Taiwanese Wild Mountain Black

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Honey, Sweet Potatoes, Apple Candy, Caramel, Tea, Apricot, Brown Sugar, Burnt Sugar, Butter, Cinnamon, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pastries, Raisins, Fruity, Sweet, Bread, Yams, Chocolate, Stonefruit, Cocoa, Malt, Vanilla, Cream, Smooth
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by looseTman
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 5 g 9 oz / 269 ml

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  • “Soooo i haven’t had any tea since Sunday. When i woke up this morning i knew i needed a couple of old favourites to get me through the day since my next few weeks are going to be a little crazy. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “Today I have been thinking about which teas I want to axe. We have a number of new flavors I would like to test out. Whether they will work out, I’m not sure but I do have a large number of ideas...” Read full tasting note
  • “Chinese New Year!!! Granddaughter Schey and I went to Happy Luckys after Church like we normally do, and hopped up onto the bar stools that we usually occupy. “Hey, what did you bring us today?!”...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh yum! I totally disregarded the directions (2tsp) & went with 1Tb + 8oz X 3min. YUM!! I have previously not been that impressed by this tea, but I love the way it looks, & because the...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Taiwanese Wild Mountain Black originates from indigenous wild tea plants grown between 2,500 feet and 5,000 feet in the surrounding mountains of Yuchi Township in Taiwan. The tea picking season for this tea is July through August and the supply is limited because the tea is wild. During this time, the tea master will wake up around 4 a.m. to travel the mountains with local tea pickers in search of wild tea. Similar to our Gui Fei Oolong and Mi Xian Black, the leaves of our Wild Mountain black are also bitten by leafhoppers. These bites cause the plant to initiate the healing process which produces sweet honey notes. The honey aroma is unbelievably strong and inviting. Notes of fresh baked pastries and honey linger. Some gentle raisin and caramel notes are also present in this smooth and refreshing tea.

Ingredients: Taiwanese Black Tea

Recommended Brew Time: 4 minutes
Recommended Amount: 2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

For more information, please visit www.butikiteas.com.

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200 Tasting Notes

1400 tasting notes

Good morning! This tea is amazing, waffle-y goodness.


Good Morning!!!

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90 tasting notes

I love drinking this in the morning, because it makes me feel like I’m being mischievous and indulging in a buttery pastry for breakfast. I don’t usually taste all the different notes in straight teas that others seem to, but this one is undeniable, in-your-face bakey goodness, with just a tiiiny pinch of spice. It’s amazing on its own, and I haven’t dared to add anything for fear of messing with a good thing.

Unfortunately I sipped down the last of it and it’s out of stock until the next harvest this summer, so the fond memories will have to hold me over until I can get my hands on some more!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I gotta remind myself to try this one when its back!



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1598 tasting notes

Told. You. So.


Lol! Sometimes short reviews are the most expressive!


you guys sound a bit like Christian Grey ;) just joshin’

Terri HarpLady

LOL, speaking of Mr Grey, Tony & I were dog sitting his best friend’s dog, who’s name is Mr Grey. Tony decided to nickname him ‘G Dog’, & I nicknamed him, “Fifty Shades”. He responds to both, LOL. He’s a Jack Whippet, BTW.

Terri HarpLady

Oh BTW, Mr Grey isn’t named after the book, he is named after the bad guy in the movie ‘Dreamcatcher’, so Dan, his daddy, calls him ‘mistew gwey’, doing an ‘i Duditz’ imitation. I love that movie.

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408 tasting notes

Thank you so much Nicole for sharing this one as a surprise blend with me.
It is a great great tea and you know I am not the biggest fan for straight teas.
I get mainly fruity notes to my opinion, I cannot say it’s raisin or another fruit but this is a joyful fruity tea !

I am very very happy because any time I tasted a straight tea from Butiki teas, I loved it and really loved it.
It means I can find straight teas I can appreciate without any reserve and appreciate the natural flavours.
So it really encourages me to continue exploring straight blends.
Some are so mysterious, other so dark, rocky or earthy, some so joyful…I really need to continue exploring :)

Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

This one is awesome!


This is also how I felt! I can’t wait for it to come back.


The way everyone describes this, I feel like it’s a mystical unicorn in the distance that I can’t catch. lol!


that’s how golden fleece was when i first joine steepster…. now it’s this one.

Terri HarpLady

When I first joined steepster (labor day weekend, was it really only 8 months ago?), Golden Fleece was as unattainable as it’s name implied. A few months in, David included a sample in one of my verdant orders. Then it became available (& yes, I’m still hoarding some). This Wild mountain black was similar. I was on an ordering haitus because I’d gone so crazy over the Holidays & to keep myself under control I didn’t even look at tea websites (that would be like an alcoholic going into a bar to order a glass of milk…). By the time I knew about this tea, & went to the Butiki site to order some, it was gone!! ;_;
Luckily, Sil, the wonderful awesome Sil, sent me a sample!
(((Gives Sil a big Hug))) Thanks!
Now I too can wait for it’s return!


what ? it isn’t available anymore ? nooooooooooooo Stacy !!! is there any chance to see it back ? it may depends on the season ?


Ysaurealla – she’s trying to get more in for July/August. So stay tuned :)


thanks Sil , I will sure ! :)

Butiki Teas

Ysaurella-Yep, Sil is right. I’m just waiting until the next harvest. July/August couldn’t be soon enough. I miss this tea.


I was hoping you’d like this one since you don’t find many unflavored blacks that you like. :)


and you were right having this intuition, Nicole – thanks again :)

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464 tasting notes

backlog from this weekend

This is a good, high-quality tea, but it’s just not MY tea. I’m starting to see why people compare it to funnel cake, but this tea just doesn’t send me into ecstasies like it does a lot of other people. It’s nice, but it’s not my favorite.


….and that is why there are lots of teas! :)


True that, we all have different tastes!


I reread this and I think I’m sounding like when I try to explain that a some Doctors (fromDctor Who) are great, but they’re not MY Doctor. :-)

Terri HarpLady

Regarding tea: My tastes also change so that one day a tea knocks my socks off, & another day I might not feel that way about it.

Regarding Dr Who: I doubt that I’ll ever love a Dr as much as I loved David Tennant, & I’ll probably have to sign up for cable this fall, even though I almost only ever watch TV at Tony’s house, because I’m getting tired of watching episodes of the Dr. on the internet. The reception tends to be iffy, & it’s just not the same.


@ terri….i just buy them on blu ray and wait a WHOLE year while other ppl watch it live lol then i can watch 5 episodes back to back if i am so inclined lol


I’ve been watching Doctor Who on Amazon Prime and I’m s frustrated that the second half of Season 7 is not free yet. Grrrr!

I grew up watching Doctor and my favorite is Troughton. Everyone’s always asking me “Which Doctor?”

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6119 tasting notes

Mmmmmm, so delicious. Craving a straight black apparently; so much so that I even drank all 3 infusions today. Looking forward to a Butiki order eventually for some much-needed restocking… (haha, like I need more tea!)


nice to see you back Kittenna !


Hi! Hi Kittenna!

Tommy Toadman

This one is delicious


Thanks guys! Going to try and make more of an effort to log teas. I have a huuuuge backlog of teas I’ve drank but not logged. Haha.


hahahahaha and a huge number of teas still to drink ;)


Don’t remind me! :’(

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359 tasting notes

I’m having this tea because…the long tentacles always reminded me of black spider legs.

Disclaimer: there will be some spider content in this note.

When I woke up this morning, I saw something staring at me above on the ceiling. It was black and the size of a dollar coin. In my world, this is what I call a big fat one.

So as much as spiders scare me, I can’t hate them cause they are useful and I admire them for their complexity. I think they are beautifully terrifying . And since my inner Buddha refuses to kill stuff, here I am standing on the mattress, Mason jar in one hand, trying to maintain my balance while stretching and reaching as high as I can… It’s not going to work…I mean, I’m 5"6, I’m no basketball player.

So I go quickly in the basement to get the stepladder. When I get back…it’s gone. It’s freakin’ gone people. Where did it go? How will I ever be able to sleep in that room again I ask? It’s going to crawl on me at night, it thinks I tried to kill it. Oh, Karma!

So anyways, that’s why I thought of having my spider tea this morning. That, and because it’s gorgeous and scrumptious.

It smells like waffles, tastes like baked bread, honey, raisins and sweet potato.

It’s also a little boozy and fruity, with a tang of cinnamon in the background.

You can’t mess up this tea…it takes the abuse very well. I oversteep it just like I do with Premium Taiwanese Assam.

So good, no wonder it’s in my pantheon of best black teas ever.

Now back to spider hunt!


Oh god… shudder. I once woke up and there was a spider looking at me from the other pillow. I don’t think I’ve ever flown out of bed so fast! I couldn’t sleep again until I’d washed all my bedding

Sami Kelsh

Oh I HATE when that happens. My place has loads of windows I like to keep open for loads of fresh air, but the side effect is the constant terror of finding a giant spider on the ceiling! :(


I’m laughing into my tea, but I’m laughing WITH you – not at you. I don’t mind spiders. I mind snakes. And scorpions, I really really really mind scorpions. A scorpion bit me in my bed one time. I don’t kill things either but I really wanted that scorpion OUT of my house.


I’d move all the furniture out of that room and vacuum everything! lol


They say you swallow 8 per year. Okay I couldn’t resist. I have a healthy respect for spiders. They do a good job at what they are here for, but man could they be anymore creepy looking? Spiders don’t bother me nearly as much as other bugs. For the most part it seems like they really just want to leave you alone. On the tea front, this is one of my favorites. I need to enjoy another cup of this in my near future and try not to think of spiders while drinking it.


Mj: that is scary!!!

Sami, don’t you have nets in your windows?

Ok, MzPriss, that is no fun…scorpions and snakes? And how did you ever deal with a scorpion bite? Shivers here. I guess there are perks to be living in Winterland!!


Lol, Ubacat, I don’t think that spider “fits” in my vacuum!!!! (Ok, maybe I exaggerate a little…)

TeaTiff….not funny. Did.not.need.to.know.that.
And yes, the tea is spectacular!


My inner Buddha has found the perfect solution – I scream like a little girl until my warrior wife slays the evil beast. Seriously, I don’t do spider. They can be all useful outdoors. Once they are in the house their only purpose is to return to the dust.


I just snorted some of my tea into my nose @KS that is funny!

The scorpion bite bite HURT. Really hurt. And the way I dealt with the snakes and scorpions is that I moved out of the country and into the city where I haven’t ever seen either one. Although I hear a snake occasionally visits the garden. I haven’t seen it so I don;t have to move again. Yet.


Love it, KS! Superanna, my daughter, isn’t allowed to kill spiders because she and her husband are equally freaked by them so he insists on doing the killing because he is afraid she will miss and it will get away and come back for revenge.

I have always kept a “kitchen spider” as long as it stays in its place. We get moths otherwise. And when we find a spider elsewhere, youngest insists it must be captured and carried outside. We once had to relocate a baby copperhead to keep her happy….


OMGrelocate a baby COPPERHEAD???

Christina / BooksandTea

My standard response to spiders is to scream like a girl and get either my mom or husband to kill it for me. This sometimes is difficult, as it seems in my house that the shower is the preferred lurking spot for our spiders. Once, last month, when I was sick, I was just so tired and pissed off that I left the spider on the shower curtain while I was washing up – better than tracking a frenetic trail of suds throughout the house!


Thank you for the spider warning. As curious as I am to your response to this tea I’ve avoided reading your review and all comments to avoid being traumatized this early in the morning ;)


I’m arachnophobic. I have so many stories that I wrote an essay about my phobia. I think what I currently hate about spiders the most is that there are species that eat birds and/or bats. Number one: I love birds and bats. Number two: those spiders are monstrously biiiiiig ;^;


@ Christina, I actually let a spider live in my shower for a while as long as he kept a respectful distance. I live at “garden level” which is a nice way to say halfway underground, so bugs are a problem for sure. My spider shower seems to have moved on though. As long as they’re not in my bedroom, I’m ok with them.
@KiwiDelight: I love bats too! I tried to convince my parents to build a bat house in their backyard to help the brown bats, which are being decimated by this fungal infection. They live in Florida, so I told them that the bats would help with the mosquitos, but they wouldn’t go for it :-(


Well, that’s terrifying. shudder


@mj Oh no those poor bats! I didn’t know Florida had the fungal problem also. Maybe if you told them bats don’t harm humans, even animals :(


I love bats. Awesome creatures. Snakes, I respect, but I’m not afraid of them. Spiders, I know its irrational and I don’t care. One day my wife came flying up out of the basement to grab a ball bat and the bug spray. As she ran by she yelled, “Don’t go down there!” Apparently there was a big hairy one nearly the size of a tarantula on the wall. She knew had I gone down there we would be moving – immediately.


@KiwiDelight, yes because my parents live in the panhandle of Florida. I don’t think they have the fungus problem in Southern Florida. I did tell them that the bats won’t hurt anything but bugs, but they still declined. It’s ok, I’ve already had a discussion with my boyfriend and he’s agreed that when we A. move in together and B. have a yard, that I can keep a beehive and have a bat house :-)


I have severe arachnophobia. Like one time this little ant sizes one was web stringing it’s way down towards me and I was so paralyzed by fear and I was yelling at my boyfriend to get and he couldn’t see it and I started crying. He finally found it and I just couldn’t stop crying.

I’ve also made him pull over on the side of the road while I had a panic attack in the street in the middle of the night because I saw one crawl across the window and he couldn’t find it. I sat in the backseat knees up rocking and crying until we got where we were going.

I used to tape my mouth shut every night when I was a little girl because my mom thought it was a good idea to tell me that you eat an average of 8 a year.
I skipped school one day when I was in middle school because I saw one by the front door and it ran away before I could spray it to death so ran into the bathroom, shoved a towel along the bottom of the door and sat on the counter until my little sister found it and killed it.
Even the idea if a spider can set me off. One time I was sitting on the couch with my now ex, and thought it would be funny to stop and stare sort of freaked out at my neck like there was somethig there. So of course I freaked out, jumped up ad clawed at my neck. As of course started crying. I couldn’t stop even when he said nothing was there. It took almost an hour for the adrenaline to wear off so I could stop crying.

I’m not the type of person to cry, in fact the only times in the last year that my boyfriend has seen me cry have been spider related. I would love nothing more than to get over my fear but even thinking about going through the therapy makes my heart race.

Also I will never be able to drink this tea since you made that comparison.


KS The great thing about having a family or living with someone is that you can make them take the spider away.

mj Sounds like a great plan, having both a bat house and a bee hive! Wonderful. Bee keeping sounds difficult, but if I could ever get around to it I might just do it. Save the bees!

Mandy My arachnophobia is not so intense is yours, but I also cringe at the thought of therapy. Not ready for that immerision stuff. Have you ever considered exploring how you came be phobic? I blame TV. (no, really, Jumanji and James and the Giant Peach partially have something to do with it). This kind of understanding helps me cope, in such a way the phobia isn’t as so mysterious anymore.

Man we really hijacked this thread….darn spiders.


Kiwi it started out because my mom. My uncle had but a dead black widow in her bed when they were kids and when she freaked out he was like oh they die after the bite you. So she was always afraid of them which rubbed off on me. She’s gotten more immune to them and I’ve gotten more afraid of them when I started into my teenage years. Before I used be afraid but would kill it and be fine. Now if I can stay calm enough to kill it it’s a miracle. Speaking of I really need to get some hair spray. That’s my weapon of choice for them demons. Completely drench them until they curl up and die. It’s quite effective actually. The hairspray is sticky so once you start spraying it gets stuck and cant go running off in a corner. Not that I’ve been brave enough for that in a while, usually it’s my boyfriend I make do it now. Haha


Oh my!! Had no idea that my spider ordeal of this morning would stir so much emotion!!!!

I’m so sorry for those who are arachnophobic…I guess my disclaimer didn’t work…oops.

KS your comment was so hilarious, I now have a mental image of Strong and fearless Wife Warrior and scared little KS screaming like a little girl behind her. Thank you that was priceless!


Mandy That’s……..a really cruel prank. It’s gotten worse for me too. Occasionally, I vacuum the cellar spiders that reside in my bedroom. I’ve been seeing them all my life, so I’m very used to them unless they come too close (they keep their distance in the corners. Sometimes I’m merciful and leave them be, but if they persist living here once I vacuumed their webs away, bye bye…That’s as far as I get with dealing with spiders and I still feel bad >_<

Yeah, I guess we all felt like sharing. Solidarity.


Save the bees indeed! We depend on them for a lot of our food production


TheTeaFairy Sorry for taking over your note, haha. Your disclaimer did work, but I want to get over my fears, and words are much safer than pictures or the real thing. When I was looking up treatment options, they said that for patients whose fears are too strong, or are impossible to treat with immersion, that allowing themselves to think about the fear is the first step. So reading through is my way of treating it in a way.

Kiwi Yep, she was a little girl and he was a young boy so he thought it was funny, and she got a fear of spiders. My old house had them in the bathroom all the time, and if they were in there, so long as I wasnt showering when I saw it, it wasn’t so bad, because I knew I had my trusty weapons near by. Even when my phobia got worse, the safest place to experience one was the bathroom.

Then we moved to a new house in the middle of the woods, and with the sharp increase of the bigger ones, my phobia reached the crying uncontrollably level. Moving off to college was such a relief because I some how lucked out and didn’t see any for almost a year.

Then moving off campus and to a less pest controlled area, the sudden shock of spiders again shocked my system. So even when I see the littlest of spiders,and even when I tell myself its teeny tiny, it can’t hurt me, I’m being irrational, I still panic.


Middle of the woods….nope. Unless the house is well insulated. I take it when you move out you’ll be living in the suburbs or a city? I bet you had a lot daddy longs legs, which love the woods for some reason. I hate those too, even they aren’t spiders. Tiny spiders are fine for me (I actually think they’re kind of cute…), mostly because, I think, I have never seen anyone freak out about them, as opposed to the larger spiders. Anything bigger than nickel triggers me (unless it’s cellar spiders).


I don’t know if Florida woods are different but I actually haven’t seen a daddy long legs in years. I know that I wasn’t afraid of them before but idk if that’s changed. And middle of the woods might be a little of an overstatement. They’re “woods” within a town. ~5-6 minute drive down a dirt road, into woods. But still completely surrounded by trees. I’ve lived in Orlando the past 2 years though so yes city haha.
I don’t know what a cellar spider is and I feel like I don’t want to know haha. I used to be fine with wittle baby spiders before but I swear in the last 5 years or so it’s like my body disobeys me when 8 leggeds are around. I say calmly kill it and my body interprets it as curl up in a ball and cry. There must be some kind of miscommunication or something haha.

Butiki Teas

Hahaaha. I do the same thing with spiders. I catch them in a cup and slide some cardboard under them. Once I get outside though, I tilt the cup and run. I would like to think that the spider knew you were trying to help him outside and left on his own.


Lol, stacy let’s hope you’re right, but so far so good, it hasn’t visited my bed…yet!!

Happy to see I’M not the only one trying to save them…(I totally run also once I release them outside, haha!)

Butiki Teas

See, he did leave. The last spider I caught was a jumping spider. Super aggressive little guy. I ran so fast back inside and left the cup out until the morning.

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127 tasting notes

Drank this one with my Dad this morning. He liked it, so YAY!

So yum! I’m savoring every bit I have left. More honey notes this time around, but still deliciously bakey!

See previous notes for more detail.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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790 tasting notes

Ah, now this is the payoff for doing all the standing in the kitchen the last two mornings – a ginormous cup of this heavenly tea, cats fighting for a spot on the lap after being ignored all morning and finally getting to watch Nightmare Before Christmas this year. :)

This is still one of my desert island teas, despite changing tastes over the last year or so. So amazingly smooth and different. Yeasty, bready, raisiny, sweet without being sweet.


soooo agree this tea is kind of heaven


We’re all cuddled up watching “A Wish for Wings That Work.” Tazo is not particularly amused with Bill the Cat.


I need to get that one watched as well. Rhinoceros!


She left me for an ALBATROSS!

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2291 tasting notes

Thanks for the sample, CrowKettle!

I couldn’t fit this tea in my measuring spoons AT ALL, so I weighed it. 3 grams, 9 oz water (I overpoured).

The leaves are so massive, wow.

Steeped, this smells SO delicious. Honey for sure. It’s going to go SO well with the frangipane tarts I made (yes, it IS 4:54 am right now. I slept 6pm-1am, and I’m SO AWAKE.), and just.. yum.

Oooh, it tastes super good too. Very sweet, lots of honey sugary goodness. I’m not sure if the vanilla is all from the tarts, or if some of it is from the tea as well.

I really like this one, and if it’s in stock when I’m placing a Butiki order in the future, I really need to get some. I won’t need a lot, as this is a tea I’d like to treat thoughtfully rather than as a travel mug tea.

Here’s hoping the resteeps today rock as well!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Nothing is better at 5 AM than frangipane tarts.


And tea! Can’t forget the tea. :)


Oh man, a second steep at 6 minutes was amazing as well. I’m gonna try to nap now, then I’ll get up and drink another steep!


I never thought about weighing them. That is brilliant. I have quite a few where the leaves are just too big to fit in my measuring spoon.

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