Cider Guayusa

Tea type
Guayusa Tea
Not available
Butter, Cinnamon, Apple, Apple Skins, Rainforest, Vanilla, Wet Earth, Earth, Wet Wood
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 3 g 9 oz / 278 ml

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66 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Mmmmm I really like this tea when the weather’s a little colder outside. It’s almost like having a cider to drink…something I really enjoy when I’m ice skating in winter. Very nearly a sip down –...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown, 118. Back up again because of tea deliveries today! This is still pretty tasty, but I don’t love it as much as I first did. I think it’s the guayusa… I like it with a citrusy blend, but I...” Read full tasting note
  • “It was nice and cool this morning and very wet still from the overnight rains. This felt like the right choice to take on my morning walk with one of the dogs. It was enjoyable – the walk was not...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yum yum yum, still not sure about how I feel about guayusa itself, but the flavor of this is fantastic! I completely missed class today. In fact I am confused as to how it’s noon. I have been...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Our Cider Guayusa is refreshing and mellow with light apple and spice notes. This guayusa is naturally sweet but we recommend adding a little bit of brown crystal sugar to intensify the cider and spice notes.

Ingredients: Organic Guayusa, Organic Cinnamon Apple Chips (Organic Apples, Organic Cinnamon), Organic Orange Peel, Organic Saigon Cinnamon Chips, Organic Saigon Cinnamon Powder, Organic Clove Powder, Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 6 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 1/2 teaspoons of guayusa for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 195 F

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66 Tasting Notes

15267 tasting notes

Mmmmm I really like this tea when the weather’s a little colder outside. It’s almost like having a cider to drink…something I really enjoy when I’m ice skating in winter. Very nearly a sip down – I may finish this later tonight if the weather gets cooler this evening. My other half is at work tonight so I’ve got the house to myself to drink tea in and finish getting some of my packages ready for drop off tomorrow.

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 118. Back up again because of tea deliveries today! This is still pretty tasty, but I don’t love it as much as I first did. I think it’s the guayusa… I like it with a citrusy blend, but I don’t think the apple stands up to it enough. It’s a bit too “guayusa” flavored, which is hard to describe but isn’t sitting well with my tastebuds right now. So this won’t be a restock but I’m glad I had some to try!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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133 tasting notes

It was nice and cool this morning and very wet still from the overnight rains. This felt like the right choice to take on my morning walk with one of the dogs. It was enjoyable – the walk was not (unruly pup)…

I did try this out before walking out the door. First sip was very nice – smooth guayusa base with apple cider spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, maybe a touch of clove). Very drinkable by itself! However for some reason when I think of cider, I think of maple. So I added just a touch of real maple syrup and that took it to the next level! A little sweet cidery goodness with punch of caffeine!

This is resteeping iced in the fridge, so we’ll see how that fares later on…

Thanks to Sil for sending me a nice sample of this! It’s going on the list for my next Butiki order!

And what better tea to celebrate 100 tasting notes? Woot!

190 °F / 87 °C 6 min, 0 sec

oooh maple..never would have thought of that. I’ll have to try that next steep. Glad you enjoyed it.

Will Work For Tea

Yes, thank you again! :)


Hmm, I never would have thought maple with cider but I guess it makes sense! Happy 100!

Butiki Teas

Congrats on 100 tasting notes! Mmmmm, I definitely need to try adding real maple syrup to this.



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1220 tasting notes

Yum yum yum, still not sure about how I feel about guayusa itself, but the flavor of this is fantastic!
I completely missed class today. In fact I am confused as to how it’s noon. I have been awake for at least 90 minutes and I’m wondering what I’ve been doing? The dishwasher is running though so I did that much. And made this tea.

I’ve got another guayusa too so I really wish I could get into the flavor of guayusa. I want to say I have had one before, I know I’ve had it blended with mate, but now I’m not sure. I have the apricot one from Butiki but I haven’t tried it yet. There’s just something so grassy/earthy about it that is just slightly off-putting for my tastebuds I guess.

But, the apple cider flavors going on here make it a heck of a lot more difficult to notice. I can’t tell if it’s the apple or the spices but something is blending in amazingly well with the taste of guayusa, and I have to actually sit here and try to pinpoint the guayusa taste on its own.

Hopefully this provides a good push for the day. The hurricane or whatever he is now has made everything feel so groggy with cloud cover for 3 days now. It was sunny yesterday for a bit, but it’s just so hard to do anything when it just looks/feels like it’ll rain (of course then it never does).

Also I have a question. I applied to a job almost a week ago and I haven’t heard back, would it be appropriate to stop in there (a store obviously, hey office crashing) and “check in” or something? Come with a non-typo resume in hand? Would it be ridiculous to just redo the resume? I am sad.


That’s sad! I’d just stop in or give them a call and say “Hey, I applied, I’m just following up with the application” or something. I hope it works out well for you :)


Don’t be sad. A week is a good amount of time to wait before checking in with them about your application status. Definitely go in with your fixed resume and ask! Try even a cover letter and some references.

I applied to a bajillion jobs and never heard back from almost all of them. It took me almost a year just to land a temp assignment, which indirectly led to my recent permanent position. It’s really tough out there, but don’t give up! See if you can make friends with the people at the store. It’s sad, but that helps immensely. Possibly more than a flawless resume.

Good luck! Stay hopeful! Enjoy the time you have now for tea. You’ll have less when you’re employed. :)


Thank you!


nothing wrong with following up with them


My textbook for business writing has way better info on resumes than I had before so of course I didn’t have it at the time. Now I do, so I will also do a cover letter with this one.
Worst thing that happens, they’re like no, and I’ll still get a mall pretzel out of the trip.


Mall pretzels are the best :)

Daniel Scott

Yeah, try again. Who knows, maybe they are just a bit scattered.

And maybe it’s not you! I mean, I applied to a jewelry store this summer. The manager called me back, and when we couldn’t arrange something that week she said, “I’ll call you next week.” I called her again the middle of the next week to see if she was still interested. She said yes, but I’m busy, let me call you back. In the meantime, I found another dang job of course…a month later I heard from one of the employees there that I’ve worked with before that the manager was asking about me and wanting to call me. Nice try!


I’m sure the timing (10:30 Friday night submission) didn’t help. I’ll just at least take this cover letter in, because I’m very proud of it and hopefully that will do the trick.

Butiki Teas

Good luck Amanda!


Daniel, looks like you avoided disaster by missing that job. That manager sounds terrible to work for.

Good luck Amanda!

Daniel Scott

I don’t doubt it! She never did actually get back to me again, and I heard head office was unhappy with her because she had to fire three new hires almost right after the store opened (it was a new location, hence there being space open). But I also found out from the aforementioned friend that female employees are absolutely required to wear make-up, get their nails done every week and wear high-heeled shoes (even on 8 hour shifts). I understand that a high-end store has visual standards to maintain for their employees, but as a feminist, I object to the conformation to oppressive beauty standards reflected in those requirements. So even if I’d be offered the job in the end, I would have left it.


Thank you again so much, everyone. I was lucky and one of the managers was there, and so I talked to her for a bit so hopefully I will hear back soon.

@Daniel – that’s horrid. There’s a restaurant that opened by one of my favorite burger places where the entire hiring process was simply, look good in a skimpy outfit, you’re hired so here’s tan and gym memberships. My friends have gone, one FOUR days in a row, had the same server two days in a row, and she couldn’t remember him. They didn’t hire based on anything but looks and it will probably cost them their jobs in the end when it shuts down. And you’d never see a restaurant employing only men with this same scheme. They also do this stupid thing where if you get a smaller sized beer it’s a “girl size” and then they’re supposed to taunt the guy. Nothing like emasculation AND sexism all in one go!


Ugh! Heels! My nemesis! Glad you avoided that place.


Amanda, that restaurant sound terrible. Usually one that gimmicky has horrible and over priced food too. No reason to ever patronize it if you ask me.

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16384 tasting notes

From VariaTEA.

When I first tried this blend and Good Morning Sunshine, I liked Good Morning Sunshine much more than this blend – but having another cup of this months after my first, I think this is actually the better blend.

The guayusa isn’t as “sharp” but is still present, and the apple/cinnamon combination is done in a very gentle sort of way where it’s rich and flavourful but kind of mellow and not really “sour/sharp apple” which I associate with poorly made ciders. As well, there’s a creaminess (almost vanilla but not quite) to this blend that really tapers the cinnamon and almost makes it seem pastry like. Overall, what I think I’m actually most reminded of is that Apple Pie flavoured dessert gum!

Once my tin of Good Morning Sunshine runs out, I will be replacing it with this blend instead; I think the apple is much more of a contrast compared with the other Mate/Guayusa blends I stock so I feel like I’ll have more variety, and I like that this is high caffeine/energy but it feels gentle and would be a almost tranquil way to start my day (especially work days).

If I remember correctly, it’s also very good cold!

Flavors: Butter, Cinnamon

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6107 tasting notes

Hmm, so I just discovered that I’ve been spelling ‘guayusa’ incorrectly this whole time…. whoops. Mostly noticed because I couldn’t locate this tea with my spelling…

So thanks to Stacy @ Butiki for this sample! Not sure why I’ve gone on a Butiki kick lately, probably because I realized that there were a bunch of teas I had yet to try, and since I’m planning another large order, should get to trying things sooner rather than later! Apparently I still have a few teas from my first order that I haven’t tried (including a sample of Pumpkin Creme Brulee, which is awaiting my 4-way pumpkin spice tea comparison).

So this tea. When I first got my huge package of teas from Butiki, by way of Azzrian, I opened up my little package of samples and this tea was all I could smell. Straight up apple cider… and I love apple cider! Pretty exciting. I’m not exactly sure how I managed to wait until now to try this one… The dry tea smells so delicious, sweet and cinnamony and appley, and I can see big apple chunks in the tea… mmmmm! I can barely smell the earthy guayusa at all, which is great!

I sampled this quickly while it was hot without sweetener, and am pretty sure I could drink it without, but threw in some rock sugar anyways. It’s pretty good! Not as strong as I expected, given the aroma (and given how strong cider usually is), but the flavour is like a weak cider with earthy guayusa undertones. I wish there was more tartness from the apples, but that’s about it. Otherwise it’s quite good!

The only downside of this tea is that I can’t really see myself picking this over a cup of apple cider, even though this is caffeinated. So I’m probably more likely to stick to the Killer’s Vanilla and Good Morning Sunshine as go-to guayusa blends, although this one was definitely worth the cup!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

Hurry up on this already: 4-way pumpkin spice tea comparison


Maybe tonight! It’s darn chilly! Or was yesterday, anyhow.


I’m cold today… think i’m just stressed so my body has said NO today…hence the working from home. Either than or subconsioucly i wanted to be able to drink tea all day today…so my body obliged.


Ya, I am very curious about this 4-way pumpkin comparison as well!

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470 tasting notes

I’ve had this twice in the past 24 hours—hot last night and cold brewed this afternoon (stretching till now, I drink iced tea very slowly ^^;). I love cider, guayusa, and Butiki, so I knew I was going to love my little sample from Stacy. In fact, I’ve been saving it up for some reason, but I plan on placing an order soon so I need to get through my samples!

I think apple and guayusa are a perfect combo. The cider is apple-y and spiced without tasting like a chai, and the grassy plant-like (in a good way!) taste of guayusa is a perfect balance. It’s like a light, airy cider. A little tart, a little sweet, just perfect! I think cider teas are usually pretty heavy (like Adagio’s apple chai) so this is an interesting counterpoint. It’s not overwhelming, and I think I could sip it all day easily! Actually, I kind of did. Two hot steeps and a cold brew without losing flavor, which is nice since tisanes often only hold up to one or two infusions. I’m debating between this and the Apricot in my order, the cider is currently a bit ahead.

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4843 tasting notes

I received a bit of this tea from a recent swap with DaisyChubb – thank you very much, DaisyChubb!

I really like this. I couldn’t find it on the Butiki Teas website, nor did I have any luck finding it anywhere here on Steepster. This is really quite tasty. The apple is a nice pairing with the flavor of the guayusa, and the spices weave their way in and out throughout the sip. It’s quite enjoyable. Sweet and delicious!

Daisy Chubb

I know, it’s a crazy mystery hey?
I got a whole bunch from MadelynAlice but she hasn’t been on for a while either… so I don’t know!

Butiki Teas

The Cider Guayusa will be available within a few months. :) It was supposed to be seasonal but I’ve received quite a few requests to make it available year round.


Butiki does flavored tea well!


@Bonnie: agreed. This was a fantastic Guayusa, and I’ve always been very impressed with the teas I’ve tried from Butiki.

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6444 tasting notes

I grabbed this out of the package from MissB because once I was brewing a tea at boiling, I might as well make another.

This tastes like sugar-free cider. It has a hint of apple sweetness as all ciders do but it remains mellow due to the guayusa base. Not my favorite cup but definitely very pleasant. Thanks for sharing, MissB!!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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1792 tasting notes

Quit my job and it feels grrrrreat! Need to prioritize and focus on school, plus my mom isn’t well and it would be nice to spend time with her over the holidays as opposed to working. Speaking of which, happy holidays!

I’ve had this maybe eight times by now and never knew what to really say about it. The taste reminds me more of apple cider vinegar than actual apple cider. Very tangy and kind of surprises you with every little sip. The cinnamon is more pronounced in here too.

The guayusa itself works, let me tell you. I drank two strong cups of this near supper time and probably didn’t fall asleep until 4am that night.


Happy Independence Day!


Sorry to hear your Mum isn’t well. Sounds like some quality tea times are to be had :)


I hope your mom feels better soon. And congrats on the job quitting! Sounds like it wasn’t worth your time and energy. Did you really get a vinegar taste from this one? That’s strange.


Thank you all so much. My mom is going to need some serious surgery soonish so in the meantime, let’s hope things will be manageable.

Quitting the job was bitter-sweet! It was a job that meant a lot to me but it just wasn’t worth it anymore.


And yeah, for some reason, it really did taste slightly vinegary. It was very mild but still enough to take me by surprise. It was just too biting to really classify it as an actual cider.


Aw jeez. Surgery is never fun. I hope it goes smoothly!


I hope that your momma is doing better! Good call on the job quitting… school is more important for now!

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