Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – December 2023 Tea #6- December 21 – Winter Solstice
A day late! I thought I’d go with a puerh for this prompt! A dark tea, but also brewing up a ripe puerh usually brightens my day. :D
From Michelle a while ago! It’s good to be back with my neglected teas. The leaf here looks huge and high quality — and really not tightly compacted within the bits of cake Michelle sent — the cake is quite loose. The flavor is lighter because of that huge leaf. This was a good reminder why I probably like “lesser quality” ripe puerh. It’s DARKER. But this is delicious anyway — especially that third steep that I really went overboard on. It was such a sweet tasting cup! Very interesting that such a long steep was so sweet. A great no-offender puerh that should sway some newbies… but not distinct enough for me.
Steep #1 // 20 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 10 minutes after boiling // 3 min
Steep #3 // 2 minutes after boiling // 10 min
I liked this one too, it was smooth and would blend well with other teas. Good for digestion after a big meal!