Sugar Plum Spice

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Cinnamon, Fruity, Ginger, Plum, Red Fruits, Sour, Spices, Sweet, Tart, Candy, Chicory, Hibiscus, Roasted, Red Wine, Cardamom, Sugar, Pleasantly Sour, Berry, Dried Fruit, Fig, Fruit Punch, Roasted Barley
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 359 ml

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78 Tasting Notes View all

From Celestial Seasonings

This celebratory blend combines the flavor of juicy purple plums and aromatic spices like ginger and cardamom combine with tart hibiscus, floral chamomile and just a hint of sweetness.

Ingredients: Hibiscus, Roasted Chicory, Chamomile, Rosehips, Roasted Carob, Natural Plum and Cinnamon Flavors with other Natural Flavors, Ginger and Cardamom

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78 Tasting Notes

16992 tasting notes

Officially the last tea of the night; delicious! Kinda tired though (need me sleep for tomorrow’s shift) – so not much else to write on it, heh…

Flavors: Cinnamon, Plum


Good luck tomorrow!


I hope tomorrow goes super well for you!


Sleep well and good luck!

Roswell Strange

Tre just got home, he’s piss drunk and very loud.

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576 tasting notes

Backlog: I have just a couple bags left from the 2012 Christmas season. It’s always sad when I run out. I enjoyed one of these while watching my latest guilty pleasure, Amish Mafia. I find it hilarious – especially as someone who studies the “real” mafia. Anyway, this is a delightful cuppa, tastes like Christmas. Perfect for cold nights – and snowy afternoons. I may allow myself another one today when I get home from work, if there is snow again!


I always get a good kick out of that show.

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1220 tasting notes

So I got an electric kettle and was curious how it could compare to the kettle on the stove here. It wasn’t much faster…which now makes me feel like it was kind of dumb to get because I have a gas stove at home. Then again, I can set the temperature so I guess that works. Or I can sit in bed and make tea. (I got the Cuisinart kettle because every year since I’ve moved out I seem to be expanding on Cuisinart things…immersion hand blender, food processor, griddler, and this year kettle. None of it has broken so I’ll stick with them!)

So because I was testing boiling water I thought I’d make something, and this seemed fitting. I used two bags because I was going to make a full mug, so roughly 12 oz of tea, and steeped it for only 3 minutes to make up for it.

This is totally undrinkable for me, it’s a nice plum flavor but it’s too sweet, and the aftertaste is not good. My mom was able to tolerate it for a few more sips than I could, so I tried diluting it, getting it more to the right level and while better, it still met the sink drain.

I will give it another chance, maybe 1 bag for the 12 oz and a 4 min steep, and see if that’s tolerable. Otherwise, onto the swapping sled it goes.


I got an electric kettle, too! :D


I use my roommate’s and I like it a lot more than my stovetop, even though it’s just simple. I like how it just shuts itself off, and it seems quicker, but I can’t prove it…

With the holiday Celestial Seasonings tea, I find they make great lattes due to their sweetness.


My electric kettle is only about 10 seconds faster than my stovetop. The great thing about it is being able to set the temp I want and not having to get out a thermometer and check the water, overshoot the temp ad have to let it cool, etc. I love it!


I’ve thought about getting a variable temperature kettle, I just don’t have any room for one more appliance in my kitchen. :)

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545 tasting notes

Backlogging. 7 days ago. Late Sunday night.

The February Backlog: From the 1st to today.

I haven’t had this one in quite a while. I remember it being not really a fave but also liking it decently okay. Warm and spiced with a touch of fruity, it was a nice enough cup to drink late at night.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1908 tasting notes

Why does this tea taste so sweet to me? Looking at the ingredient list I have no clue what might be causing it, but it’s almost like there’s a spoonful of sugar in the bag. Maybe the plum flavouring? Although I’d expect that to be a bit more tart.


Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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2816 tasting notes

I forget who suggested this to me but I picked some up today and I am liking it…
I am a big fan of cinnamon and plum flavors together, I have the cinnamon plum tea by Rishi which I also like. This one is sweeter and a little lighter on the hibiscus and has some other things like roasted barley and chicory which bring it down to Earth a bit.

Lately I’ve been reflecting a lot on this tea drinking habit of mine and as much as I like trying a lot of different teas it still makes me cringe when I have to buy tea and tea bags that are all wrapped up in plastic and hermetically sealed like surgical instruments. Have we really become this precious? Tea used to get from China to Russia on the back of a camel and somehow the world managed to carry on.

So thanks to Celestial Seasonings for providing simple no frill teabags and cardboard boxes and keeping some waste out of the landfill. I am coming to the conclusion that I have to find more companies that reflect my values as a person. Or maybe I need to just go to local teashops and buy in bulk and bring in my own containers.

Perhaps I am getting a little nutty but it does help me to enjoy my tea when I’m not also obsessing over my contribution to the gigantic plastic gyre in the Pacific Ocean…. ;-)

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6444 tasting notes

Since I was opening the package to send some of this to Roswell Strange in a swap, I decided to brew myself a cup to try this one out. My thoughts? Well it definitely lives up to its name but in a very weird way. The start of the sip is all sugar and then you realize it is sugar plum. The end of the sip is all cinnamon. It almost seems like a different tea appeared in my cup part way through because there is a disconnect between the distinct flavors of the start and finish of the sip. At first, I didn’t like it but on subsequent sips I don’t mind it. Realistically though, I doubt I would reach for this all that often. And I definitely won’t drink all 20 bags but I might have a cup every now and then.

Maybe I should mention that I didn’t try this tea when it was very hot. It took me a while to package up the teas :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 1 teabag
Water: boiling
Steep Time: a little over 5 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: cinnamon, hibiscus
Steeped Tea Smell: floral, plum, cinnamon, generally sweet and spicy
Flavor: sweet, cinnamon
Body: Full
Aftertaste: cinnamon, hint of ginger
Liquor: barely translucent dark red-purple

Swap with Meghann M, Thank you!

Very festive, pretty yummy, the plum is weak and the cinnamon dominates. It has a sweetness to it, not sure what from, but I am glad I taste before sweetening.


Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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902 tasting notes

So, I’m on my second pot of this, and I’m really not sure what to think. I taste spice, cinnamon mainly, but there’s a hint of cardamom as well. I also taste plum, and there’s just a hint of the hibiscus in the background. I think the fruit flavors would come out more with a longer steep, and I’m tempted to try a 10 minute steep on this, but at 5 minutes the spices are quite strong enough, thank you, and I really don’t want to find out how much stronger they could be. So I’ll hold off on giving a rating for now.

On side note, I think my sickness is coming back. Joy of joys, my nose has been running so much it’s ready for a half marathon.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Meghann M

Hopefully it is the spices making your nose run and not a repeat cold:( Hope it goes away soon!


Sadly, it’s not. I had to cut short a day of shopping with my mom to go pick up some meds and crash at home. I don’t feel bad, really, so I’m hoping it’s limited to the nose and stays there. Thanks, though!

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1473 tasting notes

I headed into work yesterday with two mugs of tea again. I was craving Candy Cane Lane, but forced myself to drink a different herbal…and I’m glad I did.

This has always been one of my favorites, for as long as I can remember. Every Christmas season I buy a box or two and savor it until it comes back around. I don’t know why I’m suddenly in the mood for Christmas teas, but here I am! This definitely disappeared far too quickly last night at work.

I should just invest in a thermos.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I love this one too. But I can only drink it around the holiday season for some reason…?! ;)

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