Raspberry Chocolate

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Black Fruit Blend
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  • “Home again! At last! Visiting family is nice and all, but nothing really beats coming home and sitting down in your own furniture with your own door closed behind you and just… breathe… out. And...” Read full tasting note

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1 Tasting Note

1353 tasting notes

Home again! At last! Visiting family is nice and all, but nothing really beats coming home and sitting down in your own furniture with your own door closed behind you and just… breathe… out.

And now I just needed some good honest solid invigorating proper tea. And then I make this mix of Adagio’s Chocolate and Adagio’s Raspberry in more or less equal measure. Yeah, I can’t really see any logic in the choice either, but there you are.

I could have sworn I had tried this mix before, but I couldn’t seem to find it in my logs. I must have been confusing it with something else.

It smells mostly of chocolate. Milk chocolate actually. I think the raspberry is sort of smoothing it out and adding sweetness, although it doesn’t actually smell like actual raspberries the way the dry leaves do.

While the smell is awesome, the taste is kind of watery. With that sort of smell I was expecting something more viscous like milk, so the first mouthful actually seemed kind of watery. It tastes quite nice but just not of chocolate. Or of raspberry, really. It’s like it’s sort of cancelling itself out.

I really can’t understand if I haven’t done this before, though!

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takgoti 15 years ago

My mom is obsessed with these chocolate raspberry cremes from Sees and so whenever people come back from out west, they bring her some. We got a box for Christmas this year, and you’ve inspired me to go nom on one.

Also, you can’t underestimate the power of having a space all your own. Especially after a lot of family time!

Hyrulehippie 15 years ago

I always feel like that after a family visit. It’s nice to see them, but it’s seriously draining.

Angrboda 15 years ago

Takgoti, oooooh nummy! Fruity chocolate is so awesome. I’ve been eyeing a blueberry chocolate that I’ve seen when grocery shopping. I haven’t allowed myself one yet, because of and attempt to try and save money, but soon!

And both, as for family time, I totally agree. It’s not relaxing in the same way that being at home by yourself is at all. Even when you find a moment to do something quitely by yourself, you still have one ear out to jump to whenever someone says. Besides, there are other factors (health problems and the like) that make spending extended time with family a little extra stressful, although it wasn’t really that bad this year. I accidentally offended my mother a bit once when I wanted to leave a day earlier than they had expected, and I heard myself saying something about also wanting some ‘time off’ before going back to work. Stupid thing to say, really.

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