Banana Dream Pie

Tea type
Black Tea
Banana, Black Tea, Cocoa, Cocoa Nibs, Natural Flavours, White Chocolate
Chocolate, Cacao, Cream
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Perry Papadopoulos
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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Pie in the sky

When it comes to dreaming up new teas, sometimes inspiration just randomly strikes. It usually happens in the middle of a really great dessert. So you can probably imagine how this decadent flavour came to be. We’ll give you a hint: it involved a chocolate banana cream pie. We tried out dozens of blends before we found the perfect one – a rich, chocolatey black tea blend with pieces of ripe banana and creamy white chocolate. It tastes like a dream come true.

Ingredients: Black tea, cocoa nibs, banana pieces, white chocolate, cocoa powder.

Price: $7.00 per 50g

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

103 Tasting Notes

761 tasting notes

So, this was meant to be a comfort tea. I had a less than stellar visit with my local LUSH shop this evening, ended up with a headache despite saying multiple times, no…I don’t want to try that product, especially if it has that scent which is known to be a headache trigger…but, I got duped into trying a tiny bit and within 30 minutes…BOOM…headache.

But then I was distracted by a shiny thing (the Let The Good Times Roll that I got tonight), and I oversteeped the tea. It isn’t horrible, just a bit stronger than usual. I do like this tea, but there are others I like so much better that I don’t think that I will repurchase when it is done. I might get more later, but not right now.


Sorry to hear that the LUSH trip went poorly! Was it sensory overload or pushy staff?


Well, first, they limited the number of samples I had asked for. I bought 3 things, and they allowed me 2 samples of the 4 I was hoping for. The SAs there generally know I have sensitivities to things and would rather try a sample then buy a pot and return and have it go to waste. Secondly, yes, they were VERY pushy last night. I went in to buy 2 items, possibly 3. I have never felt so pushed by any LUSH SAs before. Lastly, they were like “you should really try Sea Spray” to which I say, sea salt dries my hair out when left in like a styling product. It’s true…it may have more volume, but it is also dry, frizzy, tangly, and nasty. The person at the cash continues to tell me the virtues of it, so I cave and ask what is the scent, because I am sensitive to certain smells, and he says it is a bit like Gorgeous. I tell the SA that the scent of that is nice, but it is too strong for me. But they keep pushing, telling me to try some on my hair before I leave. So I was like, “ok, at least I am off work tomorrow if this gives me a migraine” and go over to the hair area where the other SA is, look at the bottle and see glycerin in the list and am like, “I really should not try this. Glycerin, like salt, dries my hair out badly” so then the one says to just try it in a small area, so I do, and I am immediately hit by the smell and have to leave there asap. I get headache before I even get home. If I tell them I can get a headache from it, they should have stopped right there. I should have stood my ground more. I shouldn’t have caved to their pressure like that.


Oh wow, that sounds terrible. I’ve had some pushy LUSH staff before but since I don’t have any scent sensitivities I just get annoyed rather than a migraine. I hope that you can clear the headache quickly and next time (if there is one) is more positive! It’s so tricky in late November/December when staff everywhere are on high alert to make sales.


Normally they’re all pretty good and easygoing. I have had issue with that particular store before, which is a shame as it is closer than the mall location. But it has been a while.

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516 tasting notes

Got a latte from my coworker with the tiniest bit of agave.

mmmmmmm SO good! Banana! Creeeeamy and sweet with a hint of chocolate. But oh the banana! Apparently it makes a kick butt iced latte too. I won’t be buying any for myself, too close to Christmas, but it’s on my list!

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813 tasting notes

It’s actually earth.
They’re all ghosts.
He’s his own brother.
They’re all clones.


I feel like I should know what you’re talking about…


I know that one! :)


Oh dang do I get loopy at night!!!
The text notifier on my phone is the star trek door bell sound.
The ring tone on my phone is the theme song to ‘The IT Crowd’.
4 seasons of IT crowd are on netflix and you should watch it if you like fun.

we were all sitting around the kitchenroom talking about how some people like to try to figure out twist endings in movies while other people just enjoy the movie undistracted. So I pulled up a scene from season 2 that was all about this behavior. my boyfriend and I reference it regularly during movie talks.

but seriously watch the show from the beginning of the series!!
Goth to Boss!


I love that show!! Totally didn’t connect this to it though. Maybe I need to watch it again.


Would love an IT crowd ringtone—that’s great! People at work don’t understand why I’ll ask “Have you tried turning it off and then on again?” and then collapse into a fit of giggles.


Is it IT or I.T.? It’s on my to watch list, I wonder if it’s on Canadian Netflix..


when you say it outloud you say it The Eye Tee Crowd, but it’s spelled just ‘The IT Crowd’.
it’s all on Netflix here in the states. which makes it fun to recommend cuz a person can have the fun right away!
and not really related at all, but another show i recommend often is ‘Misfits’. if you haven’t heard of it.


I figured it was I.T. There are a tonne of wonderful shows that I wish Netflix Canada would pick up – though then I would probably never stop watching TV. That would be bad, right?


You have to take the good with the bad. At least you have ketchup chips and smarties in Canada if you don’t have the IT Crowd. BTW, spent much of New Years Day watching the IT Crowd thanks to this post :) My facebook status that day: “I have it on good authority that if you type Google into Google, you can break the internet.”


Uniquity, we need to find jobs that allow us to watch TV all day and drink tea :) Ooo and reading too.


@Em – Yes, please! I used to work in an indie bookstore which game me two out of three. Ideally I would be a book reviewer or a book rep – but both of those professions don’t exactly pay well anymore and are quite difficult to get. Perhaps someday!


Look what I found :) The IT Crest!!

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1220 tasting notes

I am on a banana kick now, although I’m not sure if I like this one or not.

On one hand, it was absolutely astringent with a 5 minute steep, which is what they recommend. I can’t imagine getting the chocolate and banana flavors with any less time. But on the other, it does taste good with milk and sugar. So maybe this would be better as a latte like Pumpkin Chai.

The banana flavor is so good, but the chocolate is somewhat lacking, and I’m not getting any creaminess really, even with the added milk.

I’m thinking when I make a latte, I’ll use a little chocolate syrup instead of another sweetener.

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299 tasting notes

It’s weird how this tea almost tastes filling to me. Om nom. You have no idea how many dishes I have washed today. This was a WELL-EARNED break.

5 min, 30 sec

Mmmmm. I get that with Red Velvet Cake!
\O/ to all the dishes! (Except your tea mug… Haha)

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1379 tasting notes

Following the banana train I felt it was the right time to try this blend. It smells like dry and powdery cocoa with a sweet finish. I cannot smell banana per say but there is something amongst the cocoa, it’s just hard to work out what it is.

Once steeped it smells like hot cocoa without the milk or sugar. Still no banana to speak of, or cream for that matter.

Flavour is better at least than it’s scent though honestly not by much. It gets props for being organic but it just doesn’t taste like my idea of banana dream pie. Instead it’s like a dry chocolate biscuit. I still cannot taste or smell banana though there is a lightness to it that may be considered creamy but only just.

Compared to 52 Teas – Banana Pudding this is just unbelievably disappointing.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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171 tasting notes

So good! I had to go DT today and I’m so glad I did, I scored the tree bubble tea pot with it’s matching cups all for 19.50! Plus I got 25 grams of all the new teas. I got this as a tea to go and sipped it while I perused the mall. Today was a day of deals for me.
This tea is sweet and creamy. Like chocolate, banana and whip cream!

Ruby Woo Scarlett

I keep thinking I should give a cup of banana-flavoured tea to my boyfriend (who doesn’t like tea in general but has never tried flavoured). This sounds perfect!


I can’t imagine anyone not loving this!

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125 tasting notes

I have to finish this bag as I bought it few months ago and I discovered that I’m not a big fan of chocolate in my tea. This bag has been progressing slow but I’m almost done with it. Just another serving is left so the next time I reach for Banana Dream Pie it will be a sipdown.

I remember I ordered this tea because of allure of the banana. I can’t say that I taste much banana though. It’s mostly black tea base and chocolate flavour.

Overall a tasty tea but not my favourite.

Flavors: Chocolate

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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39 tasting notes

Long time no see Fellow Tea drinker ! Been a busy month looking for a new job not lot of tea drinking as been made now that the job is found stress level get lower and tea come back in mind.

I was happy to see that one not enough banana thing are made but the more flavoured tea i drink the more i hate them there always seem to have weird taste in them when it’s a ingredient i know i don’t like in tea (apple or hibiscus) well that a chance i take but there is other like this one all ingredient i love but still a weird taste i can’t identify like a spice making it barely able to finish the cup.

It does taste banana but nothing near banana pie ( or chocolat or any of the other ingredient for that matter) and that weird taste i get in the background with each sip they smell so good i just want to love them but it don’t happen ! Straight tea it’s gonna be for me they rarely disappoint me.

like with the other i’m gonna finish my sample in hope my note will change but it’s never do maybe i’m just not made for flavored tea

Boiling 6 min, 15 sec
Autistic Goblin

David’s Tea can cause problems for some people. My Mom can’t even go into the store because she’ll get a migraine. So I really don’t buy their tea anymore. Except for Pumpkin Chai :D

Autistic Goblin

Try some from Butiki Teas, Verdant Tea, 52teas or Red Leaf Tea they are much better and don’t (as far as I know) cause any problems like weird flavouring or migraines :D


congratulations for your new job, hope it looks like what you were expecting.
Regarding tea, welcome back !


I seem to have a problem with most flavored maybe it’s come from the oil most use to make the flavor i don’t know :P I do like some of them ( mostly from Della terra teas for a reason i don’t know) but even the one i like i nearly never get the "I need to do a reserve of that one "


@Ysaurella Thank :) I did sure miss my tea :P but my mind was just not in it. Would have been a disrespect for the tea lol


@Helena will try some of them but i have to clean some of my sample first lol got really really little place for tea ( probably have more that i should but that a common problem here ;) ) i’m more in the way of making some permanent tea reserve for now and after starting tasting other tea again. having some reserve of tea i like is important if i don’t want to be left with only tea i don’t lol

Autistic Goblin

hehe I have waaay too much tea. It’s why we’re on steepster I think :D I forgot to say Congratulations on the job… so CONGRATULATIONS! :D

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: Sweet notes of banana and chocolate.

Liquor: Brown liquor with a sweet and a ripe banana-chocolate nose.

Flavour: Amazing banana cream pie flavour – the chocolate is rich and appealing, while the banana has the ripe taste of those used to sweeten pies and confections. There’s even a hint of that rum-like character you’ll find in ripe banana.

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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