Mango Madness

Tea type
Fruit White Blend
Apple Pieces, Artificial Flavouring, Mango, Marigold Petals, Orange Peel, Orange Pieces, Pineapple, Safflower, Tangerine, White Tea
Mango, Floral, Artificial, Citrus, Pineapple, Sugar, Sweet, Orange, Apple, Fruity, Grass, Strawberry, Tea, Bitter, Hay, Pleasantly Sour, Fruit Punch, Tangy, Tropical
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 15 sec 13 oz / 378 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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161 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Yesterday was crazy. I got paid $125 to use a “perception analyzer” while listening to all NASCAR announcers on three networks, and then talk about them for an hour. Did I mention I really don’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “Eight months later, here I am trying to finish up my sample of this tea. I do have a fondness for some aspects of this tea, but it is just so sweet. I am getting a very strong juice flavour here,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I just finished the last of these leaves. I still think it tastes more like a tea version of an orange punch with just a whisper of mango. It’s tasty though. I plan to buy another small size of...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I’m quite pleased with myself for cold-steeping five different teas last night. Not only do I now have a bunch of delicious iced tea, but I finished off three different packages! Hooray! This is...” Read full tasting note


Go crazy
One sip of this tea and you’ll do anything to get your hands on more. In fact, we’re a bit worried about letting people get a taste. There might be riots. Looting. Traffic jams. It’s a lot of responsibility! But who can blame you for going crazy over this delicious white tea? It’s fruity. It’s refreshing. It tastes just like a ripe piece of mango. In short, it’s total madness.

Apple pieces, white Bai Mu Dan tea, orangeRead more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

161 Tasting Notes

1220 tasting notes

Yesterday was crazy. I got paid $125 to use a “perception analyzer” while listening to all NASCAR announcers on three networks, and then talk about them for an hour. Did I mention I really don’t like NASCAR? At least I was paid for it. But man, I was starving and drained when I got out of there.

So then today I got a bunch of stuff done in about an hour. Deposited the checks from last night, picked up tea, sent some off, and ..bought 25 pounds of peaches. I don’t know what I was thinking other than “oh my god, a box of peaches for $17.76? hauls away” Now I have less than 4 hours to write at least 2 more pages of a paper on Lyndon B Johnson so I’m finishing up my pitcher of this tea.

Since this has been sitting in my fridge a couple days now, it seems like a more floral flavor has come out in it. Of course that might also have to do with it getting a bit closer to room temperature, since my apartment is now 23 degrees cooler than it is outside. Gross! This seems extra refreshing because of the temperature now. Definitely glad I didn’t just judge this tea by how it tasted hot. It’s a cold steeping winner!

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Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Peaches are awesome. You made the right choice. ;)
If nothing else, a masters degree teaches you how to bang out those formal papers.

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

I’m not a NASCAR fan either :P

TheTeaFairy 13 years ago

Peaches and iced tea, heaven! Try to work on your paper and drink them teas!! P.S. not a fan of Nascar either, but my husband is! Sending him to the 2013 Daytona next February for his birthday, the ultimate gift!

momo 13 years ago

Ugh I wish this was more formal to write. It’s just basically like, rehash this article you read and tell me the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments.

I was so excited for the study too, they asked about interest in all these specific racing series so I thought it might be for one based about an hour away. But no.

TheTeaFairy – That is a really cool gift! Definitely the dream one to attend for a fan of NASCAR! I was down there for hockey games around the same time, I hope the weather is a lot better for the race next year!

Kittenna 13 years ago

Hahahaha, 25 pounds of peaches! Enjoy!! I can’t wait to U-Pick them in Niagara again this year! Hopefully I’ll manage to freeze some this time :D

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709 tasting notes

Eight months later, here I am trying to finish up my sample of this tea. I do have a fondness for some aspects of this tea, but it is just so sweet. I am getting a very strong juice flavour here, with no tea peeking out anywhere. If there were no cost to factor in, this would be high 70s for fruity drinkability. When you factor in the cost, though….this tea just doesn’t deliver. I’ve learned the hard way about most of the DT ‘white tea’ blends, it just took a while for the lesson to sink in. One more cuppa this and we’re through! It;s good to make room, my tea shelf needs serious turnover!

ps – This reminds me quite a bit of the new Spring tea: Daydreamer, which I just tried the other day. I use the term “new” quite loosely though, a lot of the recent blends seem to just be re-creations or gimicks. I think I’m falling way out of love with DT ! : ( Anyway, the faux mango flavouring really makes the two almost indistinguishable. Accordingly, I get a hint of Tim Horton’s peach juice in this one too. Plus, it has pineapple built right in! (my theory being that pineapple juice is what pushes Daydreamer over the edge into peach juice territory).

Daniel Scott 13 years ago

I totally hear you on the teeny-bits-of-white-with-large-chunks thing, but I’m tempted to grab it anyway, because I LOVE mango flavours, and I like the idea of a mango tea with a white base better than a green base. Hmm.

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357 tasting notes

I just finished the last of these leaves. I still think it tastes more like a tea version of an orange punch with just a whisper of mango. It’s tasty though.

I plan to buy another small size of this in the future, but I might hold off till the weather warms up since there are so many yummy Fall tea options available right now.
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julesbean 12 years ago

I agree. I really enjoyed this but it screams summer to me. There’s so many tasty fall teas that I want to try!

canadianadia 12 years ago

I never realized how much my taste in tea is effected by the seasons until I started writing these tealogs. I’m beginning to think that I should start making tea shopping lists by the seasons (or as I like to call them “teasons”)

julesbean 12 years ago

That’s a great idea, actually!

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6119 tasting notes

So I’m quite pleased with myself for cold-steeping five different teas last night. Not only do I now have a bunch of delicious iced tea, but I finished off three different packages! Hooray!

This is the first. I don’t think I was particularly fond of it hot. If nothing else, the fact that it was sold as a white tea was irritating given the utter lack thereof.

This cold-steeps up to a bright yellow-ish liquor with a nice mangoey aroma.

Other than being a bit weak (consequence of just using whatever tea I had left), it’s not bad at all. Kind of sweet, kind of mangoey. Almost a touch of bitterness for whatever reason. I do wish it was stronger and am kicking myself a bit for that (I thought I had used little enough water but apparently not; in retrospect 250mL water to the ~1.5tsp I had left really wasn’t enough). There’s a nice lingering mangoey-white tea flavour.

I think had this been a straight herbal, I might have bought it again for icing, but the high price for it being a white means this is likely the last I’ll ever see of it. Oh well! Knocking it up just a couple points, but that’s all.

Iced 8 min or more

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1473 tasting notes

Had this iced in-store yesterday. Yum! I have high hopes for this tea and I can’t wait to brew it properly and see how the taste gets even better. I really need to stop getting anything but herbals and iced in-store. I like to only steep my whites for 30 seconds on the first steep, this was steeped for at least 30 minutes.

It was very juicy and fruity, so very refreshing, which is exactly what I needed after four hours of wandering around the pride street fair. The mango was nice and strong, but so was the orange peel, in a not good way. I think a shorter steep time will help with that.

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Jenn 14 years ago

I saw this one a day after I placed my David’s order. Mango is a favorite flavor of mine, and I feel another order coming on :)

Uniquity 14 years ago

I think it’s the July tea of the month..Might not have been out when you ordered. I haven’t even smelled it yet!!

Daddyselephant 14 years ago

It is, Uniquity, and it is sooo good. I haven’t liked the last few teas if the month (since April, I think), so I was so happy to try this and love it.

Jenn, if you like, I’m actually heading down to the States in August and can snag some for you and send it when I’m over the border, rather then you trying to work up a whole $50 order so soon.

Uniquity 14 years ago

I really like Lime Gelato, but otherwise the tea of the month business hasn’t grabbed me a whole lot. I AM excited for the Canada Day tea though, when I have time to get in and smell it.

Jenn 14 years ago

Uniquity, can you belive that I didn’t even know that David’s Tea had a flavor of the month? I work out my order before I log onto their site to keep myself out of trouble (well, more trouble). Nothing fules my tea mania like limited edition or monthly flavors. Yish…

ladykittykat, what a kind offer! I really couldn’t ask that of you, and it won’t be too hard for me to work up another order. I truly am greatful for your offer though :)

AND… you Canidians are too cool with your Canada Day tea! I’ll probably just get a wildfire for July 4th. I live in a canyon and some idiot starts a fire every year shooting off illegal fireworks. I’d rather have tea…

Daddyselephant 14 years ago

We have a bag of Lime Gelato, but we haven’t tried it yet. The Canada Day tea is goooood. It’s going to take a few more cups to decide, but it might be one to get in a tin when this pouch is gone. Nom.

Jenn, it’s no trouble at all, I love any excuse to go to DavidsTea. Really, if there’s ever a tea you love but you can’t work up a $50 order, let me know and I’ll be happy to get it for you. A package of tea to the States usually only costs $5.65.

DavidsTea, for all that I love them, are bad about limited edition flavors. I also hate that they discontinue teas without any warning. Oh well. I do love them so. But yes, there is a monthly tea. Sometimes it makes it into the permanent collection, sometimes it doesn’t.

Daddyselephant 14 years ago

Yup! Northern Lights!

Cattibrie 14 years ago

Had this one iced on Saturday at the Etobicoke mall while waiting to get to the Family reunion. It was great. I bought a bag simply based on the sample.

Uniquity 14 years ago

I need to get to a DT!

Daddyselephant 14 years ago

Yes, Uniquity, you do!

Cattibrie 14 years ago

Having it hot right now. Yummy.

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2201 tasting notes

After the NYC Coffee and Tea Festival this weekend, the boyfriend and I went down to the Bleecker Street area to go to some record stores. And since we were so nearby… heh. My poor, long-suffering, non-tea-drinking boyfriend got dragged into the shop with me. My first time in the new NYC DavidsTeas! The sales people were almost absurdly chipper and friendly, greeting us the moment we walked in the door with samples. I looked around some but I’m still really on a tea-buying moratorium. Since I didn’t buy many teas at the festival I allowed myself to buy some of the prepackaged sample pouches since they were 3 for $5. This is one I picked up.

Upon opening the pouch there’s no doubt that this is mango tea, though the aroma is decidedly mango candy rather than fresh mango. I was surprised to see the steeping directions of 200°F for 5-7min because of the white tea base. I rarely steep any tea for 5 minutes unless it’s an herbal or I’m adding milk and sugar, but I took a deep breath and set the timer for 5 minutes. Steeped, it smells mango-y but also pretty orange-y, as well as some other nondescript fruits in there.

This is a super fruity tea. I wouldn’t say straight up mango as much as a tropical fruit salad. It’s sweet, it’s tart, it’s hard to tell there’s tea in it. It’s just getting tarter and tarter as it cools, and it’s a little tart for me for a non-sweetened, non-iced tea. It’s not bad really, it’s just not something I’m enjoying drinking much. Oh well, at least it was a small sample!

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec
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TeaBrat 13 years ago

I hope David’s makes it to San Francisco someday!

Uniquity 13 years ago

Wait a minute, things were on sale? At Davids? 3 for $5 sounds like a sale – and that rarely happens! They better not just do sales in their American stores, because I’ve been paying full price there for years! : )

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Don’t worry, Uniquity. I think that’s their default price. I believe the sample packs are the same price even online. David’s Teas probably love their Canadian customers more. :)

Dinosara 13 years ago

Yeah, these didn’t seem to be on sale, just small 1-2 cup sealed pouches of a selection of teas… they were 1 for $2 or 3 for $5.

Uniquity 13 years ago

Interesting. I keep trying to picture sample packs and get nothing. They do the 40ish gram ones for the tea of the month, but maybe I’ve just totally missed out on this! (Or am having a moment and my brain won’t work right).

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

It’s the same kind of packs they give in their online orders, only you buy them. :)

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158 tasting notes

Another sample from Jenn, thankyou!!
Wow! This is the first white tea that I’ve really enjoyed. I’m also rarely a lover a hot fruity teas and this one’s got me sold. I’m really falling for David. Again. (My boyfriend’s name is David.) My biological father’s name is David. Davids everywhere. haha

I steeped the recommended 2 teaspoons, at 200 degrees for 7 minutes. Brews to a golden liquor. I expected this to not have much flavor, as most whites I’ve tried were very light and frankly unsatisfying. But woah was I surprised! (As I have been with every David’s tea I’ve tried.) This is definitely not lacking in flavor. And it smells wonderful! Tropical paradise. Mango is hardly ever mimicked believably. And I had a delicious mango this morning, so it’s fresh in my mind and that makes me all the tougher critic of mango flavor. But hats off to David; this is great. It does taste a bit more tart than a mango, more like mangos and apples, (I’m noticing a lot of David’s teas contain apple.) I’m also loving the quite apparent tangerine flavor, and I hint a bit of plum and the taste of real strawberries, and probably a couple other tropical fruits I can’t put my finger on right now, but they all combine to produce a lovely cuppa. I added brown sugar to sweeten it up a bit since I like my mangos really ripe and sweet. This has be to quite refreshing iced. I’ve got to start trying more whites and fruity teas.

As this cools it just keeps getting yummier! I’m definitely going to have to order some of this.

200 °F / 93 °C 7 min, 0 sec
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Jenn 14 years ago

Yay! I really like this one too. Although, I’ve only ever tried it cold steeped.

Ashley Bain 14 years ago

It’s surprisingly really good hot, and I never like hot fruity teas! David’s changed my mind about that. I’m LOVING David’s teas. Thank you so much for sharing them with me! This was a nice way to end the day. :)

ashika 14 years ago

Omg-your right- most of David’s tea does have under tone of apple flavour-

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133 tasting notes

YUM!!!! This tastes like fruit juice, but less sugary-sweet. There’s so much fruity-sweetness going on that I’m contemplating making a little room in my cupboard for a small permanent stash of this! Actually, I might alternate between this and Tropicalia. (Checking out DT’s site…) This is a lot more expensive than Tropicalia though. Hmmmm….

For those who want more tea flavor in their… um, tea – I’d advise to not look for it here. The fruit flavors are totally masking what little tea there is in this offering. But the tangerine and pineapple chunks in this mix are HUGE!

I cold steeped this awesome bonus sample from Sil for 2 days. Thanks, Sil!!!

Iced 8 min or more
Sil 13 years ago

I’m soooo glad you cold steeped this. I haven’t yet tried doing that (I know i’m silly) but it’s on my list to try. It is a bit on the expensive side considering there’s not a lot of tea going on, but I do love me some mango haha

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93 tasting notes

Thanks to Sil, I now have more of this in stock. I don’t think it’ll be around for much longer since it’s so damn delicious when iced. Combine the first two steeps, add honey, refrigerate, and you’re good to go. The results taste like a juicy mango with slight citrusy tartness. The white base is quite light, and honestly doesn’t add much flavor, but I still love this tea.


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1908 tasting notes

I’m normally a huge mango fan but mango seems like one of those flavours that’s difficult for a tea company to get right. This one is…okay, though it doesn’t quite meet the mark. This one at least actually tastes like mango, although it’s a bit too tart for my liking. I was a bit surprised to see that there isn’t any hibiscus in the ingredients – it almost tastes like there is. I don’t normally sweetened white teas but I might try it with some honey or agave nectar next time to balance out the sourness.

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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