I designed this one for one of my free samples from Design A Tea. I opened up the baggie and was treated to the aroma of chocolate. Delicious delicious chocolate. The same aroma was blasted back at me with the steam when I poured the water over the leaves in my pot. And again when I poured the bright amber liquor into the cup.
The first sip I tried without sugar. Whoa raspberry! Not tart, juicy raspberry, but definitely raspberry. Now where did the chocolate go? So I put my usual sugar in and tried again. Still raspberry…and something undefinable, slightly bitter. I could smell the chocolate in the steam coming off the cup but my taste buds couldn’t find a trace of it. I was being teased. Ok, try adding milk. The raspberry retreated, as if to sulk, and what was left was a weak, milky coco flavor.
Determined to have chocolate one way or another I used a teaspoon of hot chocolate mix instead of sugar for my second cup. The result was a tad bitter so I added a tiny bit of sugar…Perfection! At least if what you wanted was raspberry hot chocolate.
My last cup I took another try with the sugar, putting enough in for a full 6oz of liquid and forgetting the pot doesn’t hold enough for three cups full. There! A tantalizing wisp of chocolate on the back of my tongue.
So, chocolate is off the list of flavorings I’ll be picking with my next order. The raspberry has some potential though.
Based on your recommendation, I ordered a raspberry vanilla. Stay tuned to see if I like it.
I’ll be watching for it :)
Here it is – http://steepster.com/teas/design-a-tea/11732-raspberry-vanilla-rooibos