Tea type
Chai Herbal Blend
Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Natural Flavours, Natural Spice Flavor, Natural Vanilla Flavor, Nutmeg, Roasted Carob, Roasted Chicory Root
Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Nutmeg, Sweet, Spices, Spicy, Vanilla, Cardamom, Clove, Bitter, Nutty, Tannic, Toffee, Pepper, Licorice, Espresso, Caramel, Honey, Chestnut, Chocolate, Cream
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 4 g 52 oz / 1529 ml

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133 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I was in the mood for a Chai, but it’s late enough in the day that I don’t need the caffeine, so I opted for this one, steeped rather strongly in minimal water, then combined with homemade almond...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! I finally finished off a box of this and just remarked on someone’s else’s tastng note today that I’ve been drinking this for years, a sweet cinnamon-y concoction that’s nice with soymilk...” Read full tasting note
  • “I dunno what has gotten into me tonight but I have no energy. The ultimate couch potato. So I needed this cuppa comfort tonight, I really did. I’ll write more tomorrow, and get back to anyone who...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you, VariaTEA. :) Tea of my childhood. I can’t believe I used to steep this forever and put in heaping spoons of honey. Holy moley. It is SO sweet. Cinnamon-vanilla-spice tea. Definitely off...” Read full tasting note

From Celestial Seasonings

Bengal Spice tea contains a sweet medley of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves. This blend has a sweet, creamy taste that adds a sumptuous quality to this medley of herbs and spices! This zesty tea is an exotic taste adventure with cinnamon, ginger and cardamom to awaken your senses. A hint of vanilla smooths the taste and adds a bit of sweetness. Discover the treasure of sweet and spicy flavor in a simmering mug of 100% natural Bengal Spice.Read more

About Celestial Seasonings View company

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133 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

I was in the mood for a Chai, but it’s late enough in the day that I don’t need the caffeine, so I opted for this one, steeped rather strongly in minimal water, then combined with homemade almond milk, a little coconut milk keifer, & a pinch of stevia. Not bad.

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Yvonne 11 years ago

Sounds rather decadent!

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

I have to admit, it was!

MsWhatsit 11 years ago

I ought to get me some more of that.

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

Have you tried it sis? If not, I’ll put some in your box? And I might as well confess, I won’t make it to the PO today. Too much to do to get ready for my birthday gig tomorrow night. Sorry…I hope you still love me… :)

MsWhatsit 11 years ago

Yeah, I’ve had it before. We call it “Hobbs Choice” around here. Never got around to stocking up on it last fall…I’m trying to restrain my tea buying so I can have some sipdowns.

MsWhatsit 11 years ago

Although, if you want to get rid of any, go right ahead.

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2816 tasting notes

I finally finished off a box of this and just remarked on someone’s else’s tastng note today that I’ve been drinking this for years, a sweet cinnamon-y concoction that’s nice with soymilk or creamer of your choice.

It isn’t the best herbal chai in the world but it makes me feel kind of warm and cozy since I have such a long history with it.

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Bonnie 11 years ago

Me too….It’s no brainer tea.

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

I love it! However, in light of something I read recently, I probably won’t restock once I polish off my last few bags.

gmathis 11 years ago

Few words are nicer than familiar and comfortable.

TeaBrat 11 years ago

Terri, that’s too bad but considering all the pestiside residues in our food supply and water I’m not too worried about a teabag…lol

Terri HarpLady 11 years ago

a valid point

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1764 tasting notes

I dunno what has gotten into me tonight but I have no energy. The ultimate couch potato. So I needed this cuppa comfort tonight, I really did.
I’ll write more tomorrow, and get back to anyone who emailed me- sorry for the delay

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Bonnie 13 years ago

I have this one. I like it when I veg out too. You’ve gone Colorado!

TeaBrat 13 years ago

Ha- I’ve been drinking this for years

Alphakitty 13 years ago

This is one of my guilty pleasure teas!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

Bonnie: lol Colorado dreamin girl! ;)
Amy: me to, I don’t have it often… but sometimes it’s just what I need!
Alphakitty: guilty pleasure indeed, but a fat free one! :P

ScottTeaMan 13 years ago

Now COME ON…….Do I have to go and buy this tea too? :-p Maybe I will-someday…….

Bonnie 13 years ago

Celestial Seasonings has a nice tour…you can get mugs and tea-shirts with the tiger on it!…ha ha! And there’s a whole peppermint room…really! And a tea tasting room and did you know they make Alba Botanical face stuff. Yep and some food things like organic soup. Lots of tea stuff in a BIG tea store. It’s a good tour then you go to Boulder for all the tea houses…Dushanbe, KuCha, Tea Spot and so on. And in July the Boulder Tea Festival. No Kidding. 45min. and I’m there. Who’s coming?!

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2291 tasting notes

Thank you, VariaTEA. :)

Tea of my childhood. I can’t believe I used to steep this forever and put in heaping spoons of honey. Holy moley. It is SO sweet. Cinnamon-vanilla-spice tea.

Definitely off my shopping list at this point, but I’m so glad I had an opportunity to try it again! :)

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Yvonne 11 years ago

Glad you got to relive your fond memories! :)

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

I used to drink all the Celestial Seasonings teas, but some of them I can’t revisit. Maybe next I’ll manage to try Mandarin Spice or whatever it’s called.

MissB 11 years ago

I used to feel addicted to this one as well. Lately, not so much.

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

I haven’t had it since I was a teenager, MissB. :) It’s been a while.

MissB 11 years ago

Heh. Wasn’t that just a few years back? ;)

JustJames 11 years ago


OMGsrsly 11 years ago


OMGsrsly 11 years ago

That probably doesn’t say anything for my maturity level. :)

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1501 tasting notes

I used to LOVE this tea. I found it accidentally about seven or eight years ago while housesitting; the owners had a big box and I was tempted to try it, so I did. I actually preferred it steeped way too long, because it would get all syrupy-sweet and cinnamon-y very quickly.

I had a bag of this the other night, and it was… lacking somehow. I oversteeped it my usual way, added zero sweetener, and it was just… thin. Flat. One dimensional. Lowered the rating in turn, however hopefully I’ll love it again someday soon.

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more
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gmathis 11 years ago

My memories of this one are that it tasted like somebody randomly dumped the contents of their dusty old spice rack into a bowl and dished it up into bags. Probably wasn’t really that bad!

Suziqzer 11 years ago

I always add a bit of milk or cream to give it that other dimension… more like a chai latte… only I just give it a splash of creaminess, not a whole cup.

greenteafairy 11 years ago

I’ve had similar experiences revisiting some former favorites from Celestial Seasonings lately.

TeaLady441 11 years ago

I double bag it!

Suziqzer 11 years ago

I single bag it, but let it steep for a long while. I grew up with C.Seasonings that way, so likely just what I’m used to.

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1445 tasting notes

Bengal Spice used to be my absolute favourite hot beverage; I brought boxes of it with me when I started university away from home. It was my comfort drink. Then things got busy, I “discovered” tea, and this was pushed to the back of the cupboard. Until now.

I went to check up on my mom, and she handed me her mug and said “I think I’m spoiled on pumpkin chai.. try this.” I never thought I’d be the type of person to say “blegh”. Just awful cinnamon cardboard water in milk. We both agreed to dump the rest of it down the sink.

Maybe.. the box had gone stale (better chuck out the box). I’d like to believe that but I think the truth is that it’s not for me (or my mother) anymore. I wish I could give this a higher rating, just for old times sake, but I’m afraid my face looked very similar to that red dude on the far left of the spectrum.

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Lady 0f Spaydes 12 years ago

Celestial seasonings is just kind of bad once you’ve had anything better. I want to like them too. :(

Crowkettle 12 years ago

They have such pretty boxes too.. :/

Bonnie 12 years ago

used to be my fav too

maldororsteagarden 12 years ago

I used to love this tea when I first got into Chai and one whiff of their other fruit teas takes me back to my student days. It’s just a shame that, to my refined/jaded palate, CS just tastes like overpriced dishwater.

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33 tasting notes

If you want cinnamon dust in a bag – this is your tea! For devoted fans of tea fannings and dust, you will not be disappointed! Let the exotic colors of the box mesmerize you into thinking you’re not in isle 7 of a mainstreet USA grocery store. Let the exotic pictures on the box transport you to a time when colored water with little-to-no taste was appreciated in more than just an oversized coffee mug with a happy face on it. Your imagination runs wild with the possibilities that someday this tea may join the legendary shelves of teas that carry a name recognized by legacy and grandeur. For now though, you’ll just have to settle for cinnamon-colored water. Dare to dream though! :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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Angrboda 15 years ago

This review. I ♥ it like whoa.

teaplz 15 years ago

This is amazing.

Rena Sherwood 15 years ago

Great yet razor-sharp review of a tea I really like and yes, I’m a fan of dust. I’ll take the box off of your hands if you don’t want it.

Marie 15 years ago

Don’t get me wrong. The stuff’s in my cupboard too, it just shouldn’t advertise itself as quality tea is all I’m sayin’. :)

rabbysmom 15 years ago

Hilarious! Sadly, my life is aisle 7 of mainstream USA, LOL :) Thanks for the funny review!

Marie 15 years ago

Mine too! Although these last couple of years I’ve really amped up my online ordering of tea just get access to a greater variety and higher quality of tea. I get frustrated when companies advertise flavorful tea and they know they’re selling the crumbs of the good stuff. I don’t think it’s fair. If there is a tiger on the box, I expect a tiger flavor to jump out of the cup and gimmie a nice tiger roar. :)

Serdie 15 years ago

Haha, I’ve just recently stopped my ordering of tea online. I got one bad, bad batch of a Sencha, one that I’ve ordered for years. It caused me to lay in bed wide awake, eyes wide open with an above average pulse ALL NIGHT! I tried another cup around a week later and got met with the same results, zero hours of sleep. Perhaps they stock “Sencha” right next to “Speed” and had a little mix-up.

It’s fannings and dust for me, from here on out! I still reach for the ol’ Tiger in the morning. Nothing wakes you up quite like lighting your tongue on fire.

Marie 15 years ago

Serdie, I totally understand. You know that tends to be why tea wholesalers tend towards selling blended teas. The tea harvest changes from year to year just like wine and is compeletely influenced by the environment. A blend can help mask the subtle changes from year to year. I support you in your decision, yet encourage you to keep an open mind for an occasional high quality loose leaf cuppa. :)

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358 tasting notes

It has been such a dreary, rainy day here today. I went to take my exam this morning and came home and crawled back in bed with my dog and foster kitty. I’m sleepy, and I’m hoping it’s the weather making me feel all tired and headachey, and not a cold or something. Next week is fall break, so I just have to make it through 3 more days – woo hoo!

A couple of years ago, my fiancee came home with a mug of this tea. One of his soccer colleagues makes it in his mug when the weather gets cold and they are coaching outside. He brought my boy a few teabags since he knows that we both like tea. I was amazed at how good it is for being a teabag and also caffeine-free. We keep a box on hand now for those times when we will feel like a spicy chai, but don’t want all of the caffeine late at night. There’s a slight creaminess to it too, from the vanilla flavor. We make this into lattes sometimes, with a little cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top. Perfect rainy day tea!

-Large teabag without a string.
-Teabag smells like sweet and spicy cinnamon. Tea liquor aroma is of spicy cinnamon and sweet vanilla.
-Tea liquor aroma is a cloudy dark brown color.
-Sweet and spicy flavor with a smooth vanilla finish. Light cinnamon aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. A warming cup. Light chai flavor with a hint of sweet vanilla.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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TeaLady441 11 years ago

Some of those Celestial Seasonings teas are just perfect for the evenings!

TeaBrat 11 years ago

I’ve been drinking this stuff for years. :)

Josie Jade 11 years ago

I agree! This one led me to trying other Celestial Seasonings blends. :)

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1792 tasting notes

I recently moved into my new place, and my new roommate has a box of this so I thought I’d give it a go since she said I could help myself.

The first time I tried this the other day, I actually enjoyed it. I let it steep for about four or five minutes then took the bag out, and it was like liquid cinnamon heart candies. I don’t recall any other spice. If they’re there, then they’re clearly being drowned out by the cinnamon.

I thought I’d try it one more time now, and I left the tea bag in the water for longer, more like eight minutes, and boy, is it abrasive. It’s like I dumped a few teaspoons of cinnamon powder into my mug and swirled it around in the boiled water. It tastes a lot drier this time around, as it lost its candy sweetness. It’s also burning my lips this time.

Hey, I like spices, but this is a little too single note for my liking. Neither the nutmeg nor cardamom showed up to the party. I has a sad.

205 °F / 96 °C
Dylan Oxford 13 years ago

Here, take this happy, I has an extra.

Fjellrev 13 years ago

w00t thanks, I has a happy again!

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1015 tasting notes

Well, I decided to try my Florence/Bengal Spice hybrid tonight. Brewed up 2 tsp Florence with one bag Bengal Spice in 12 oz water for 5 minutes.

Alright, this is pretty good. Initially, the tea tastes like a cinnamon infused Florence, but the chai spices are present towards the end of each sip. This really makes me want to invest in a chocolate chai, perhaps 52teas Mayan Chocolate Chai. The chocolate and spice are quite good together. I may just finish up my box of Bengal Spice this way (but maybe not since Florence in at the less-than-half a tin stage).

5 min, 0 sec
Cofftea 15 years ago

Ooooh looove your hybrid idea! I like Mayan Chocolate Chai w/ a french vanilla tea I have as well. And an Irish Creme tea. Good stuff! You should get it:) CAAAVE! Hehe

Barb 13 years ago

What an interesting idea! I just bought some Florence and the scent alone made me almost swoon. Have been waiting to brew it for a time when I can really focus. It never would have occurred to me to try it with Bengal Spice.

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