Organic Dragonwell Lung Ching Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
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175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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From Arbor Teas

Dragon Well (Lung Ching) is perhaps the most famous green tea from China, named after the Dragon’s Well landmark in the West Lake area of the Zhejiang, where the tea was first made. Dragon Well tea (“Lung Ching” in Chinese) is known for its unique shape and remarkable flavor. During pan firing, the leaves are folded in on themselves, forming the characteristic sword-like shape. The rose-tinted gold infusion of this organic, Fair Trade CertifiedRead more

About Arbor Teas View company

We’re tea enthusiasts with a lot of passion. Passion for top quality tea, the environment, fair trade, and our community. We started Arbor Teas in Ann Arbor, Michigan, intent on creating a tea company as passionate as we are.Read more

14 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

An excellent Dragon Well. I find it really enjoyable to sip as I sit here, working on my latest art project. It keeps me company and keeps me inspired.

Delicious, lightly vegetative without tasting too much like grass, with hints of a pleasing chestnut flavor that arrives just before the finish. Quite pleasant.

CHAroma 13 years ago

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6768 tasting notes

Lovely! Squeaky-Clean, Crisp Green! This smells like veggies…almost like green peppers along side a lighter aromatic spinach. The taste is creamy but also a lot like asparagus or Brussel sprouts which I LOVE. This has a buttery end sip on to the after taste and it’s great. There is a hint of nuttiness to it too…maybe chestnuts or maybe almonds? Chestnuts!

YUM! One of the best Dragonwells I have had so far!

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176 tasting notes

I am really starting to dig this, despite usually being non-green-tea-drinker. I’ve had two cups this morning, while playing WoW before class. Yummy.

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51 tasting notes

Study break Tea Time! Thank you TeaEqualsBliss for this sample.
The leaf scent is very pleasant and earthy.
Taste wise, I’m finding it difficult to judge because I’m new to straight loose-leaf green teas and don’t have any others on hand.
With that said, I’m not sure how to rate this tea either. I don’t taste much but after reading the other reviews, I have to say I agree mostly with the smooth, mellow, lightly buttery, veggie taste.
Its not really my thing but perhaps I am just not ready for straight green teas and have yet to develop an appreciation for them. Glad to have tried it though.

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523 tasting notes

After sampling so many different types of tea and then returning to this, one of my originals, I find that it is not as good as I remember. It has a hint of that dirty/muddy flat taste that I associated with my Sencha for a while (until I figured out how to brew it correctly!). But I prepared this the same as I always have, so I dunno why it seems different now.

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23 tasting notes

Very mellow, grassy, vegetal. Buttery and smooth- Not bitter at all and rather savory. A more “chilled out” green tea (vs. say, intense & bitter sencha)

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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45 tasting notes

I love Dragonwell from Teavana, but this one didn’t quite meet my expectations. It’s still good, but it doesn’t have the same sweet grassy quality.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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63 tasting notes

Too vegetal for me.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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