Okay so I think I got this for Christmas like.. a year ago? It’s just one of those sample tins, I actually don’t know when I got it. It’s just sort of always been sitting in my cupboard.. Anyways for some reason today i smelled it and it didn’t repulse me which is odd right cause it usually does (I’m not big on mint – which will be affecting my review. this is 100% biased)
Anyways! okay, so i brewed it in my cast iron teapot – like 3 tsp to a .. You know, I don’t know how big this teapot is, I think it’s almost a liter so lets go with that. I’ve got to say this tea is not very minty. Granted this may be like a year old so they could have changed the blend in fact they probably have at least a bit and my review may be completely worthless but..
Hey, I’m procrastinating so..
Alright I’ll start with some pros,
It’s nice and thick and full, which i quite appreciate, and quite smooth, and the minty taste is nice and subtle which is great for me, also there’s a really predominant vanilla flavour coming forward and it is quite sweet and a bit creamy, but then..
the cons;
..there’s this weird.. I dont know, grainy.. earthy.. wheaty.. you know what it is, it’s like how i’d imagine eating some sort of spearmint leaf would be if the leaf wasn’t minty. And yes I do realize how strange that description is, but yeah the cup is really dark actually quite floral and it really just feels like a tea that doesn’t know what it’s trying to be, there’s sorta no sense of direction here and I guess it’s just really strange.
I drank the whole teapot though so it wasn’t the worst.
Flavors: Cream, Earth, Flowers, Grain, Mint, Vanilla