True Blueberry

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Blackberry Leaves, Blueberry, Hibiscus, Natural Flavours, Orange Peel, Rose Hips
Blueberry, Fruit Punch, Candy, Hibiscus, Sour, Artificial, Pancake Syrup, Sweet, Tangy, Cake, Fruity, Flowers, Rosehips, Tart, Citrus, Grapes, Berry, Jam
Sold in
Tea Bag
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 45 sec 18 oz / 524 ml

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89 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Dear Gussie, what a week. I feel like something the cat dragged in. However, Lord willing, I have a lovely unscheduled weekend of “not much” ahead of me. So in keeping with the no-thought,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I don’t know…I can’t find much to complain about with these bagged herbal tisanes! I think they taste very pleasant and after a day of doing, doing, doing I like to throw the teabag in and some...” Read full tasting note
  • “Didn’t know what I wanted, so went with what I love. My work selection is pathetic. I think what I really want is some of the aged herb and garlic gouda in my fridge, but that isn’t tea and it...” Read full tasting note
  • “Enjoying a simple cup to warm the soul this evening. Warm the body works too. It just started snowing and with the high wind gusts went from 45F last night to 13F with windchill tonight. Not...” Read full tasting note

From Celestial Seasonings

Some tastes are so familiar that just hearing their name brings their flavor to mind – like True Blueberry, whose simple, fruity flavor is best described as ‘tasting blue.’ The wild blueberries we chose for this blend are very high in antioxidants and have overtones of purple grapes, providing a deeper berry flavor than their farmed cousins. Try it on ice!

Hibiscus, rosehips, orange peel, natural blueberry flavor with other natural flavors (contains soy lecithin), blackberry leaves, wild blueberries and blueberry leaves

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89 Tasting Notes

3011 tasting notes

Dear Gussie, what a week. I feel like something the cat dragged in. However, Lord willing, I have a lovely unscheduled weekend of “not much” ahead of me.

So in keeping with the no-thought, just-rest-and-be-comfy theme, this was perfect with my break and bake sugar cookies for dessert. The hibiscus gives it the tang of fresh blueberries without the typical nasty h-tartness.

Hubby and I were reminiscing about college days … remember when Red Zinger and Lemon Zinger were about all there was in the Celestial Seasonings lineup? (And back then, I drank them with no qualms about the hibiscus overkill.)


I think it’s why I like hibiscus perfectly fine! When I was first on steepster and everyone was complaining about hating hibiscus in my mind I was saying “But it tastes like COLLEGE!” :)


The reason I care for it much, much less these days is that it masks the other good stuff.

Michelle Butler Hallett

What a flashback. I drank SO MUCH Celestial Seasonings (and Stash) in university! Yes, hibiscus, which I no longer care for, totally tastes like libraries and quads and term papers and cement stairwells. Thanks for that.

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1112 tasting notes

I don’t know…I can’t find much to complain about with these bagged herbal tisanes! I think they taste very pleasant and after a day of doing, doing, doing I like to throw the teabag in and some honey and forget about it! This blueberry one tastes very natural – almost like the blueberries in a muffin or pancake. I am not finding it tart at all. Just a little sweet treat before I get into bed to read Julia Child’s My Life in France (so hysterically funny!! So beautiful. A philosophy on not only how to cook but how to live).

Boiling 8 min or more

thanks, now I’m craving blueberry pancakes!


Love that book! I think I liked the tea too.:)


Hey we can add that book to the book list…


i just made the most fabulous purchase!


now does it come in other meats?

Meghann M

Wow, did you see they suggest the bacon syrup in milkshakes? Now that’s an entertaining idea.

That book is one on my wishlist, it looks like a great read.


AmazonV – WOW!!!!!! Did you order it online or find it in a store? I ask because I think they have a violet syrup too.


Also – I wanted to say that I joined the Quality Paperback Book Club – you know the club where you get 4 books for a dollar each and have to pay shipping, then you have to buy twol books for club price within a year? This was one of them I got for a dollar :)


online, i was too excited to find it locally


AmazonV, what are you planning on making with that bacon syrup? I might have to order a bottle of this too. Not to actually eat but to get all the guys in my houses attention! You see I am way outnumbered around here I live with my hubby, my son and my dog (Massimo who is also a male) and Bo Duke (my bunny) the only other female in this house is a Daisy Duke and she’s a bunny! Anyway the only time I can get all these men rounded up is on the weekends when I make maple bacon and eggs. That bacon smell has them all like zombies headed for my kitchen. So I could just pop open this bottle and watch them flock!


SoccerMom – same in my house: Husband Man, Dog Man and Cat Man – only she-creature is ME!! We do have a robin who made a nest under our porch roof and I am assuming she is a she (I named her Tulip! I can’t wait to see the babies!!) so whilst I am running a porch for egg-sitting single robins (I have not seen her mate anywhere!) there is one more female presence!!!


Awww….baby robins how cute is that going to be!


well so far i have made bacon chocolate chip cookies, had bacon tea, had chocolate covered bacon, so….everything!


So does the bacon flavor actually come through in the recipes you mentioned?


YES bacon chocolate chip cookies are delicious and salty goodness




@AmazonV: Bacon Syrup!? I think Torani’s sold out! I can’t find it on their site and the link seems broken! Those Bacon Chocolate Chip cookies sound delicious!

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709 tasting notes

Didn’t know what I wanted, so went with what I love. My work selection is pathetic. I think what I really want is some of the aged herb and garlic gouda in my fridge, but that isn’t tea and it isn’t here, so oh well.

Yummy blueberry flavour, pretty blueberry colour, great smell, all is good. The only Celestial Seasonings tea I truly enjoy.

EDIT: This cup got really tart. What the?

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Michelle Butler Hallett

Probably hibiscus making the tisane so tart. Celestial Seasons load their tisanes with hibiscus. I wonder they don’t cram it in the chamomile teabags somehow.


I know…They must buy their hibiscus in bulk, because it’s usually all I can taste (Though I have had good luck with this blueberry, traditionally.)


Thanks for the tasting note. I bought some tonight, and really enjoyed it.

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558 tasting notes

Enjoying a simple cup to warm the soul this evening. Warm the body works too. It just started snowing and with the high wind gusts went from 45F last night to 13F with windchill tonight. Not looking forward to those negative windchills!

Happy Holidays everyone!

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545 tasting notes

I am coming to think this is easily the best tea in the herbal sampler. It’s definitely blueberry. It’s not as tart as some of the others, even when steeped at the maximum recommended steep time. Blueberries are a bit tart to begin with so it doesn’t seem overly odd for a blueberry herbal to be tart. As opposed to some of the other herbals in this sampler where the tartness seems more out of place.

I’d already put my computer to sleep last night before I made this herbal so I couldn’t check and see how long I’d steeped it last time. I went with the maximum recommended steeping time because I remembered several of the herbals from this sampler being too light at the minimum (4 min). It stood up to the longer steeping well. A bit too tart and vaguely berried initially, as it cooled the blueberry really came out and blended well with the tartness. I may try steeping it 30 seconds less next time, but I don’t think it will need to go any lower.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec
I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Bumped up the rating from high “drinkable” to mid “decent and drinkable”.


Good iced for summer, too.

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42 tasting notes

Whenever I get a new hobby or interest, my dad always likes to support me in it. Usually it comes in the form of things he digs out of the trash (destroyed books, moldy hats, broken antiques, etc), but he does do it out of love, and he’s pretty much my only family member who ever takes an interest in my interests. And this time, he bought me something! A fruit tea sampler pack from Celestial Seasonings, in honor of my newfound interest in tea.

The smell of this one immediately reminded me of blueberry pancakes. I wanted to try it most, because blueberries are my most favorite of berries and berry flavoring. I made this first cup hot, added a little sugar, let the teabags sit in for a bit over the suggested time. It ended up tasting quite a bit like a blueberry syrup or jam – really thick kind of flavor, with not much tartness to it (though it increases as it sits, it seems). I think it’s probably going to make a pretty decent iced tea.

EDIT: Went ahead and added ice to the half cup that was left, as the thickness of it was getting a bit too much. Fairly refreshing that way! Though the tartness that came in near the end is now more pronounced.

Boiling 8 min or more

Cheers to great Dads! I love mine

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333 tasting notes

There’s a lot of hibiscus in here. There’s a lot of hibiscus in most of Celestial Seasonings’ herbals, actually – I see someone else noted that all of their berry blends taste the same, and it’s really true. Still, I find the berry thing they’ve got going on pretty pleasant. And this doesn’t not taste like blueberry – it’s about as tart as a sourer specimen, anyway. Not my favorite from Celestial Seasonings and probably not something I’ll restock, but not bad for what it is.


I tend to only use celestial seasonings for iced tea in the summer now.


That’s a good idea for finishing up the remains of this sampler pack! I don’t think I’ve ever iced any Celestial Seasonings; I’m not sure why I’ve never thought to since I find it’s almost always the best way to drink hibiscus-heavy blends.

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541 tasting notes

I’m going to be reducing the amount of caffinated tea I’m drinking, so herbals it is! My husband picked out a tea kettle for me today. It’s cute!
This actually tastes almost exactly like Adagio’s Berry blues tea. I really liked it. It mainly tastes like tart, fresh berries with some hibiscus. Pretty great for me!

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67 tasting notes

Yes,I definitely got the real blueberry taste here.BUT I’m afraid I would not want to buy this one again,since the taste seems to be in a blur .I understand that many fruit teas have the base with hibiscus and citrus and sth,and surely some of them are pretty good.But this one isn’t so well balanced in my point of view,especially when brewed hot .
To look on the bright side,this is quite a acceptable and yummy choice after my workouts (of course without sugar,or what’s workout aimed to achieve ? XD),and I have finished my tea bags in that way already~

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104 tasting notes

Hello! With summer coming, I’ve been trying to find a good iced tea, and I think I might have something with this one. I just need to let it cool. If I take it out too soon, the ice ruins the flavor by watering it down immediately.

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