Following 20 Tea Drinkers

emilija 9 followers

The name’s Em, I go to UofO, and have a reputation as the tea girl.

Robert Godden 111 followers

It’s All About tea! The link is to my blog. Co-Owner of The Devotea.

Erin 178 followers

I have recently been forcibly transplanted from Princeton, New Jersey to Burl...

TeaNerdette 37 followers

(I was going by my Facebook name which is April but I wanted a more tea-like ...

Ben Youngbaer 35 followers

I am a tea lover in all ways. pure and simple.

MaddHatter 88 followers

I love to read and what goes better with reading than a hot cup of tea on rai...

Daddyselephant 311 followers

Formerly aisling of tea, now you can call me ele . “You can forgive a murder,...

Ellyn 224 followers

I like all kinds of tea and am open to new things. I am learning about all ki...



I love tea! and I love it more now that I have given up soda pop during the day time and only drink it after 5pm. I have picked up some great infusing tools and such.. i have a Vlog on you tube reviewing teas and teaware check it out if you like. let me if you have any kinds of tea that you like and want to see or read a review on. any teaware that new and cool i should look at. or just neat tea talk stuff.. Let have a cuppa.
Make Tea Not War


Wichita, Kansas, United States


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