Bananas Foster

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Banana, Smoke, Sweet, Astringent, Drying, Malty, Burnt Sugar, Butter, Caramelized Sugar, Cinnamon, Earthy, Malt, Rum, Creamy, Vanilla, Earth
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 357 ml

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65 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Well, this is tasting note #500 for me. I figured since #400 was from 52teas, make #500 also! Since I think partially if it wasn’t for finding out about the amazing creations of Frank, I probably...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sadly, it pains me to write this note. I guess I shouldn’t have had the high expectations that I did, though. So many people have written their ravings over this tea and I love bananas and so I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Good morning Steepster— It is foggy and gloomy over here, but what else is new? This is San Francisco! Maybe this tea seems like a strange choice for the morning time, but it actually goes well...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown of this sample from old! I’m trying to see if I love it enough to buy it and man oh man this is GOOD. This one is another irresistible reblend! I had to try it again to see if I love it as...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Here’s a flavored black tea you can really sink your teeth into. Made with our new, improved black tea base, freeze dried bananas, organic cinnamon and the essences of banana, vanilla, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon and a touch of rum. This tea is a real treat. Just don’t try to flambe it.

Our Tea of the Week for the Week of July 9, 2012

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

65 Tasting Notes

200 tasting notes

Thanks to Amanda for the sample!

Although I love bananas (they’re the most efficient fruit), I’m not the biggest fan of banana flavorings. So why did I request a sample of this? Because my boyfriend LOVES banana flavored things, and because who doesn’t want to take every opportunity they can to get their boyfriend to drink tea?

When I brewed this hot, it was actually quite nice, but that was because I couldn’t really taste the bananas in it. I was reading reviews that it’s better iced, so I waited for it to cool down and sure enough, those banana flavors come through the cooler it is. Even cooled-down it’s drinkable, and this coming from someone who doesn’t really like banana flavored things. Never got a chance to toss some sugar in it, unfortunately. My boyfriend liked it so much hot that he didn’t even wait for it to cool down. Good thing I set a little bit aside to do some post-hot testing ;)

I told my boyfriend not to like this too much, since as we all know 52teas come and go. Perhaps they will reblend it, though, and if so I may pick it up knowing it’s something a banana lover and a banana-flavor unlover can both enjoy.

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297 tasting notes

I received this in a swap from Madeline Alyce
I originally made this this.morning to head out to the park with my girls while they enjoyed the weekend celebrating our area of town. I ended up not drinking it and then we got caught in a very cold downpour, I but it was a little bitter from sitting so I added a bit of honey and some milk. So yummy! I would imagine what bananas foster actually tastes like (I’ve never had Tue real thing). It was nice and creamy and banana tasting, and maybe slightly caramely tasting. The dr notes and the stepped tea smell more like bananas than it tastes. Overall another great tea from 52 teas.


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59 tasting notes

I just wanted to update my tasting and say that the other reviewers were right… this tea is much better iced! The banana flavor comes through much better and the cinnamon falls away. Much smoother and doesn’t have that gritty cinnamon aftertaste like it had hot. Which is nice because I like iced tea when it’s so warm out, but disappointing because nothing beats a great warm cup of tea :-/

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1444 tasting notes

Thanks Kittena :)

The black base here was nicer than other 52Teas I’ve had. The banana was a bit too fake for my liking, though it certainly wasn’t bad. I could taste both the banana and cinnamon clearly. I’m just steeping for a second round now.

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24 tasting notes

I am upping my rating note on this. This is hitting the spot so unbelievably well this morning. Wish I stocked up on some more.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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892 tasting notes

It’s definitely dessert like and sweet. The main flavors are cream and cinnamon. The banana comes in the aftertaste and kind of lingers. It could use a little more banana flavor and a bit less cinnamon but it’s still delicious :]

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106 tasting notes

So sad this is my last cup of this. I really liked this one. Probably going to have to put in a request that it gets reblended. So yummy but so sad at the same time…Oh well guess it is good since it’s one less tea in my overflowing cupboard.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1810 tasting notes

Sipdown 17 – 2024

I love pretty much every 52Teas banana blend, and this is no exception. Such a great banana flavor, with a touch of smoke. Banana Pudding is still my favorite of the banana blends, but this is tasty.

Flavors: Banana, Smoke

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2343 tasting notes

Since bananas foster is set on fire, it makes a lot of sense thematically that this tea tastes a bit smoky. I don’t happen to like smoky teas, but luckily the smoke is relatively mild. It’s still a bit too much, but I can stand it. I also taste some green banana. This certainly isn’t one of my preferred 52teas blends, but it does a decent job at the flavor profile. I would have liked to see more caramelized dessertiness instead of just raw banana and smoky black tea. I found that shortening the steep time decreased the smoke flavor, but then I tasted some meatiness from the tea instead. I’d still say I sort of like it…but I wouldn’t want this version of it again.

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321 tasting notes

12 Teas of Christmas: Day 5

The dry leaf was 100% underripe banana, which made me nervous — no matter how hard I’ve tried to conquer it, I have a powerful aversion to the flavor of even slightly green bananas.

Happily, the banana flavor is not as strong in the brewed cup. Instead I got a pleasant whiff of smokiness. I love lapsang souchong, so it was a welcome surprise! It’s odd that I couldn’t smell it in the dry leaf at all… maybe my senses are still a bit addled.

I’ve never had bananas foster but I think the smokiness is smart. Maybe a stronger burnt caramel note would help, too?

Flavors: Smoke, Sweet


Lol, I’m the opposite – love green bananas, as soon as they go ripe I can’t stomach them. We could quite happily share a bunch. (:


Ha! It takes all kinds!

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