Celestial Seasonings

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This isn’t the best of teas, but it’s familiar. While I’ve not actively sipped this tea in nearly 20+ years, I’d get a cup of this during the winters and/or while sick, in my youth. It was the closest thing to tea I’d be allowed to drink.

Something within me desired this tea while perusing the tea/coffee aisle at Walmart. I grabbed a box, went home and made a mug, and now I’m working on a third box…I’ve made it my nightly habit to drink this at the last hour of my shift. Let’s say it’s a cozy mug, which transports me back in time and space, to little ol’ me, drinking a boiling hot cup of Cinnamon Apple Spice, happy to be warm again after spending too much time outside on those cold winter (snow) days.


Nostalgia is one of my favorite tea additives. When the weather gets cooler (if the weather ever gets cooler where we are), adding a cinnamon stick pumps up the cozy that much further.

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I really enjoy this tea and generally keep it in a rotation on evenings off work along with the regular Sleepytime and Sleepytime Extra. I sought this one out online when I head about it when I saw it existed, but had never seen it in stores. The lavender aroma is stronger than its taste. The chamomile and mint shine through a lot. Worth checking out if you like the other flavors.

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This is another favorite in our household. It is quickly overtaking their Bengal Spice as the staple tea. It is rich and goes well with a little bit of brown sugar and cream. A nice relaxing cup of caffeine-free tea.

Flavors: Caramel, Vanilla

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Great chai that is caffeine-free. My daughter and I get it all the time.

Flavors: Cinnamon

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I wanted to like it, but it didn’t really taste at all like a sugar cookie to me. The taste was very faint and, even with a little sugar added, it didn’t really get much better. Didn’t finish my cup; sadly not one I’ll drink again.

Flavors: Biscuit, Sweet, Vanilla

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I remember having this years ago but didn’t enjoy it as much as I am today (after cracking open a new box.)
Not sure what my issue was back then, perhaps my tastes have just changed but this is nice and comforting!
A pleasant mix of sweet/sour/tart where I’m mostly getting a fruity (red/purple fruit vibe) and a light spiceiness (cinnamon/ginger.)
A perfectly good tea for those Winter evenings when you need something caffeine-free!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Fruity, Ginger, Plum, Red Fruits, Sour, Spices, Sweet, Tart


Do you know, as long as they have been around, I think the only CS holiday tea I’ve ever tried is Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride? Just too many others to get to!


I’ve had that one, quite a while ago though, around when I first had this one. Candy Cane Lane was always my fave out of their holiday teas.

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Been a few years since I have had Celestial Seasonings. This smells very nice. It has a very artificial caramel flavor…not bad. Certainly drinkable but very artificial. Lotsa flavor in one bag. Nice herbal tea, but nothing I have to buy again.

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Surprised as all heck, but I’m really enjoying this. Cinnamon is pretty much the dry scent. Cinnamon is the dominant flavor when steeped. However I have noticed that while drinking I am strongly reminded of baked goods of some kind. There is apple, but ts a subtle flavor and likely what sells the baked goods feeling.

I’d rate this a little higher, but this feels very much a seasonal tea. As the holidays are approaching and the weather getting colder, it really hits the spot. As spring approaches, I’m sure my interest will wane.

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Maybe it’s the habitual hot tea drinker in me or maybe I’m just afraid to be happy, but I am not a fan of spring or summer. I start to feel like I’ve had my annual fill of warmth and sunshine by about early June most years. Right now, I am dying for fall.

That being said, if there’s such a thing as a perfect summer day, today was that day. It was properly cool in the morning, and by the middle of the afternoon it was warm without feeling sticky, it was sunny, and bam! All of a sudden I had a desperate craving for David’s Tea’s Just Peachy, which used to be a hot-weather staple of mine.

Alas, there’s none in my cupboard right now, but at least I had some Country Peach Passion. It doesn’t have the same fruity-candy juiciness to it, but the peachy scent was some consolation. I brewed two teabags in 12 oz. of water, then drank it iced. Not bad at all.

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more 12 OZ / 354 ML

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