First Sip Thought: “Just what I need to beat this heat!”

Smell: Usually I find one ingredient particularly stronger than another when I open the package to give it a smell. However, in this case I found that each scent was fairly equal except for the vanilla. I think that the equal aroma of each key ingredient really helped me get excited (and slightly impatient) to wait for this blend to brew. I’m extremely thankful that the ginger does not over power any of the other flavours too. Weeeee!

Taste: Delicate strength of flavours come with this unique punch blend. My favourite addition to it are the orange and lemon peels for the citrus hit. The hints of vanilla is not too noticeable to me but that’s fine because I think the blend is amazing without it. I prepared this blend iced as I thought it would be appropriate for a very British punch cocktail. No milk, no sugar – just a dash of organic honey. What I especially loved was that when this tea was sent to me, Tea Horse also sent a recipe on how to make their Crown Jules Punch. Punch Blend No. 1 is the main ingredient as well. The recipe card will be sent out with any purchases of the tea from their shop. Another plus!


4 min, 0 sec

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hi! i’m lu ann | author of tea-spiration (book release date: november 8) | tea enthusiast + writer | drinking, cooking, crafting & blogging with tea.


Ontario, Canada



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