Unlike many other fans, I’m a new sipper to this one and was excited since I know it was a front runner in the back from the dead contest last year (speaking of, anyone know if they’re doing that again this year? It was great!)
Anyways, I used half of my 10g sample of this in a perfect mug. Since it was an herbal with no hibiscus in it, I treated it similar to forever nuts and just let the stuff sit while I puttered around for a while. I guess it was about 10-15 minutes of a steep but have no clue for sure.
The flavour was lovely, and I can definitely see how it deserves its name. It is definitely a sweet tea, however, so if you aren’t a fan of naturally sweet flavours you may want to steer away from this one. Since I love sweets, and am trying to cut them out of my diet, this tea is definitely one I’ll be getting more of. I just wish it didn’t take so much to make a good cup since it is heavy.