So, this was meant to be a comfort tea. I had a less than stellar visit with my local LUSH shop this evening, ended up with a headache despite saying multiple times, no…I don’t want to try that product, especially if it has that scent which is known to be a headache trigger…but, I got duped into trying a tiny bit and within 30 minutes…BOOM…headache.
But then I was distracted by a shiny thing (the Let The Good Times Roll that I got tonight), and I oversteeped the tea. It isn’t horrible, just a bit stronger than usual. I do like this tea, but there are others I like so much better that I don’t think that I will repurchase when it is done. I might get more later, but not right now.
Well, first, they limited the number of samples I had asked for. I bought 3 things, and they allowed me 2 samples of the 4 I was hoping for. The SAs there generally know I have sensitivities to things and would rather try a sample then buy a pot and return and have it go to waste. Secondly, yes, they were VERY pushy last night. I went in to buy 2 items, possibly 3. I have never felt so pushed by any LUSH SAs before. Lastly, they were like “you should really try Sea Spray” to which I say, sea salt dries my hair out when left in like a styling product. It’s true…it may have more volume, but it is also dry, frizzy, tangly, and nasty. The person at the cash continues to tell me the virtues of it, so I cave and ask what is the scent, because I am sensitive to certain smells, and he says it is a bit like Gorgeous. I tell the SA that the scent of that is nice, but it is too strong for me. But they keep pushing, telling me to try some on my hair before I leave. So I was like, “ok, at least I am off work tomorrow if this gives me a migraine” and go over to the hair area where the other SA is, look at the bottle and see glycerin in the list and am like, “I really should not try this. Glycerin, like salt, dries my hair out badly” so then the one says to just try it in a small area, so I do, and I am immediately hit by the smell and have to leave there asap. I get headache before I even get home. If I tell them I can get a headache from it, they should have stopped right there. I should have stood my ground more. I shouldn’t have caved to their pressure like that.
Oh wow, that sounds terrible. I’ve had some pushy LUSH staff before but since I don’t have any scent sensitivities I just get annoyed rather than a migraine. I hope that you can clear the headache quickly and next time (if there is one) is more positive! It’s so tricky in late November/December when staff everywhere are on high alert to make sales.
Sorry to hear that the LUSH trip went poorly! Was it sensory overload or pushy staff?
Well, first, they limited the number of samples I had asked for. I bought 3 things, and they allowed me 2 samples of the 4 I was hoping for. The SAs there generally know I have sensitivities to things and would rather try a sample then buy a pot and return and have it go to waste. Secondly, yes, they were VERY pushy last night. I went in to buy 2 items, possibly 3. I have never felt so pushed by any LUSH SAs before. Lastly, they were like “you should really try Sea Spray” to which I say, sea salt dries my hair out when left in like a styling product. It’s true…it may have more volume, but it is also dry, frizzy, tangly, and nasty. The person at the cash continues to tell me the virtues of it, so I cave and ask what is the scent, because I am sensitive to certain smells, and he says it is a bit like Gorgeous. I tell the SA that the scent of that is nice, but it is too strong for me. But they keep pushing, telling me to try some on my hair before I leave. So I was like, “ok, at least I am off work tomorrow if this gives me a migraine” and go over to the hair area where the other SA is, look at the bottle and see glycerin in the list and am like, “I really should not try this. Glycerin, like salt, dries my hair out badly” so then the one says to just try it in a small area, so I do, and I am immediately hit by the smell and have to leave there asap. I get headache before I even get home. If I tell them I can get a headache from it, they should have stopped right there. I should have stood my ground more. I shouldn’t have caved to their pressure like that.
Oh wow, that sounds terrible. I’ve had some pushy LUSH staff before but since I don’t have any scent sensitivities I just get annoyed rather than a migraine. I hope that you can clear the headache quickly and next time (if there is one) is more positive! It’s so tricky in late November/December when staff everywhere are on high alert to make sales.
Normally they’re all pretty good and easygoing. I have had issue with that particular store before, which is a shame as it is closer than the mall location. But it has been a while.