Thanks for the sample, CrowKettle!
I couldn’t fit this tea in my measuring spoons AT ALL, so I weighed it. 3 grams, 9 oz water (I overpoured).
The leaves are so massive, wow.
Steeped, this smells SO delicious. Honey for sure. It’s going to go SO well with the frangipane tarts I made (yes, it IS 4:54 am right now. I slept 6pm-1am, and I’m SO AWAKE.), and just.. yum.
Oooh, it tastes super good too. Very sweet, lots of honey sugary goodness. I’m not sure if the vanilla is all from the tarts, or if some of it is from the tea as well.
I really like this one, and if it’s in stock when I’m placing a Butiki order in the future, I really need to get some. I won’t need a lot, as this is a tea I’d like to treat thoughtfully rather than as a travel mug tea.
Here’s hoping the resteeps today rock as well!
Oh man, a second steep at 6 minutes was amazing as well. I’m gonna try to nap now, then I’ll get up and drink another steep!
Nothing is better at 5 AM than frangipane tarts.
And tea! Can’t forget the tea. :)
Oh man, a second steep at 6 minutes was amazing as well. I’m gonna try to nap now, then I’ll get up and drink another steep!
I never thought about weighing them. That is brilliant. I have quite a few where the leaves are just too big to fit in my measuring spoon.