Moon Tea presents White Persian Melon tea using white loose leaf tea enlivened with the nectar of succulent melon. This luxurious delicacy is light, refreshing and exotic. Ingredients: White tea scented with sweet melon nectar

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

74 Tasting Notes

618 tasting notes

This is a mellow white tea with a nice fruity tone. The melon is subtle and soft. The fruit flavor seems to be a continuation of the sweet, hay flavor of the white tea. I wish I had more sweet, juicy melon. I have yet to find a Golden Moon tea that I truly enjoy. While this isn’t horrible, it’s uneventful and not the most pleasant thing to drink.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I liked their coconut pouchong but otherwise I agree, they’re kind of boring

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132 tasting notes

I picked this tea out of my sampler pack to drink last night before bed. When I first opened the pouch a strong beer smell hit my in my nose, possibly even punched me in the nose! So with that being said we’re already off to a bad start. I steeped the tea as directed for 3mins, the color was amber and the smell was of hot beer. I slowly sipped my tea and sure enough… sweet hot beer taste! I let it cool off a bit and I suppose the nectar flavoring came out a bit more, but still none the less this tasted like a sweet, hot beer! I believe this tea is one that you would have to have an acquired taste for; I on the other hand do not have that acquired taste and it probably doesn’t help that I loathe beer either. I had to pour this one down the drain.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Beer!? Weird…lol…


Lol YES!!! I’m pretty sure there is some hops in this tea somewhere haha. I noticed Erin made a comment about it tasting like beer and/or yeast which I thought surely that isn’t the case, but sure enough this is beer tea!


I remember really disliking this one too, but the moment you said “beer” I went “aha!” I thought it was more of a musky melon, but beer makes more sense and brings the taste vividly back to mind. ::shudders::


Yes, I am pretty sure that I am scarred after having this one! ughhhh! Hopefully the next sample of Golden Moons that I try will make up for it.

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251 tasting notes

Sweetened just a bit, this tastes just like a juicy, ripe honeydew melon. I’m adding it to the shopping list. I think this would be really awesome iced for the summertime!


Second infusion is just as good as the first! Still melon flavored, still just as wonderful. I’m increasing the rating and definitely buying some of this in a couple months.

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42 tasting notes

Wow, the leaves for this one had a /very/ strong smell of sweet melons.

I wanted to have a go at this sample after having Butiki’s lovely Cantaloupe & Cream earlier – definitely in a melon mood! Compared to the powerful smell of the leaves, the brewed cup smelled far less strong (though still does have that wine-y scent) – but the sweetness of the melon was rather gentle. Overall, it is fairly refreshing!

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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227 tasting notes

The leaves smell absolutely delicious! Very promising to start with…
Mmmm very fresh and delicious. Very melony :) It’s just right this one.
It’s bit tastier, smoother and finer than the Ronnefeldt’s White melon tea. A little bit. That one is very similar but stronger on melon. Or the melon itself tastes stronger there…
Anyways, love this one…

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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75 tasting notes

This is my first experience with melon flavored tea and I’m not a huge fan. I think it is my taste preferences rather than the tea which is quite smooth. I’m going to ice it next before giving it a rating.

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263 tasting notes

Chocolate, rasberries, and, fleetingly, some melon…thats what I smelled when I opened the sample envelope. A few minutes later, all I could smell was chocolate and rasberries, so I wasn’t holding out much hope for melon. I was a bit surprised though, the brewed tea has nothing of chocolate or rasberries, but a clear melon taste and a good melon smell. A very light tea, as you’d expect from a white base, even with 4 minutes of steeping. This one delivers what the name implies.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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67 tasting notes

A tea that tastes like melon…it sounds like a dream come true for a cantaloupe lover like me. And I am so glad this delivered on that melon flavor. Unsweetened, the delicateness of the white tea is what you taste first, and then the melon taste hits the back of your tongue after you swallow. Sweetened, the melon taste fills your mouth from front to back. It’s like a little bite of cantaloupe with each sip. Would make a great after-dinner tea or an afternoon tea. Delicious.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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138 tasting notes

excellent! a beautiful, delicate, fresh lightly floral aroma. i think the melon is giving me this impression. not at all what i expected melon to smell like in a tea! i think a white base is quite smart. the leaves are lovely….

the flavor is pretty much what you smell. and if i had to venture a guess, i’d say the melon in question is honeydew (green) as opposed to the sweeter cantaloupe. the tea itself is not at all bitter and has a smooth finish. but my experience with white teas has been that they are so subtle you feel as though you are drinking water.

this comes off as a lightly-flavored water reminiscent of champagne. actually, i think it’s more like beer (from what i remember…i don’t care for the taste). someone else here mentioned that this reminds them of beer and baking bread. i agree that there is a certain raw dough/yeasty flavor to this, which the melon-infused tea interestingly enough, conveys.

others have said wine. maybe a fermented melon white wine that’s been watered down by a pitcher of ice cubes. that’s pretty much my impression of this. i don’t find it particularly exciting, but it could perhaps work as a palate cleanser.

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126 tasting notes

Not bad, light tasting, even though the tea turned out darker than I was expecting. I want a stronger melon taste I think. Not as strong as Asian candy, but stronger than what it was.

Phil Hovatter

I agree with your comment about the lightness of the melon flavor. It’s as if the tea maker wants you to stretch to taste it. I like mine a little less subtle. I think I’ll brew it hotter and longer next time to see if I can’t coax more out of it.

Peggie Bennett

Let me know how that goes Phil! I would be willing to give it another chance!

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