737 Tasting Notes


My friend gave me a beautiful tea chest full of eight different types of tea from this company.

This is lovely! The lemon flavoring is the most prominent, and the honey doesn’t make an appearance until after the lemon flavoring dissipates. The chamomile base is pretty standard- nice and floral and lightly sweet.

Delightful! And after the lousy morning I had, this is exactly what I needed!

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drank Chance Combinations by Custom
737 tasting notes

Followed a recipe online for a little something to get me through the cold and flu season: hot water, honey, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper! Adjust to taste.

It works. There is no school like the old school.

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drank Earl Grey by Gloria Jean's
737 tasting notes

I think the hardest thing in the world is admitting to yourself that you’ve been selfish and hurt someone else. To me, apologizing to the other person is the easy part- it’s the having to live with myself afterward that I have trouble with.

Sorry to get all deep. I had to get that off my chest as I begin figuring out how I can make things right with the person whose feelings I treated like my ego’s doormat.

I did something a little different with this tea. I found a recipe online for a Rainmaker Cocktail using Earl Grey Syrup and Gin:


It’s delicious. Nice and citrusy from both the lemon juice and bergamot from the tea, and the gin gives it the perfect bitey edge.

I’m so glad I found a drink recipe that uses tea!


That’s too bad. Hopefully over time, things will get better. :)


I sure hope so. :)


It will! hugs

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drank Trilogy by G.T. Kombucha
737 tasting notes

Update on this weird little concoction: It’s making me verrrrry sleepy and drowsy, and I only drank maybe a fifth of the bottle. The label says that it contains a “trace amount of alcohol,” so just be careful if you are planning to try kombucha anytime soon, and definitely don’t drink it and then drive, or use it to try to wake up in the morning! Thank God I waited until I got home to open it and don’t have anywhere else to be today.

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drank Organic Ceylon by Butiki Teas
737 tasting notes

Steeped this twice today for two very different cups of tea. I put organic honey in my first one, hoping to tap into honey’s natural antimicrobial properties to chase away the impending sore throat that I keep waking up with. That cup was pretty standard- the sweetness of the honey complemented the nuttiness of the Ceylon.

Then I picked up some organic raw blue agave nectar at the store and decided that Ceylon is the perfect tea to try a new sweetener out on, because it’s such a basic blend. So I steeped up another mug and added a spoonful of the agave, and here we go!

The difference is pretty profound. The agave gives it an almost bready taste, and the nuttiness is more pronounced. I don’t dislike it, but it’s definitely an adjustment from pure cane sugar or honey!

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drank Trilogy by G.T. Kombucha
737 tasting notes

My first real Kombucha!

This is a very unique tea product. It’s like having a soda. It’s bubbly. There are also little bits of the SCOBY at the bottom.

I mostly taste the ginger. This doesn’t really feel like drinking tea at all. It’s a very earthy, very raw, very strange experience.

Probably won’t buy another one of these. It’s a little too out there for me. Even though I know it’s super good for you.

Oh well.

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Made a mug of this because I was around a friend who has strep throat (oh no!) Although its primary function is to be medicinal, this blend is actually quite tasty, especially considering that it is decaf.

The honey flavor is there without being overly sweet, and the lemon adds nice, almost floral notes to it. The green tea base is vegetal, and something in the aftertaste reminds me of melted butter. Yum!

I’ve always been impressed with Salada. They’re extremely cheap, but extremely well-blended and downright delicious, teas.

Flavors: Honey, Lemon Zest

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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This is a good tea to satisfy a wintertime snack craving. It’s snowing today, so naturally, my body wants to go into hibernation mode. This means that I end up jonesing for extra calories, even if I’m not necessarily hungry. So, instead of reaching for chips or stealing my housemate’s peppermint patties (okay, okay, I nicked three of them. What do you want from me? She left them sitting out on the bar!) I decided to make a cup of this.

It worked. I feel a little better now. This tea has light spices, which I appreciate (chai spices can so easily be overdone!) and the pu-erh/ black tea base plays nicely with them, and adds an earthy sweetness that makes for a very satisfying cup.

Plus, aside from the three pilfered mint patties, I have been good diet-wise today, and that feels good. Any tea that helps me feel this way is a friend to me!

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Needed something sturdy and dependable to complement my kale, edamame, and tomato salad today. This was the Chosen One.

It’s a nice, lightly fragrant black tea. Even though it is in sachets, I can still tell that it is good quality stuff. No particular depth or complexity here, but it does go well with a lot of foods. It’s a nice, comforting blend.

Plus, it has the added benefit of appealing to my history nerd side. I mean really, what’s not to like here?

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It turns out that the other intern who is working with me this semester and I have a lot in common, including being total tea nuts. Yayyyyy! Now we have stuff to talk about during those excruciating periods of down time in the mornings. Plus, it’s tea. Which I love.

Anyway, this tea has really grown on me. I’m really digging the smoky black teas lately. Mate, lapsang souchong, black-and-mate blends… I love ’em.

Something about the winter makes me crave them. Maybe it’s because they remind me of fireplaces. The smokiness makes me think of warmth, which is what I want in the winter. It makes sense, right?

I like the taste this tea leaves in my mouth. It’s like an old-man tea, but whatever. I’m old in my soul.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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Favorite tea types: Black, pu’erh, oolong, kombucha, genmaicha, floral greens, matcha, yaupon, mate, rooibos, and honeybush.

Favorite flavor notes: Roasted, fermented, earthy, floral, nutty, bread-y, umami; dessert-inspired flavors like chocolate, vanilla, and maple.

Picky about, but not opposed to: chai, spice/ spicy, fruit flavors, and herbal tisanes.

Flat-out dislike: White tea, most unflavored green teas, hibiscus, plain peppermint.

90-100: Perfection and heaven and magic, all in one cup.

70-89: Good.

50-69: Meh.

49 and below: Blerg.


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