I asked Stacy for this tea as one of my samples, after seeing all the rave reviews it got. I was a little wary of it because I’m not a huge fan of melon, but I thought I’d give it a go and be open minded. Verdict: SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.
As everyone else has pointed out, this tastes like a big cup of fresh cantaloupe. It’s not overly cantaloupey and all the sweetness is implied rather than outright. It smells absolutely heavenly once it is steeped. I went around my office making my co-workers smell it… yeah I’m that girl.
It’s light and creamy and fresh. I bet this would be amazing iced too. Has anyone tried it iced?
I ate a sad honeydew melon yesterday (I knew it would be sad, since it’s not honeydew season, so I was already braced for disappointment), and it made me think of this tea and how I need to order it soon….. This tea is everything my melon wasn’t. lol
I ate a sad honeydew melon yesterday (I knew it would be sad, since it’s not honeydew season, so I was already braced for disappointment), and it made me think of this tea and how I need to order it soon….. This tea is everything my melon wasn’t. lol
haha, that is hilarious. Melon tea… better than actual melon!