I went into Whole Foods today and ended up picking up a few caffeine free options to expand my selection for the remainder of my vacation. This was amongst the few I grabbed because I recalled my roommate saying something about a Bengal Spice tea (though it may not have been this particular one). I neglected to really think about it and if I had taken a moment I might have realized “Bengal Spice” probably meant chai tea which I tend to not be a huge fan of.
Good news, I don’t hate it. The vanilla is really coming through for me and helping tone down the spices. Bad news, spices can only be toned down so much and so I am still getting a chai tea which is really not my favorite thing to drink.
ETA: I added some sugar free (or fat free? Something Jenny approved) Caramel Macchiato creamer and so now the sip starts with a sweet vanilla caramel taste and ends off being a bit nutty given the combination of spices and caramel. Not horrible but definitely weird. Next time, plain milk might be a better option.