Cool Cucumber

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Blue Mallow Blossom, Honeydew, Sunflowers
Cucumber, Melon, Mint, Sweet, Honeydew, Spearmint
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Perry Papadopoulos
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 5 g 17 oz / 507 ml

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Play it cool
Some things are just undeniably cool. Black leather jackets. Rock ‘n’ roll. And you can’t argue with the just the right pair of sunglasses. But in our books, there’s nothing cooler than this deliciously refreshing black tea with melon, real cucumber slices and just a hint of mint. It’s bracingly fresh, totally invigorating and surprisingly addictive. And unlike those sunglasses, it’ll never go out of style. We told you it was cool… Limited edition.

Black tea,honeydew melon, cucumber, sunflower petals, blue mallow blossoms, natural and artificial flavoring.*
**Contains spearmint flavour.

Price per 50g: $7.50

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

88 Tasting Notes

17 tasting notes

I was super looking forward to this one. But… The smell and taste was like a dill pickle with a little mint and melon in the background. So much dill. Very confused. Told my dad to sniff it and he immediately/strongly agreed. Uh. Did I just get a bad batch? At least it was just a small sample I bought. I tried it twice and just nope


Haha no it really does smell like pickles, I agree

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451 tasting notes

This one smells exactly like spearmint gum — minty and sweet! It’s the last of the untried Spring Collection and I was excited for it this morning.

Steeped, it retains the sweet mint smell. Tastewise, it’s got a vegetal note from the cucumber, especially as it cools down. I like this much better lukewarm than hot. One of my friends had this mixed with Pom Tango as an iced tea and says it was mindblowingly incredible. Maybe that’s how I’ll use up the remainder of these teas.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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168 tasting notes

This tea is definitely what it claims…cucumber and honeydew, the flavors are true and refreshing. A nice light tea.

Flavors: Honeydew

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103 tasting notes

Cold brewed this one overnight as I think it was born to be an iced tea, and boy is it good! Like drinking sweet cucumber water. I almost feel like it can hydrate me enough to try running after work. SUPER refreshing. And it’s a gorgeous day which I’ve wasted all day inside at this stupid desk, so I’m gonna go for that run anyway.

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290 tasting notes

The back tea works as a great base for the tea because without this strong, neutral base, this tea has the potential to go out of control in a bad way. But thankfully, that is not the case. The tea has a lovely cucumber-melon flavor! usually I see this combination is lotion and shower gel, but here it is in a tea! It is such a lovely combination too, and it is perfectly balanced. Recommend 100%

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1 tasting notes

Delicious and refreshing. The cucumber flavor really punches through. Perfect when iced — no sweeteners or milk necessary!

Flavors: Melon

7 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 13 OZ / 384 ML

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284 tasting notes

Everyone, run out and buy yourself some cool cucumber! You can thank me later :)

I made a 500 ml mason jar of this over ice. I didn’t think I’d dig hot cucumber anything, let alone tea, so iced it is. I would bet my house this has mint in it, but the ingredients don’t say anything about mint. However, if you look at the photo associated with the cool cucumber tea on DAVIDs website
you will clearly see, to the right of the two cukes with sunglasses there is something that looks a heck of a lot like a sprig of mint. So I’m gonna say that part of the “natural and artificial flavouring” is mint. Go ahead and tell me otherwise :)

But I like mint so it doesn’t bother me. I love how you can taste the melon and the cucumber and that bit of mint that isn’t there makes it all very refreshing. 1.5 tsp of demerara sugar to the concoction while it was steeping. I will be going back to get more of this. lots more. Goji pop more. (note: goji pop more means restocking in 150 gr amounts biweekly)

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

I confirmed it is spearmint flavour.


Thanks, OMGsrsly! Tells us all we ain’t crazy. I love how a lot of tasters said.. Yo, there’s mint. But there’s no mint. Now we know!


Even in-store, some people said there was mint and some said there wasn’t! I cannot stand spearmint, and my BFF is hideously allergic to peppermint, so I needed to know. :)

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1501 tasting notes

Had zero intention of trying this, much less buying this.. and yet I quite like it. Definitely minty, cucumber-y, and melon-like.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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726 tasting notes

Parents went to DAVIDs last week because they really liked the carry travel mug I bought for my sister, they wanted one of their own! So now every member of my family has a timolino :)

But when they were there, of course I asked for them to get me some tea! This was one of the like 5 or 7 teas they got me and I’m actually very excited! I smelled this in store two weeks ago, but didn’t pick it up because I was already walking away with about 15 teas.
But this one smells like a nice, minty and refreshingly fruity tea! This definitely smells like it would make an excellent cold brew, but I’m trying it hot for now.
Steeping, it’s taking on darker tones. Still smells refreshing, but not like burst-out-of-the-water-and-flip-your-hair-back refreshing, but more like… dude. I know this may not sound appetizing, but it definitely smells like that cucumber/honey-dew gum that I got at the end of the meal at one of my favourite japanese restaurants from when I was younger. It smells like it has that some sort of cleansing feeling ahha.
Oh this definitely tastes like the gum that I had from when I was a child. I ACTUALLY REALLY LIKE IT THOUGH. Mainly because it reminds me of something that I used to love. Like I can totally go back to the place, but that’s about an hour and a half away from home, and home is 7-8 hours away from uni where I’m at now sooo this tea will have to do.
Definitely a great tea though!
Has that weird gum taste that I associate it with, but it is refreshing and as cool as a cucumber
am v cool, aren’t I?

Flavors: Melon

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

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104 tasting notes

This tea was a pleasant surprise for me. I figured by the name that I’d either love it or hate it. Turns out that it is fantastic. It has a spa-water type of feel to it. The cucumber is present, as is the honeydew. Oddly enough though, and maybe because it is so refreshing, I do get the same feel as mint.

Iced with a splash of milk, it is reminiscent of Mint Julep.

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