Following 20 Tea Drinkers

Jerry Ma 105 followers

China Cha Dao, direct tea from China to your home! World Wide Free Shipping!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 385 followers

Hi, my name is Rachana Rachel Carter. I am a long time tea addict, a bit of a...

Dinosara 490 followers

I am tea obsessed, with the stash to match. I tend to really enjoy green oolo...

Angrboda 1121 followers

Introvert, crafter, black tea drinker, cat lover, wife, nerd, occasional curm...

PeteG 113 followers

Luvs it loose but a bag will do! I have come to see the light…and I owe it al...

Cofftea 476 followers

Are you a company or tea blender on sites like Adagio that would you like you...

amandajo 36 followers

Oh tea, how I love thee, shall I count the ways? “I love you in the morning ...

K S 454 followers

K.S. passed away in late April. There will be no more postings from him. Than...

Rijje 117 followers

Many things can be said about me, but I rather not go into details… Other tha...



I love tea! and I love it more now that I have given up soda pop during the day time and only drink it after 5pm. I have picked up some great infusing tools and such.. i have a Vlog on you tube reviewing teas and teaware check it out if you like. let me if you have any kinds of tea that you like and want to see or read a review on. any teaware that new and cool i should look at. or just neat tea talk stuff.. Let have a cuppa.
Make Tea Not War


Wichita, Kansas, United States


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