Mulberry Magic

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Mulberry Leaves, Natural Flavours
Butter, Herbaceous, Nuts, Soap, Spinach, Nutty, Sweet, Umami, Vanilla, Green, Smooth, Creamy, Cookie, Seaweed, Kale, Vegetal, Vegetable Broth, Caramel, Coconut, Asparagus, Brown Sugar, Cake, Earth
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 3 g 12 oz / 341 ml

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174 Tasting Notes View all


Soothing and smoothing

People have been buzzing about mulberry leaves for all sorts of reasons lately, but we just can’t stop talking about how good they taste. Combined with macadamia nuts, they make for a tea that is sweet, complex, and slightly earthy. Do they really have tons of other benefits, as the health freaks claim? We’re too happy to care. Caffeine-free. (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Mulberry leaf, organic macadamia nuts, natural flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

174 Tasting Notes

80 tasting notes

Bought this one as Mulberry Monster (BoOoOOo, Halloween special packaging) … and I liked it!
It is one of the nuttiest (naughtiest?) teas I’ve ever bought, and it goes right into my list of ‘’the greats’’ from Davids. Mulberry leaves though? Why is this so good?

Geekery: Mulberry leaves are used to treat diabetes type 2 as they have a reducing effect on blood glucose and serum lipids.

Diabetic or not if you like macadamia white-chocolate things and a bit of a vegetal wrap-around, this is it. I’m a bit late to the party but I’m suuuuper glad I got this.


Yeah, this one’s really quite delicious. I hope they don’t suck in too many people with the name changes, that was very sneaky :(

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1473 tasting notes

My diet crashed and burned today. Note to self: When De is working until 9 and your big meal won’t be until 10, plan your bigger snacks in the evening, mkay? Guh. Made a cuppa this to try and curb the cravings, but as I waited for it to cool, I ate half of a huge tootsie roll, a candy bar, half a bag of crispy mini’s…guh. But this did work when I got around to drinking it. I’m still not a huge fan of the taste, and I likely will not replace it when the time comes.


I feel you on the late night dinners. My husband rarely gets home before eight, and I don’t want to eat without him. I think you showed incredible restraint in not eating the entire huge Tootsie Roll. I used to love the Tootsies and I wouldn’t have been so strong.


I…only ate half because that’s all that was left XD.


oh I know the feeling! ick. I turn to apple cider vinegar on days like that… but still, it can only go so far :s

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the evening…..

And tea 16 of 24. This one was from swapping with aisling of tea. (Thank you!) I was hesitant to try it when I got it because David’s was out of stock at the time, and I hate trying something, liking it, and then being unable to get more. I am getting over that, now, and know each cup is meant to be savored in the moment, but it took me a little bit in my tea journey to get here. And I do think this one might be coming back? (Yes, it did!)

Anyway, the infusion is light, sweet and somewhat nutty. I am amazed at how good it is for something that seems so simple. I have enough for a few more cups, so it might be something I will try in larger amounts. The jury is still out, but if it does what David’s suggests it does ("Health freaks say they stabilize your blood sugar, curbing carb cravings and mood swings. ") I definitely would like some of that!

1 tsp in a cup, boiling water for 6 minutes. Straight up!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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813 tasting notes

my roommate is having a baby in the next room.
home birth!
her contractions are about 5 min apart.
this isn’t a metaphor or anything.


How exciting!!!


It’s a girl! born at 5:35 this morning.
(Not much sleep is a great excuse for all day tea)


Indeed! Baby fingers and toes are the most beautiful things, aren’t they? Welcome to the little one!

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124 tasting notes

The leaves of this smell like sweet powdered milk – I like the nuttiness of the macadamia nuts.
Brewed it is so nutty. It smells incredible – really more like a desert than a tea.
The flavor of this is really nice – it’s a very sippable tea with a nice full body. The nuttiness is more of an aftertaste. The main flavor of the tea is smooth and subtle – I’ve never had mulberry leaves so I can’t really comment here except to say that I like it. It’s a relaxing, smooth, nutty cup.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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676 tasting notes

Second review. It’s been awhile since I drank this and just in case anyone thinks Mulberry has anything whatever to do with “berry”…ah…NO…and I’m glad of it. This is soooo different. I was writing down words as I sipped away…hot brick, dry straw, vanilla, slight honey, tiny hint of smoke….ok ok macadamia nut… as if I have them every day (don’t eat bricks or straw either but know what they smell like on a hot day). There is a round full- bodied flavor to this tea. Some tea is weak or the taste is gone before you can catch it. This is lasting. My preference is to add creme to this tea and some sweetness, it does not spoil the taste of the tea but elevates it. I would not consider this dessert but something entirely on it’s own. Steeped 4 minutes then 6 without bitterness.
Smooth equal to slipping between new 600 thread count Egyption cotton sheets (well, almost).


It is so much better with the extra creaminess of the milk!



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525 tasting notes

Tastes very herbal and earthy. But the flavoring is strong and it tastes like cake. Nutty vanilla cake. I actually find the herbal flavor pleasant. The fact that it tastes like cake on top of that is awesome. I keep finding things I love from DT. I also love that it’s caffeine free. I need to get more of this.

Boiling 7 min, 45 sec

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111 tasting notes

Erm… oops? Apparently I forgot to set the timer. So about twenty minutes later I thought “this is the longest seven minutes ever.”

Then I looked at the infuser. “Oh,” I said. The mulberry leaves bloated with a vengeance. The liquor of the tea is a very angry pitch as midnight — but still somehow green. The thought “I didn’t know herbal tea could GET this dark” crossed my mind.

Smells like cooked spinach.

So um yeah. I’ll refrain from rating this until I make it properly. Considering all of the above it tastes surprisingly good, so this is a good sign that it must taste delicious when made properly.

8 min or more

I tend to steep this one for quite a while, since it doesn’t get bitter. 20 mins might be a bit extreme though! :) It’s less spinachy with a shorter infusion (but that is kind of the flavour of mulberry leaves, it seems).

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618 tasting notes

I’m not sure why I am so nervous to be trying this tea. I opened up the pouch and it didn’t smell like I expected it to. It might be the nuts or the flavoring that make it a little strange, but it didn’t smell all that delicious. Once steeped, the tea smells like leaves and vanilla cake.

Sipping… oh, this is interesting! It tastes very much like white chocolate. That flavor doesn’t linger for the entire sip, however. It has a very leafy taste that is just as strong as the initial sweetness. It’s not the same kind of leafy flavor from something like an oolong, for example… I can’t really describe it. This is one of the most unique teas I’ve tried. A bit part of me wants to like this tea more since it doesn’t really have anything I don’t like… but the more I sip, the more I realize that this tea isn’t for me.


I agree, it’s unique, and while it tastes pretty good, it’s not worth having around.

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836 tasting notes

I used 1.75 David’s Tea Scoops of dry leaf in my Aqua-Ovo tea tumbler.

Has a sweet, rounded flavour. Taste reminds me of icing and vanilla extract. Flavour is bordering on being fruity. Smooth light nutty taste.

Creaminess present on second infusion.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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