Crème Brulée

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
Not available
Brown Sugar, Burnt Sugar, Cream, Custard, Milk, Rooibos, Sweet, Caramel, Butter, Candy, Barnyard, Creamy, Toffee, Vanilla
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec 1 g 10 oz / 295 ml

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175 Tasting Notes View all

  • “My very first order ever from DAVIDsTEA arrived on my porch this evening! Hooray! This is a creamy, burnt sugar-esqe rooibos dessert tea. There is definitely something artificial about it – almost...” Read full tasting note
  • “This just really isn’t spectacular. At least, not for me. I actually have even more of it now because the DT near me was celebrating it’s first birthday over the weekend and giving out goody bags...” Read full tasting note
  • “For some reason I had it in my head that green rooibos would not be as rooibosy as red. This cup is proving that not to be the case. Though it is not immediately recognizable as rooibos it is...” Read full tasting note
  • “Rummaging through the cupboard this evening I decided to have some of this one. I have a litre of whipping cream in the fridge, and I’m trying to drink a lot of teas I can put it in… I can’t make 1...” Read full tasting note


Sweet seduction

No one can resist this organic green rooibos tea. Seriously. The aroma is just too outrageously tempting. Creamy, caramel, decadent, rich. And the taste! How can something so sweet be so light and fresh? Plus, rooibos is caffeine free, making it the perfect drink for after dinner or before bed. Could life be more wonderful? (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic: Fair Trade Certified green and red rooibos, safflowers, calendula marigold. With natural flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

175 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

Last fall at the end of one of my posts I ended with “Please, sir, I want some more”, & then offered to send my xmas CD to the first person who guessed what movie it was a quote from. Michelle won!! I sent her the CD & some tea samples as a prize. About a month ago I got a surprise package in return, loaded with generous samples of tea & a cute little note wishing me a good day! Thanks Michelle!

So this tea is in there, & since I was looking around for one more ‘no caffeine’ cup to end my day, this one seemed like a perfect fit.
Since I’m allergic to milk, I’ve never had a creme brulee, but I’m wondering if I could make something like that with canned coconut milk…like an egg custard, topped with brown sugar, set under the broiler briefly…hmmm…of course, I don’t really eat brown sugar either…maybe some date sugar…

Ooops! I got off track into fantasy world. This is a tasty tea, it looks like a pretty little confetti, & in spite of the fine milling , I didn’t get any rooibos stuck on my tonsils, so it was a win.


The type of sugar doesn’t matter as long as you can torch it. I used date sugar for Christmas Creme Brulees this year and everyone loved it.

Terri HarpLady

Thanks Grace! That looks awesome!


Mmmm, coconut creme brulee sounds even better than regular creme brulee.


You’re welcome. It’s my go-to holiday recipe for dessert.

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1764 tasting notes

This is what I turn to in the morning when tea is suggested and I’ve not had breakfast just yet. Caffeine before food, for me is a baaaaad idea!
Milk, no sugar… this was quite delish! I would have much prefered a cuppa black tea but what can ya do? :)
The caramel note comes through, but then I also find the rooibos to be a tad sour- not that I mind it really. I wish it was a bit smoother and rounder but this does the job.

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807 tasting notes

Thank you to Kittenna for this lovely tea.
I am enjoying the creamy fruitiness.
I am not sure it is truly a creme brulee flavor here – I guess it depends on if you have some berries with your creme brulee but its good for whatever it is.
I do love the green rooibos base teas!!
Thank you for allowing me to give this a try!


I’m not sure it’s really creme brulee either, but I did enjoy it regardless! I don’t recall fruitiness though; wonder if it picked something up from another bag. I don’t think this one was double-bagged.


It could have – I thought someone else had mentioned tasting it too but maybe not – Im waking up now and probably should not be responding to things at all until I have some tea in me.

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618 tasting notes

The first time I drank this tea I was so impressed and since then I haven’t really managed to make the same tasty cup. I decided to give it another try this evening. There have been just a few teas that have offered significantly different cups than when I first drank them. I always wonder how I happen to miss what seem like obvious flavors.

Sipping… this tea has lost all of its curious fruity notes (from my very first cup of this tea) and now tastes.. richer? There is a rather flat sweet flavor followed by something that reminds me of cinnamon or some kind of a spice. The end of the sip is strange because it gives you that nice custard-like mouthfeel, but also something pretty artificial. I don’t taste creme brûlée, sadly. Wish this blend could pull through as creme brûlée is one of my favorite desserts to eat! I usually don’t mind things that are slightly artificial, but this one is a bit too fake-tasting for me. I’m sad about lowering the rating on this tea, but it’s not for me.


I wanted this one to be more creme-brulee-y too. I haven’t found a tea yet that can quite pull off the custard and the burnt sugar taste. It’s usually one or the other – I don’t really think Davidstea did either of those very well though.


I really wish there could be a good, authentic custard tea. Usually DavidsTea does so well with dessert flavors, but this one really missed the mark!

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658 tasting notes

I do like this rooibos, but for some reason am never quite in the mood for it. But, I got tired of pulling out pouches of caffeine-free teas and rejecting them as my before-bed cup so went for this one.

And, homemade coconut milk is giving me a whole new appreciation for this! I am smelling coconut creme brulee in my near future.


How does one make homemade coconut milk?


Ideally, like this:

But I often just blend shredded coconut and water together and then strain through a cheesecloth. Like this:

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871 tasting notes

From the Great Canadian TTB.

So far tonight I have been 0 for 2 on trying teas from the TTB. Just not finding one that I like, but that is the point of the box, right? To sample other teas.

I was a bit skeptical of this one because I am not a huge rooibos or desert tea fan. This one does smell pretty good while brewing. It definitely smells like crème brulee. The taste is pretty decent. There is creamy caramel. Definitely a custard type taste, maybe kind of pastry like. I feel like I am getting a hint of pepper. Not too bad. I think I might turn out to like this one.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Right!!! Every tea is a learning experience. :))


This one is weird for me too, because when I first tried it about a year ago, I wasn’t a big fan of it, but then I recently tried it again and kinda liked it. It’s one of those ones that kinda grows on you a little bit.

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470 tasting notes

Creme Brulee is a wonderful dessert, and if it’s on the menu when I go out to eat you can bet that I’ll order it no matter what else they’re offering. My favorite Japanese place has a black sesame creme brulee that is heaven on earth… urgh, just thinking about it is torture, I want some right now! I really wasn’t expecting this tea to live up to the magical taste of creme brulee though, even though I know custard and burnt sugar are flavorings that you can definitely capture in tea-form since I’ve had them before. But I read the reviews, so my hopes weren’t too high.

I think this smells better than it tastes—sniffing the cup is awesome, you get the custard, caramel, even the burnt sugar! However, most of it is lost when you drink this. There’s a strong caramel taste and maybe a hint of creaminess (I added milk before tasting it so I’m not sure how much of that is the tea) but absolutely none of that crunchy topping goodness. I have about 2 servings left in my sample, so I think I’ll try to just make some burnt sugar and put some in when it brews.

I really dislike rooibos—or rather, red rooibos, this is my first experience with green and I liked it. Mostly because I couldn’t really taste it, it’s very innocuous in this blend. Maybe a tiny note of herbiness, but no icky medicinal aftertaste. All in all this is a decent dessert tea, but I don’t know if I’ll be purchasing it on its own.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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160 tasting notes

One of my favorite desserts in the whole world is creme brûlée. It is so creamy and scrumptious… I felt I needed something delicious to make up for a long, busy, pretty productive yet very hectic and stressful Monday. This tea (received in a swap from Indigobloom!) seemed like just the thing I needed to relax.

The smell of the dry leaves was vanilla with a strong caramel component. The rooibos was a prominent note in the scent as well. This worried me. Not a huge fan of rooibos flavor. The rooibos was decorated with tiny yellow flowers, but overall did not strike me as a particularly picturesque blend.

While I brewed this tea (I brewed it for a long while) a caramel sweet smell was comming from the cup. I was busy enjoying the scent when my dogs decided it was a good time to brawl. I thankfully broke them up before anyone got hurt, but I was psychologically exhausted and not willing to deal with jealousy fits at the moment. So, once everything calmed down, I was ready to sip this.

First sip, increadibly unremarkable rooibos vanilla. Second sip, liked it even less. Time for sweetener. Sweetened it tasted sweet, ROOIBOS (note the HUGE caps) and chemical caramel. The aftertaste was the sadest part for me. Instead of having a smooth creamy after taste that I was looking forward to, I just gor a mouthful of chemical wierdness that somehow reminded me of Davids Tea Carrot Cake which I detested. I drank the cup down quickly hiding my disapointment from my dogs who were now staring at me curiously as a stared aimlessly at the empty tea cup.

This could have been delicous, sadly, it barely made the “meh” points in my opinion. I might drink this if shared with me, but I would never go out of my way to buy it. There are much better caramel vanilla teas out there…

Boiling 8 min or more

Yeah, I felt much the same way. I love the smell, but it gets drowned in the rooibos.


Oh noooo sorry to hear :(
I usually take this one with milk. But I know what you mean about the chemical-ish taste

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513 tasting notes

Uh oh.
I’m pretty sure I hate rooibos. I couldn’t even finish this cup. I remember specifically not liking one sort of medicinal aspect of birthday cake by dt, and the very thing I didn’t like was glaringly present in this one—I can only conclude that it’s the rooibos. I hate the way it forcefully plows its way through any attempt at flavouring, obliterating any attempt by the tea maker to give the tea any flavouring other than that gross medicinal taste. It didn’t even matter if I added cream or sugar; this tea could not be saved. Eww eww eww.
I’m glad i don’t do numeric ratings. Not only is the rating system inaccessible, it also just wouldn’t be fair or accurate in this case, because although I poured this down the drain, I think I’ve come to hate rooibos and thus can’t really be objective. Why be objective though, anyway? it’s my mouth that tea is going into LOL. I’m just saying though that I don’t want to rate it poorly, because given that it’s a flavoured rooibos, it might be quite well done, but I’m not the person to be asking.


I’m really not into rooibos right now either; I have no idea why. I have a few to write notes for, and I keep postponing it…


I hate rooibos as well :(


Yeah, I was afraid that this might happen. Dexter kindly sent me a few rooibos samples to try, so the jury isn’t entirely out yet, but it’s looking more and more likely that I’ll find myself in the rooibos hating camp, sadly.


I’m glad I threw in a few samples of other types. :)) Hopefully you will find something you like in the package. Even if you do hate rooibos, at lease you found out without buying several and then having them in your cupboard….


I’m terrifyingly allergic to rooibos and it’s relatives honeybush and licorice. All are in the legume family in case you feel unwell when you drink the tea, aside from disliking the taste.

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133 tasting notes

I got this a little while ago from a swap with Ninavampi and finally got around to trying it last night.

Brewed this smelled delicious – caramel, creamy goodness! The first few sips were decent but a little more hollow than the wafting smell. Thinking the taste could be bettered, I added a little sweetened condensed milk (SCM). Mistake! I got over zealous by doing that; lost a good amount of the caramel taste due to the heaviness of the SCM. I hate when that happens!

Next time I’ll leave out the SCM and maybe just put in a little rock sugar…

Boiling 8 min or more

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