
Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Cacao, Cream Flavoring, Natural Orange Flavor, Orange Peel, Rooibos
Orange, Chocolate, Orange Zest
Sold in
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Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jeremy Meyers
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 13 oz / 399 ml

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40 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Amazing! Must steep at a lower temperature from now on in. It takes an amazing tea and makes it truly special. Now I get chocolate first, then orange, and all of it delicious.” Read full tasting note
  • “If my daughter were to review this, she would say, “Oh, wowwwww!” I steeped it for a long time and then added a tsp of milk to make it extra creamy like an orange chocolate. “Oh, wowwww!”, indeed!” Read full tasting note
  • “oh man… speaking of orange creamsicles….i so wish this tea tasted exactly like it smells…but it doesn’t ‘cause it’s chocolate and orange. But man, ditch the chocolate and THIS would be...” Read full tasting note
  • “VariaTEA sent such a generous amount of this! The orange seems to work well with the rooibos base – simultaneously balancing each other so neither is overwhelming, but so they’re both still...” Read full tasting note

From Fauchon

Que fait-on à Paris en automne ? Mille choses. Rien. On prend le thé. Toujours avec élégance.
Un thé rooibos léger parfumé au cacao et à l’orange.

What to do in Paris in the fall? A million things. Nothing. We drink tea. Always with elegance. A lightly perfumed rooibos with cacao and orange.

Ingredients: Rooibos, cacao shell, orange peels, flavors (orange, cream), orange blossom.

About Fauchon View company

Company description not available.

40 Tasting Notes

1501 tasting notes

Amazing! Must steep at a lower temperature from now on in. It takes an amazing tea and makes it truly special. Now I get chocolate first, then orange, and all of it delicious.

200 °F / 93 °C 7 min, 0 sec

you’ve been doing that alot lately… it’s working? better spin? different spin?


I think it’s that I’ve set the Breville to 200F and keep on forgetting to change it to 212F. Which, in these cases anyway, it seems to be working. The last several teas of the night however, not as much luck…


Ah! You remind me, that’s a swap sample I’m gonna have today! Sounds wonderful this tea…


I want to try this tea just based on the reviews I’ve seen from you!


Good tip! I’ll have to try it. I really love it but I add just a tsp of milk for added creaminess.

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1598 tasting notes

If my daughter were to review this, she would say, “Oh, wowwwww!”

I steeped it for a long time and then added a tsp of milk to make it extra creamy like an orange chocolate.

“Oh, wowwww!”, indeed!


i love that kid. she makes me happy. I’ll be sad when this one is gone.


Awww. Who says she’ll be gone? What if we just stay in Toronto FOREVER? :O /0\

But maybe? I’ve got a really great job, and J is more likely to get work as an economist over here!


But we like you both over here on this coast too! :)


HEY! you have lots of ppl…. everyone over here has abaaaaaandoned me…


Aww! Poor Sil.


Awwww. :O
Maybe if J gets some fancy analyst job making mega bucks we can buy a cabin north of here to escape to on the weekends and you guys can come visit for board games and tea, and IDK?

That cabin is what’s making me think long-term ON might not be so bad. :| And the bear will be older by then so board games WILL be feasible again!


We should have you guys up to our place up north….well Ian’s dad lives there but it’s amazing, even in winter!

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15588 tasting notes

oh man… speaking of orange creamsicles….i so wish this tea tasted exactly like it smells…but it doesn’t ‘cause it’s chocolate and orange. But man, ditch the chocolate and THIS would be it.

Now…having said that. YES! i am a fan! I have no issues with rooibos so it’s game on for me.. orange and cocoa and soooo good! Glad i picked this one up during my winner’s fauchon splurge :)


Dexter3657 was kind enough to send some my way, and I agree, this one’s lovely!


Oh! I can’t wait to try this!

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1400 tasting notes

VariaTEA sent such a generous amount of this! The orange seems to work well with the rooibos base – simultaneously balancing each other so neither is overwhelming, but so they’re both still present. The chocolate flavour is lovely in the background.

Does anyone know the best way to order Fauchon to Canada?


i haven’t figured it out yet courtney…let me know if you figure it out. i ADORE this tea… drinking it atm..


I’m on their website, but to contact them you need to fill in all your details! I suppose I could. I do adore this tea.


I am so glad you are enjoying this. It was good but I am not a chocolate orange lover so this would not have been appreciated if it stayed with me. I am grateful I got to try it though.




Even their shipping prices within Europe seem outrageous. Sigh. I’m finding so many things I need in Europe now, just weeks after my Swedish friend left for Australia.

Terri HarpLady

This one is in my lineup!
BTW, my son’s best friend Matt married a girl from France that he met online. I still haven’t met her, but I’d love to ask her to pick up some teas when she goes home to visit :)


hahaha dooo eeeet


how about…you guys pay ME to go and i’ll bring it all back…deliver it to your doors ;)


You might want to contact the people at Fouvrac to see if they are carrying any at the moment. There is some Fauchon in their Facebook pictures put not in their menu of teas though they say it is incomplete. The main French lines they have seem to be Betjeman and Barton and kusmi but they do phone orders if they carry it.


yyz, everytime you mention Fouvrac I am so tempted to venture over to the store to check it out.




I think it might be a bit easier for me to get there. You are welcome to come visit and we can go together :P


Me too, me too!


All are welcome :)


This is WONDERFUL stuff. I grabbed all of mine at Winners, and have yet to find it on their website, or anywhere else that will ship to Canada.


I have a list I want there cherry tea, les classiques, one of their straight black blends two of their greens ( one is meant to taste of lemon macaroons, one with a Yunnan base their smokey jasmine and according to one chat group I read their oolong Paris s’éveille is better than MF wedding imperial.


I also have an ongoing list. I may check the Winner’s handy me tomorrow. There’s also a Holt here.


It’s possible they may appear again at winners last time it seemed it was within a few weeks after the vente privée sale.


I haven’t heard of this sale? I do hope they reappear.


It was the us only online sale listed in miscellaneous sales thread. They seem to be doing it seasonally.


Vents privee didn’t have this…you didn’t miss it lol it was the firsts thing I looked for haha

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6444 tasting notes

This smells sooooo strongly of orange and as I took my first sip, I realized why…this tastes almost exactly like a liquefied Terry’s Chocolate Orange. The only problem? I was never a huge fan of those :(. I can definitely appreciate why people would love this tea but I suppose it is just not for me. Nonetheless, I am glad I got to try it and it definitely has me intrigued as to how other Fauchon rooibos blends would taste. Thank you to both Dexter3657 and Cavocorax for sending me a sample but it seems as this tea and I were not meant to be.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Awww. Too bad it didn’t work for you!


I too do not enjoy chocolate oranges, but I’m still exited to be able to try this one. I’m entering the world of French teas!


Those were my absolute favourite chocolate confections growing up. I miss them!


I like chocolate oranges but have had a difficult time finding a tea that was comparable. I think Sil has spent the most time looking for great orange chocolate teas…


Having tried thousands of tea, I think could Sil could tell us the best tea for every flavor :P


Agreed VariaTea!


Wow. I had issues with that post. “I think could Sil could…”. That makes no sense.


Hahaha I didn’t even notice. Funny what the brain leaves out (or adds in) for things to just make sense.


LOL – you’re probably right VariaTEA.


Hey…I don’t know everything…just lots. Also, I totally bought tea …and need to message cavo because I there ARE fandom blends to be had….


Oh yeah? Umm, IDK if you heard but I sorta spent $120 on ADAGIO teas when I found out I had a job. But I’d love to see what you ended up getting, or are thinking of getting. I can send you samples of the ones I grabbed too, once they show.

RIDIC amounts. I hope they’re good. I think Shadowfall is sending it on to me Monday!

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 114. I actually had this one last night but didn’t get around to writing a note. Thanks to MissB for sending some along!

So the other day when I had the Lupicia rooibos blend I remembered another reason I don’t typically drink rooibos: like some people, it tickles the back of my throat and makes me feel a little allergic. I had heard that putting the rooibos in a paper tea pouch (instead of a metal infuser) helps to cut down on this because there’s not as much leak-through of tiny rooibos bits, so I tried that with a bit of this tea because I did want to taste it.

I will say, the taste is nice. The rooibos isn’t medicinal or weird, and it meshes well with the flavors. It was fruity and sweet. Honestly I didn’t pay too much attention to it because about halfway through the cup I got that tickley, swelly feeling in my throat. Don’t know if its real allergies or just some other reaction to the particulates, but I do know that I am crossing rooibos off my list of possible teas officially. But this seems like a nice blend if you like rooibos! I passed the rest of this onto my local tea friend who does like rooibos.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Yeah, I loved rooibos until I realized one day that it was bothering the back of my throat! I will drink it with the paper pouches though.


Just seeing this now. So sorry to have sent it along; I should’ve checked before doing so!


Oh no, don’t worry about it! I don’t think I had actually said anything about it in a note because I just realized what was going on right before I got this one. And I was able to pass it to a friend, which is always good. :)

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3294 tasting notes

I forgot what number of sipdown I’m on…78 or 87 or something like that.
It was a busy afternoon: students, then my monthly high tea gig at the retirement home, then a grocery run on the way home, another student, Taichi class, & now I’m at Tony’s watching the olympics & enjoying this tea.
This tea is one of the better tasting Rooibos teas I’ve tried: A nice creamy milk chocolate coupled with a juicy orange. It’s really quite good! Thanks to my tea sister, Sil. :)


LOL. Sipdown fatigue.

Terri HarpLady

Luckily I have a list on my desk :)

Terri HarpLady

I was close! Its sipdown #79! Now I feel like I need to complete one more sipdown, so that I can end the day with 80.
Probably not gonna happen.


i’m hoping to get back to 150 before the weekend..so that when my couple swaps/river tea winnings show up i’m still at 150.

Terri HarpLady

Try as you might, when I finally get this box off to you, it is guaranteed to push you back up to 200, my dear :)



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612 tasting notes

Thennn we went on an American Horror Story bender (most of my pals have been talking about it, so) and I needed a big pot of no-caf tea for that, so some beloved Fauchon, yet more from Dexter3657, and all was right. (:

The rooibos is definitely present here, but it works well with the other aromas and flavors (it doesn’t taste anything like Butiki Coconut Cream Pie but reminds me of it in that it uses the rooibos flavor upfront, acknowledges it, doesn’t try to mask it). For some reason the taste just makes you think of crunchy orange fall leaves. There’s a sort of crispiness, a something-was-fresh-and-then-it-was-dried-and-now-it’s-disintegrating tone somehow. That maybe sounds gross but I don’t mean it super literally. It’s just a feeling. Fauchon is great at evoking complicated feelings through scent, at least for me. Hard to describe or explain.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

I LOVE this tea. Love, love, love it. Just… I’m hoarding it now, because I love it so.


i really should open my fauchon teas soon lol


i love how it feels like we all went french mad at the same time. haha.

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343 tasting notes

So I somehow found a lone tin of this blend at Tjmaxx today. There was another Fauchon tin but it was cracked and open so I passed. This was sealed so I thought why the heck not. It was $9.99 and French and I’ve heard so much about Fauchon on Steepster.

Granted, it seems a lot of the blends that get a lot of raves on Steepster don’t hold up for me for some reason (most brands too). Maybe it’s that my expectations are just more than it’s reasonable for tea to be?

In any case, I was even more pleasantly surprised with this blend. It smells beautiful. I’m not a huge fan of chocolate and orange because the orange can sometimes seem artificial. This is like real orange. And real chocolate and it is just delightful. And, the end of the sip is creamy deliciousness with none of the fake-vanilla taste that some rooibos vanilla blends have.

I used 2 tsp in my 16oz steeping mug and added sweetener. Instant favorite.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

Lucky! Wish I could find another tin of this

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64 tasting notes

I’ve been meaning to sample this tea for quite some time now. I forgot about it for a little bit and then discovered it again. I am sure glad I found it in my cupboard! The flavors work perfectly together. The main note is a creamy orange with a hint of chocolate. Very nice on a very cold evening such as this. I plan on enjoying this tea on occasion when the mood strikes. Thank you MissB!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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