Had a nice note all written out and then chrome decided to delete it. Yay. Or maybe I should blame myself for not letting my eyes be able to be torn away from Iron Flame. Either way, once again here are notes from this most delectable oolong.

Dry aroma: dry white sesame seeds.
Dry appearance: dark green and tightly twisted balls

Flavor: Charcoal, sesame, floral undertones, minerality
Mouthfeel: incredibly smooth. With each infusion it becomes a bit silkier..

Wet leaf: charcoal and sesame

With each infusion, it gets better and better. I have no idea of what number I’m on. 10? I have no idea. But my kettle is empty so I’m thinking I’ll make the rest into an iced version for while I sit at my daughter’s swim team.

Edit: YUP! This makes an awesome tea on the go. Sesame, floral notes, minerality up the wazoo. So good.

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If you love to discover new tea companies please check out my blog www.teatiff.com

Cupboard updated: 7/27/2023

Tea Profile:
Allergies: Almonds and Dairy.

I’m a purist but I will try a flavored as long as it doesn’t have artificial flavors.

I will drink any type and love to taste whatever I can get my hands on.

(Purple is not a type of tea it is a cultivar known as TRFK 306/1)



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