I really didn’t feel like do anything today except enjoy the sun and air, and start planning the garden. But I had a few things that I needed to pick up, and wanted to get to a garden center to get some ideas. So I needed something that would jolt me into action. In comes this tea. Yeah, it worked.

Smooth and tasty. Wish I had added milk to it, but I drank it sans additives. I think the caffeine is still circulating in my system because I feel like doing jumping jacks or running. Maybe this will be a productive day after all.

Thank you for the sample gmathis!

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My tea journey started in 2012, when a friend gifted me some loose leaf. I guess she thought I was drinking too much coffee. Blown away by the amazing flavours I immediately embraced the loose leaf tea. I still drink coffee, but my main choice of beverage is now tea.

My tea preferences are blacks, pu’erhs, oolongs and greens.



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