Cider Guayusa

Tea type
Guayusa Tea
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Butter, Cinnamon, Apple, Apple Skins, Rainforest, Vanilla, Wet Earth, Earth, Wet Wood
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 3 g 9 oz / 278 ml

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66 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Mmmmm I really like this tea when the weather’s a little colder outside. It’s almost like having a cider to drink…something I really enjoy when I’m ice skating in winter. Very nearly a sip down –...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown, 118. Back up again because of tea deliveries today! This is still pretty tasty, but I don’t love it as much as I first did. I think it’s the guayusa… I like it with a citrusy blend, but I...” Read full tasting note
  • “It was nice and cool this morning and very wet still from the overnight rains. This felt like the right choice to take on my morning walk with one of the dogs. It was enjoyable – the walk was not...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yum yum yum, still not sure about how I feel about guayusa itself, but the flavor of this is fantastic! I completely missed class today. In fact I am confused as to how it’s noon. I have been...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Cider Guayusa is refreshing and mellow with light apple and spice notes. This guayusa is naturally sweet but we recommend adding a little bit of brown crystal sugar to intensify the cider and spice notes.

Ingredients: Organic Guayusa, Organic Cinnamon Apple Chips (Organic Apples, Organic Cinnamon), Organic Orange Peel, Organic Saigon Cinnamon Chips, Organic Saigon Cinnamon Powder, Organic Clove Powder, Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 6 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 1/2 teaspoons of guayusa for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 195 F

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66 Tasting Notes

361 tasting notes

I love all Stacy’s Guayusa blends, but this one may be my new favorite. It’s seriously delicious. Tastes just like apple cider. I think I’ll play with it a bit… mix it with the super spicy one and then throw in some fresh ginger. I love ginger apple cider. Yum.


I ALMOST steeped this up tonight!


I love the guayusa blends, but I learned the hard way to not drink them at night. The caffeine doesn’t jack me up or anything, but definitely keeps me way too alert to fall asleep. I’ve read it’s good for drinking at night to be more in control of your dreams, but it just made me wide awake.

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806 tasting notes

It’s a good tea but I like the Good Morning Sunshine better. This makes me crave some snacks :D

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2816 tasting notes

Thank you for the sample Stacy!

I don’t know if I’m a big guayusa fan, but I really wanted to try this.

This is actually quite pleasant. :) I was hoping for more of an apple flavor here but I am definitely getting the apple plus a bit of the spice. I steeped mine for longer than 6 minutes. Don’t know if I’m much of a guayusa person but this is very tasty…

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

Thanks Stacy for this! I can smell the Guayusa but also a good amount of apple. It’s very pleasant. My first sip I could taste both of those flavors as well in addition to clove and/or other spices. I do really appreciate the spice intensity here…it’s not over powering. The apple is the more powerful flavor and I like that. As it continues to cool a bit at room temp I can start to taste a bit or orange and that is very nice, too! This is an excellent flavored Guayusa! YUM!

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362 tasting notes

This is something different indeed – I had never had Guayusa before (never even seen it for sale), and never had a Butiki tea either. Thanks to Courtney I now got the chance to try it.

This smelled absolutely heavenly when dry. Real apple with a bit of cinnamon – the orange and cloves will take on faith and indeed it is a more complex scent than “just” apple cinnamon. I have been a bit shy of brewing this, afraid to screw it up, and that it might not smell just as great as it does. I finally took the nerve to try it.

I used a bit more amount that I would have if it had been tea, and having learnt my lesson from mate, I was afraid to scald it so temperature was in the 80-90 range surely (Celsius). Never having had guayusa I can´t really compare to other blends. The apple scent is indeed transmitted to the flavour and it´s as complex as it promised to be, absolutely lovely flavoring.

I can not judge for its energizing properties just yet – I wanted to do the taste note with it on front of me, in order to not forget anything, will edit later.

But underneath the flavouring (lovely indeed), and ignoring its yet untested effects, judging this just by how pleasant a drink it is: meh about the guayusa. It tastes a little bitter at the back of the tongue and somewhat astringent, with a hint of an herbal-grassy sort of taste. The mouth-feel is well, watery, without the pleasing body of tea or rooibos. I will try different ways of brewing this a bit, but am afraid if I try to intensify the body by adding more leaf or hotter water it will also intensify the hints of bitterness. Any tips?

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Butiki Teas

Hmmm, I’ve never noticed any bitterness and I usually do 1 1/2 tsp of guayusa with boiling water for 6 minutes and sometime overleaf when I need some extra caffeine.


Ooh, that mix of flavours sounds delicious.


Butiki, thanks, I will try with water a bit hot. The bitterness was more of an aftertaste, at the back of the mouth as I swallowed – and when paying attention, the main flavour is indeed very well done and strong.

Hallie, it smells delicious and it tastes delicious – though am not sure guayusa is for me (caffeine for caffeine, give me tea instead!)


it’s a pity I can’t send you any Good morning sunshine tea !it was lovely but I only had a sample of this. But I can send you some othe BT if you want, but not guayusa…


Guayusa certainly has a distinct taste. I love it straight, but the only way I can describe it is like taking a sip of the jungle haha! I use 98 degree water with guayusa though, perhaps that will help next time :)


Ysaurella, thank you but not so sure I am or will became a guayusa fan (otoh it is smoother than mate, but mate also seems more effective at giving me energy).

Courtney, will try, you sent me enough to try it a few different ways, thank you! Flavouring is absolutely lovely.

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639 tasting notes

I believe I have two guayusa teas in my cupboard right now: this one and The Killer’s Vanilla (also by Butiki). Recently, my husband asked for something really caffeinated. I thought guayusa would do the trick, so I gave him both aforementioned blends to smell the dry aroma. He assertively chose this one. He’s so right. This tea is just so much better than The Killer’s Vanilla (IMO obviously). This tea is apple-y and yummy and not too earthy from the base. Don’t be afraid to overleaf it as it ages. I used 1.5 tsp but it could have benefited from a little extra since it’s now over a year old.

On a completely different and random note…have any of you seen a chiropractor for wellness care?

I had two adjustments in February and my third appointment is later today. I don’t know how I feel about it. There appears to be very little scientific evidence to prove its benefits in wellness care. And by very little, I mean virtually none. I asked her to send me some, and all her links were about benefits for people with back or neck pain. The one article she sent me that wasn’t for back pain made completely unfounded statements based on case studies involving one patient that ultimately amount to anecdotal “potential impacts.” I feel like the entire idea of keeping your spine perfectly aligned when you’re only being adjusted once a month is absurd. I feel and hear my back pop all the time. How much of a benefit am I really getting if my spine is perfectly aligned for only an hour? I don’t know. I haven’t made up my mind yet, but I think I’m leaning towards not continuing it. It’s hard to justify the cost when I don’t see an apparent value in it. I also strongly, wholeheartedly disagree with some of the stuff my chiropractor told me (in regards to lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition choices). I’m really a very healthy person. Much healthier than the average American. I’m not saying I don’t have anywhere to improve, but some of her suggestions were just plain wrong from my research and experience.

Oh great, and now I just Googled one of the supplements she advised that I take and it turns out it can decrease the effect of antibiotics, which might explain why I’m STILL recovering from Strep throat after being on them for 6 days. Sigh. That’s not her fault, but it does kind of feel like the last nail in the coffin. Does anyone have any chiropractor stories to tell me?

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

Yeah, I don’t know. I haven’t gone to a chiropractor before because I’m skeptical. I’ve heard mixed opinions about it by those who have gone to one. I think it depends on the chiropractor. My grandma apparently found a good one who does really subtle adjustments, but then again, I’ve heard stories from others who claim it’s made their problems worse.


Whoa, when’d you change your name? I only recognize your icon. (Thanks for the story BTW).


It’s true there is very little scientific evidence, and as with all those things I say, ‘Do it if it helps.’ Generally, though, most people I’ve known to praise the effects have felt said effects right from the start. My friend had an experience similar to yours very recently and decided to call it quits after the third appointment.

Butiki Teas

I used to go to a chiropractor a few times a week. Had to quit going after insurance changed. I think it wildly depends on the chiropractor that you get. I was lucky enough to have an amazing chiropractor who was very well known and worked for a major football team (I don’t remember which team since I know nothing about football). He had a few legit medical degrees and was currently working on a neurology degree. He was absolutely amazing. I’ve been in an insane amount of car accidents and my back and neck are just wrecked as well as my spine alignment. After a month, my spine was straightened in a resting position, I no longer needed to crack my back, and I just felt so much better. I really think you need to go a lot at first to really see the full effects. I definitely felt amazingly better when leaving the office at first but would start to feel pain again the next day. The doctor said that is because the muscles aren’t there to support the alignment but after following the exercises he gave me and going regularly, I noticed that my spine was much more aligned and the pain stopped. I don’t know if going to the chiropractor really has any benefit if you already feel good.


I had the equivalent of a chiropratic treatment when I was a baby because for some reason I would only crawl backwards when I learned to crawl. According to my mom it was because I had not gone through all of the natural adjustments you go through when going through the birth canal as I was a C-section baby. Afterwards I did crawl forwards, so I guess it worked:)

I have seen chiropractors for other issues,but lately I start with massage and accupunture/acupressure first as I have the most success with it when I have back issues.


I would rather do massage but $90 out of pocket vs $15 out of pocket… I’m going to see a chiro. I have a really good one I see who recommends exercises and stretches and does some acupressure/assisted stretching. I have a pretty good one I see when the really good one isn’t available who does muscle release stuff.

If they suggest stretches/exercises, do them gently. I’ve been doing stretches and strengthening for my lower back for a couple years regularly, and am finally mostly pain free. I spent 10+ years in pain because I didn’t bother… Boy do I regret that!

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807 tasting notes

Sample Sipdown … This is really quite nice! Its not a punch you in your face flavor – Butiki is excellent with subtle flavors that are quite natural and well done. This is excellent just the right amount of spice and fruity and I am mysteriously getting a banana flavor here too! I like this one a lot!

Rachel Sincere

I’m about to review this tea, and I got a banana smell and taste from this tea as well! Weird, huh?


Yeah it was odd but I liked it! :)

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137 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking this at work in the afternoons. I always find it chilly in the office and this warms me right up. The scent is pretty intriguing. I get a well balanced blend of pungent guayusa herbal goodness and sweet, comforting apple spice.

I usually add a bit of brown sugar as suggested, which really brings everything together. The flavours are subtle and really nicely done. I also enjoy the thick, creamy feel that it has too. I love that about guayusa.

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1379 tasting notes

I thought I would do a quick review before bed time and after my conversation about cider on the forums I took it as a sign to try this one.

The raw tea smells like sour apples with a little spice.
Once brewed the tea creates a dark golden brown liquid that smells very similar to it’s raw state.

I can taste apple, clove and cinnamon and each gets stronger the more I drink. It reminds me of mulled wine that we have at Christmas time here in the UK, I wonder if that is the equivalent of warm cider in USA?
It’s definitely very tasty and happily appley. I’m being warmed up before bed time :)

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

I hope that the Guayusa doesn’t keep you awake! It’s pretty invigorating! More of a morning tisane than an evening one, in my opinion!


I’ve actually had mulled wine, and it was very … wine-y. I’m very sensitive to the taste of wine, and I wasn’t a fan.

Warm cider, on the other hand, is really just warm apple juice with spices. We also have hard cider, which is usually cold, and is alcoholic, but still tastes a lot like fruit juice – just with carbonation – because of how sweet it is.

And then there is my favorite – sparkling apple juice. It’s basically wine for kids, since it doesn’t have any alcohol in it. There’s also sparkling grape juice :)


Sparkling grape juice is my favourite! Although, during the holiday season, my supermarket has this, which I might even like a little bit better than my beloved sparkling grape juice:

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4248 tasting notes

Another sample from my order a while back! So many teas to try I’m just now getting to it, no matter how eager I’ve been to try it! I LOVE Butiki’s Guayusa. It’s one of my favorite bases from them, since not many tea companies make blends with it. I also love how much the flavors change with guayusa, depending on how you brew it, and it’s even a completely different cup once it has cooled down. I went with Butiki’s suggestion of a teaspoon and a half:

Steep #1 // 30 mins after boiling // 3 min
There is a giant apple sliver in my infuser! Nice! Also some cinnamon pieces. I didn’t want to overdue the guayusa flavor on this one and overpower the other flavors, so I went with a low temp/time. The guayusa really pairs well with the apple – it adds a sweetness. It’s like a naturally sweet cider. Subtle yet natural apple and hints of cinnamon (probably because the hotter the water the better the cinnamon.) Very nice!

Steep #2 // 20 mins after boiling // 6-7 min
The guayusa still isn’t super earthy/strong, which is fine if it’s a plain guayusa but not if it’s a well thought out Butiki blend. So it’s the perfect guayusa blend. It’s so tasty – and when it cools there is a different flavor that is really nice.

Steep #3 // just boiled // few minutes steep // half mug of water
I went for a half cup since this has so nice. I’m surprised the guayusa didn’t get more bitter. But it was very nice, even at boiled, just less apple & cinnamon somehow. This is a perfect blend though!

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