American Breakfast Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea
Roasted, Smoke, Sweet, Winter Honey
Sold in
Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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13 Tasting Notes View all

  • “If I’m brutally honest…I find this tea to be harsh and coarse. There is nothing subtle about it; no nuances to its flavor other than a slight metallic tang that might signal some Ceylon tea in...” Read full tasting note
  • “Very smooth. I drank it black this morning and I think I prefer it that way. It was a bit weak because I was late for work and didn’t wait for the water to boil, but I still enjoyed it. I’ll try...” Read full tasting note
  • “Yesterday I got a sample of this in my package of Bigelow English Breakfast tea, so I had to try it this morning. Honestly, I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. I recently cut out coffee...” Read full tasting note
  • “Upon first inhale, this tea’s aroma reminded me of a heavily malted brown ale. This was slightly off-putting as it was an aroma I did not associate with tea. However, I had finally spotted the...” Read full tasting note

From Bigelow

Kick start your day with this stimulating blend. A blend crafted with the finest ingredients to create a beautiful cup of tea with a higher caffeine content. It’s important to note the different lift you get from coffee and tea. Tea gets help from Theanine, a naturally occurring compound unique to tea. This in combination with caffeine gives you a sustained energy boost along with a feeling of relaxation and focus that only tea can provide.

We invite you to sip a cup of our American Breakfast Tea; made in America, by an American family, for the American consumer.

20 individually foil wrapped tea bags. 50% More Caffeine in every tea bag.

Consumers will be further pleased to know that a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the American Breakfast Tea line goes to support our U.S. service men and women.

About Bigelow View company

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13 Tasting Notes

263 tasting notes

If I’m brutally honest…I find this tea to be harsh and coarse. There is nothing subtle about it; no nuances to its flavor other than a slight metallic tang that might signal some Ceylon tea in there, somewhere. Looking at the tea in the teabag, this one is designed to infuse hard and fast…the “leaves” are more a dust than broken leaf bits; and the ingredient list? “black tea, black tea extract”. I think the latter is code for the caffeine in the “50% more caffeine” claim. From a tea lover’s point of view, I can’t recommend this one. However! if you’re looking for a way to get your caffeine fix in the morning and coffee isn’t your choice, this will do the trick.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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34 tasting notes

Very smooth. I drank it black this morning and I think I prefer it that way. It was a bit weak because I was late for work and didn’t wait for the water to boil, but I still enjoyed it. I’ll try it again when I have time to prepare it properly.

5 min, 0 sec

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2 tasting notes

Yesterday I got a sample of this in my package of Bigelow English Breakfast tea, so I had to try it this morning. Honestly, I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. I recently cut out coffee in the morning because my tastes are too picky (aka expensive) and I’m very fickle when it comes to sticking with a morning coffee. Also, I like having a hot drink around at all times, and having that much coffee usually does me in. So I’ve been drinking mainly English Breakfast. But in the morning when my husband is brewing his coffee, I do kind of miss a good strong morning coffee. Well, this definitely fills the void. The only way I can describe it is that it is a very dark black tea, that tastes creamy even with just 2 tablespoons of milk, and doesn’t have any weird bitter/grassy/papery after taste. It’s strong without being bitter, and I am definitely happy about the 50% more caffeine content. If I have any more room in my tea drawer, I’ll definitely be making this a morning staple.

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3 tasting notes

Upon first inhale, this tea’s aroma reminded me of a heavily malted brown ale. This was slightly off-putting as it was an aroma I did not associate with tea. However, I had finally spotted the ever-elusive American Breakfast at my local market and I was willing to take the dive.
I am SO glad that I did. It’s smoky and smooth upon first tasting and it finishes cleanly with a sweet note. I’m not sensitive to caffeine (coffee addict, ahoy!), so I’m unsure how much this cuppa’s content will effect me. Either way, it’s a solid and satisfying cup that I intend to linger over every morning.

Flavors: Roasted, Smoke, Sweet, Winter Honey

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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286 tasting notes

I really didn’t feel like do anything today except enjoy the sun and air, and start planning the garden. But I had a few things that I needed to pick up, and wanted to get to a garden center to get some ideas. So I needed something that would jolt me into action. In comes this tea. Yeah, it worked.

Smooth and tasty. Wish I had added milk to it, but I drank it sans additives. I think the caffeine is still circulating in my system because I feel like doing jumping jacks or running. Maybe this will be a productive day after all.

Thank you for the sample gmathis!

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553 tasting notes

Well howdy American Breakfast Black Tea. You are a smooth fellow and I’m enjoying the pick me up you are providing me this afternoon.

This may have to be a staple in my work tea stash just for the sure ease of preparation and how good it is. It has a very smooth rich flavor. I needed that this afternoon. Tasty!

Edit-Don’t forget about this one or you will have a bitter cuppa awaiting you!

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61 tasting notes

This one shocked me in two ways:
1) I’d never seen the elusive American Breakfast with my own eyes.
2) It tastes like Yorkshire or PG Tips.

Very strong, very pleasant, and very black.

And of course the American tea would have 50% more caffeine. It’s the American way.

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3011 tasting notes

Desperate times, desperate measures, desperately need to get the eyes open. I like the wake-up effect of this one—efficient, but not in the same raw-nerve, accelerator-to-the-floor manner as coffee. Can’t remember what the base is, but it’s smooth and gentle.

White Antlers

Sometimes a tea is just a tea. There is always a place in my life and my cupboard for old reliables like this one. Glad you reviewed it.


Workday morning…working class tea. It just fits.

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