drank Chocolate Mint by The Tea Haus
440 tasting notes

Chocolate mint was one of my first teas from the Tea Haus, and is one of my favourite flavours to have in tea. I haven’t had this one in two years, though, and my chocolate mint cravings have been met for the last while with Read My Lips from David’s Tea. Lately I’ve been curious about how this one would compare to RML, and so when we roadtripped up recently to the store I got a small package to re-try.

Sipped black, the mint definitely dominates in this tea. I got only a slight chocolate note, but it was still nice. I knew that I used to drink this one with milk and sugar, so I added some sweetener, and curiously it only heightened the mint. I still couldn’t find the richer chocolate notes I remembered. Determined not to give up, I added a little milk.

AHA! There was my chocolate! With milk and sugar, this tea became the most delicious combination of mint and chocolate and finally rivalled my RML. I’m going to have to do a side my side next time to figure out which I like better and will remain a constant in my cupboard.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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An avid tea addict in the GTA, Ontario, Canada. I’m always looking for new teas and new tea addicted friends!

My preference is loose leaf of all varieties, however the occasional bagged tea can come along and charm me. Flavoured or straight, there is a good chance that I will be falling in love.


My ratings system is based on the smiley faces above the ratings scale.

0-10 — This tea didn’t get past the initial sip process. I just couldn’t bring myself to drink more, I found it so horrible.

11-50 — It made it past first sips, but as I drank a bit more I realized I really wasn’t enjoying the tea, and would never drink it again.

51-60 — I probably made it through the cup, but won’t be trying another one.

61-69 — Either it’s a mystery tea and I can’t decide if I like it or not, or it is one that I felt was purely adequate.

70-85 — These are the teas that I appreciate and/or like. If they are falling in this area they are ones that I would definitely re-buy, however are not ones that I must always have on hand. The good, but not the amazing.

86-94 — These are the favourites. My cupboard feels empty if they aren’t inside.

95-100 — Tea perfection!


GTA, Ontario, Canada

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